

playlist: love blossom - k.will

phase one; pilot


» MINAN, I SWEAR!” the brother of the rebellious girl scolded as he chased her down the hall, furiously waving a book in the air.


As they entered a room and it seemed like a dead end, she turned around to give him one single wink, saying “Sorry, bro.” and promptly jumped out of the window. Her brother rushed over to the window, poking his head out to only watch his younger sister skillfully manage to slide, jump and maneuver her way from the third floor of the castle to the ground of the front yard.


With a disapproving shake of his head, he decided to give up, once again, any of the day's lectures and promptly put the book back into a bookshelf.


Meanwhile, Minan, our rebellious and outgoing heroine, gleefully paces down the village streets of the kingdom, Eriso. One of the most thriving and populous kingdom within the country, life there was great. The villagers and merchants greeted Minan with equal amounts of energy and respect.


This was daily life in the kingdom of Eriso. The rebellious daughter of Eriso would try to get out of any tutoring or “boring” things as much as she could and instead roam around the kingdom.


“Good morning, Minan,” Seungri, a fisherman she deemed pretty attractive, greeted casually as he sat on the dock.


“Good morning!” Minan eagerly sat next to him. “How come you're just on the dock today? Fish not biting?”


He shook his head, “I have a day off today.”


“That's nice! Is that why you look like you're in a really good mood?”


He shrugged but his grin gave it all away, “I guess so. As for you, you skipped classes again?”


Minan pouted at him, “You don't have to say it that way.”


“But it's true, isn't it?” he laughed.


She sighed and gave in, “Okay, you win. So, when's that ship returning?”


“Which ship?”


“The one to Valcoast,” she furthered explaining.


Valcoast was a nearby kingdom—just over a large lake from each other. It would be faintly visible on a clear day. Eriso and Valcoast joined an alliance with each other and the royal families eventually became very close to each other. That was ten years ago; that was when Minan met Kris, the heir of the Valcoast lineage, and became very close friends.


Seungri shrugged. “I don't know. It hasn't been back for a while. Why?”


“No reason,” she smiled innocently, but Seungri knew better than that.


“You miss Kris?”


“Seungri, what are you saying? Why-why would I miss him?” she sounded insulted.


“You're as open as a book,” Seungri laughed again, gaining a playful punch from the girl. “Sorry princess, you haven't been able to see your prince for a week.”


“Yah, Seungri!” Minan protested. “Kris and I aren't even like that, okay! And don't call me princess...! It sounds ugly.”


Seungri cleared his throat and regained composure. “Yes ma'am. Whatever you say~”


“You always think that there's something going on between us,” Minan stuck her tongue out at him.


“For a seventeen year old girl, I expected you'd be a little more mature,” Seungri continued his mocking. “Don't lie when you obviously like someone. Nothing to be embarrassed about.”


“I-I—I don't like him!” Minan got up from the dock, not wanting to be any more flustered than she was already.


“Mhm. I'm sure,” Seungri nodded. “Well, have fun!”


She waved to him before rushing off to find something else to do.


“What is there to do?” she pondered, as she walked around the busy areas of the town. A reddish-brown haired girl caught her eye and quickly pranced up to her.


“Good morning Feiiiii~” Minan sang as she jumped up and down in front of a joint flower and tailoring shop.


The girl, Fei, turned around and smiled gently at her, a huge basket of flowers in her hand. Her mother owned the flower shop while Fei also ran a tailoring and clothing business within as she was magnificent at sewing and design. Even though she was the same age as Minan, she appeared much older and more mature. Only when she was joining Minan exploring was she able to express her playful and “rebellious” side. Minan also considered Fei as her best friend along with Kris.


“Good morning, silly. Sorry, I'm just a little busy right now, I'll come back when I'm done.”


“Do you need help?” Minan offered, following Fei into the shop and greeting her mother.


“N-no, I can't make the princess do things for me,” Fei declined politely.


“I don't want you to look at me as a princess, I thought I said that.”


“Sorry...but you are. My mom will scold the hell out of me if she sees me giving you work. Plus, this is for a big wedding.”


“Oh—who's getting married?” Minan asked.


She grinned widely, “Seungri. He ordered a huge supply of flowers.”




The two squealed in delight; Seungri was one of the more popular guys in the kingdom according to teens, after all.


“Mhm, he was so happy when he came here yesterday. I love seeing people happy like that—it makes me really happy too.”


“T-that's why he was in such a good mood today!” Minan realized. “Ahh—I should go congratulate him!”


“You go do that,” Fei smiled, placing the flowers onto a cart to be shipped.


“Are you sure you don't need help?” Minan offered once more.


Fei shook her head, and shooed her away with her hand. “You go. I'll handle.”


Minan ran as fast as she could back to the fishing dock to only see no one there. Confused, she walked along the edge of the dock, but he was nowhere in sight.


About to head back to the flower shop, she was surprised by a pair of hands covering her eyes and a manly voice.


“Guess who?”



» commentary:  

here's the first chapter ! I know not much is really happening yet because these chapters will be just introducing characters. It's kind of lighthearted so far :)

but soon that lightheartedness will fade mwahahha

so then, if you like it so far please subscribe, comment and upvote <3

oh, and there will be music on each chapter! i think it'll be very fitting during intense scenes

» layout credit



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Chapter 3: Yay, all of them are back together again! : D
Thanks for updating, and please update whenever you can!
Please update soon author-nim! :D Can't wait to read the first chapter! ^^
This is really interesting.....hope u update author nim:)!!!!<3<3<3