Surprising Taemin

Lee Taemin's Ji-Ara

Three days later, I accompanied Taemin to the airport.  His busy schedule allowed him only a week off and today he was going back.

He had already checked in online so we came 30 minutes before takeoff.  We sat on the seating area.  I wore black jeans and a white top with a beanie.  I pulled my hair in a sort of fringe to avoid being seen.

“You didn’t have to go to extremes to disguise” Taemin commented as he smirked at me looking for paparazzi’s.  “No fan would recognize you without makeup and the clothes.” He said matter of factly.

“I know, duh, I am trying my best to hide myself as I don’t want your fans to kill me!” I said, knowing full well shawols are very dedicated fans.

He chuckled.  “So what? Besides, they would know soon enough since you will be coming to Seoul day after tomorrow.”

“I know, but I’d like to avoid being seen”

“Chicken” he teased. 

“Yeah right! When I come, we go out somewhere.  We’ll see then how many people mob YOU!” I said. I usually did not care much about being seen.  But he had to know what it feels for girls who date celebrities for a change.

“Sure! Let’s make it interesting, shall we?” he said and his eyes sparked mischief.

“Okay.  How?” I asked.

“You will be coming on Wednesday right?” I nodded. “Well by Sunday you find someone for me, and I’ll find someone for you.  We double date!” he said, excited like a kid with a new toy.

I chuckled.  “Sure! We’ll see who knows who better.  I bet you’ll love my choice.” I said, already forming some kind of list in my head of all the suitable girls I know.

“Tough luck.  You don’t know people in Seoul, I do.  Do you know how many guys I know? Finding one who you will like will be easy for me!” he said arrogantly. 

“We’ll see!” we both agreed.  “If I don’t like the guy, you make me visit Seoul during my stay”

“And if I don’t like the girl?”

“Hmmm I’ll do anything you want me to for a day!”

“Deal!” as soon as we shook hands on it, the flight was announced. 

“Time to go look for some guys” he said, we both stared at each other and burst out laughing. 

“That did not come out right!” he said. “See you on Wednesday” he waved and walked through the door.

I hope he chooses Jonghyun or Minho!

Wednesday morning – Hotel

“Arggg.  I am tired!” I could hear Anna moan from her suite.  I smiled.  She gets jetlagged very easily.  I peeped into the connected suite she was in and chuckled as I saw her already asleep.

I placed my suitcase in the closet and dressed in faded blue jeans and a black hoodie with sneakers.  I desperately wanted to visit Seoul.

It was my dream as a little girl to visit Seoul, the big vibrant city that was the hype in south Korea.  I walked around, amazed at everything surrounding me. I’ve lived in New York and LA for most of my time in the states, but it was nothing compared to my own country.

As I walked at a big junction, I was waiting for the lights to go green when I saw a huge poster of my movie on the screen of a really tall building.  I was amazed.

Would people think that I am Korean?  I looked at the picture of me in the poster.  Medium black dress, high heels, long straight black hair and green eyes.  I chuckled.  No one would guess.

I noticed everyone crossing the road and I hurried as well.  I did not realize the lights had gone red again; I was still looking at my poster.

Soon, I heard screeching noise and a car stopped inches before me.  I could see the driver was giving me a death glare.  He suddenly got out of the car and slammed his door.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

Ok I know it was probably my fault, but he had no right to shout at me!

“I would have apologized for my mistake, but you are so rude, that I can’t bring myself to” I snapped right back.

A little crowd was gathering.  Oh no.  This is bad! What if people recognized me? I did not even have bodyguards with me!

“If you want to get yourself killed, find some other car instead of mine!” The guy snapped, oblivious to the crowd.

“Who gave you the right to-“I was saying when he just turned and walked to his car and drove off.  I stood there dumbfounded.  How could people be so rude!

I could hear people mumble and some girls squealing.  Don’t tell me he was a star! Since when were they this rude?

I continued my tour and reached the hotel just in time for lunch.



“You made the headlines on your first day!” Anna chided.  I gave an innocent angelic look.  “Who me?”

“Yes you!” she yelled.  “Could you not just take a cab instead of walking?”

“Why are you yelling at me? It was that guy’s fault.  He knew there was a crowd gathering and just continued to shout like he owned the country.” I stated.

“Geez! You can be so stubborn” Anna said between mouthfuls.  “You don’t even know who he was!” she said.

“I know he must have been a star, and don’t bother to tell me, I am not even interested” I said and I walked into my suite.

I heard Anna’s door close and I knew she was safe, sleeping in her bed.  Despite our spat, I wanted her to be safe.

The next morning, our spat was all gone.  Anna was going to meet her favorite band member today and she could not be happier.

“How come you decided to surprise Taemin?” she asked, as soon as she got ready and walked into my suite.

“I wanted to know how he was like in his life here.” I said, glad Anna finally finished dressing.

We were heading to his rehearsal studio.  I had called him earlier that day.



“Chubby! Did you arrive safely?” he asked. 

“Yes, almost” i said remembering that unbelievably arrogant guy.

“Uh oh.  What did you do?”

“Why do you people automatically assume it was me?” I asked, annoyed.

“Ok, just chill” he placated.

“When are we meeting?” I asked.

“Hmm I have some dance rehearsal during the day tomorrow and a performance at a music show at night” he said.

**End of flashback****

“So, what kind of girl are you thinking?” Anna asked in the car.  I smiled.  “I had this friend, a family friend actually, Seo Eun Soo.  She’s totally his type.”

“A celebrity?” Anna asked.  I nodded.  She was an upcoming actress.  She came to LA for a 6 months course in acting and we met there.  She was the perfect girl for Taemin.

Once at the studio, we looked for Taemin’s rehearsal room but his manager said we could not disturb practice.  We nodded and waited in the dining room.

Soon we heard a group of voices.  Anna sat straight in her chair, her face bright and anticipating.  I shook my head at her.  There’s a girl who has met big Hollywood stars and she still acts this way for SHINee.

“Hyung! I am telling you, he is perfect for her!” I heard Taemin’s voice.

I smiled.  So he was keeping his end of the deal.

“Are you crazy? You know how he gets w-“Jonghyun was saying when he first entered and saw us sitting.

He was followed by Taemin, who just stared and gaped, Minho, Key and Onew.  “Well hello there, we are shining SHINee” they all said except Taemin.  I smiled.  They thought we were fan girls!

“Hello” Anna said shyly, color high in her cheeks.  I chuckled.  Then I realized, they did not know who I was! Taemin probably did not tell them.  This was gonna be fun!


Hehehe Can you guess who the traffic guy was? (O.o)


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really really great update... i really like this story its really interesting and u make the characters and scenes so realistic i can play them in my heads whilst reading:) awesome job and stuff so yh update soon
CutieMonsta #2
Chapter 15: wahhh amazing story, I hopeyou will update soon.