I waited for Love

I waited for Love


Kyuhyun ran from their room and punch Ryeowook in his cheeks. Poor Ryewook just stare at Kyuhyun until Chinnie helps him to stand up. Kyuhyun wants to punch him again but thanks to Sungmin, he stopped him.

“How dare you date her?!” Kyuhyun shouts with anger. Ryeowook wants to go out now but Chinnie refuses to.

“Look Kyu, no one stole someone and no one push him to date me.” Chinnie slapped Kyuhyun.


“Oppa happy anniversary!” the girl surprised his boyfriend with a hug from the back.

“Thanks….Ahm we need to talk.” Kyuhyun faces Chinnie.

“Okay!” Chinne nodded and hold Kyuhyun’s hand

Kyuhyun holds off.

“I need to break up with you. I need to focus in my career and I may not be able to find time for you.” Kyuhuyn said while looking at her, controlling his tears.

“Ohhhh is that so….” Chinnie turns back to avoid the boy seeing her cry.

“Kyuhyun, if you really want to erase me from your life please just leave I’ll count one to ten.”

Chinnie sobbing.

“1…2…3…4..5..6…7.8.9…….10” She looks at her back without seeing any mark form Kyuhyun, in there she kneels down and started to cry so hard.


“You left me alone Kyu, I give you a chance to fight for me.” He girl starts to make her tone high.

“I …. I regret leaving you. I love you” Kyuhyun cries.

“In our past relationship I always try to understand you, your freakin’ mood, your stupid gaming, and your brilliant career. Until the end when you leave me I still manage to understand you. I will always be your second choice right? Ryeowook makes me feel like I will always be the first, that will be the reason that I will never leave him.” Chinnie said and hold Ryeowook’s hand.

The two couple left and Kyuhyun just locked inside his room and cries.

The next day Ryeowook arrived from Chinnie’s house, where he stay for the night.

“Wookie, Kyu is now in his way to Seoul, he leaves first, he left this for you.” Sungmin give Ryeowook a letter.”

“Hyung, yeah hyung. Please take care of Chinnie, sorry for my actions I am just shocked and sad. I really do love her please tell her, it is just that she is right I always love my self first. Please take care of her, you two have my blessings.”

Ryeowook cries after reading it.

It was Ryeowook’s last day in Taipei he needs to go back to Seoul for the preparation for 5jib. He prepare a date with her girlfriend.

“Chinnie, don’t ever leave me okay? It cost me years just to find you?” He smirked and touch his girl’s cheeks.

“Yes of course, I will be there in your comeback stage, promise!  I love you.” Chinnie said and leave a peck in his cheeks.

“I love you too.” The boy giggled.


“It is the first time that a girl said I love to you to me first. It was always me who say it first.”

“I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you” Chinnie said and always kiss Ryeowook all over his face, that makes him turns to red.


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ktriareeses #1
Thank You :)
cessna_taemin #2
Poor Kyu-oppa ..But Chinnie is so right ..KYu left her ,so all that Kyu can t=do is to just move on ..and that's what he did .
So Chinnie is Kyu's ex girlfriend?<br />
OMONA!<br />
I'll wait for your update.<br />