
Lee Taemin's Ji-Ara

“Taeminnie, wake up” Taemin’s mum lovingly woke him up.  It had been quite a while since his last visit and she had missed him.

He looked frail and his cheeks had sunk in.  She opened the curtains and morning light filled the room.

He grumbled and jerked up, rubbing his eyes “Omma!” he whined.  Taemin’s mum ruffled his hair and asked him to come down for breakfast.

“At least she wakes me up lovingly, compared to Minho hyung” Taemin murmured to himself and went into the bathroom.

Since debut, the SHINee members have been waking up early during free days for jogging and it has now become a habit for Taemin too.  He slipped into sweats and a hoodie and headed outside.

“Be careful and don’t overdo it” he could hear his mum say when he left the house.  He smiled and headed for the park.

He jogged to the spot where he used to hang out and just stared at the view, it was still breathtaking.  The huge lake, blue sky and greenery created a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

He walked to the bench he and his best friend use to sit.  He felt the same sensation again, the pain encroaching in his heart. Ji-Ara.

He noticed their names still scribbled on the back and touched the slits on the wooden bench.

"Taeminnie, I will always be stronger than you, Ji-Ara

In your dreams Chubby face, Taemin"

Taemin smiled at the inscriptions.  They were always teasing each other back then.  Ji-Ara was unbelievably strong, stronger than Taemin, he now admitted.  And she never hesitated to bully him around.

While Ji-Ara was chubby, looked like a boy and worse, she did not look much like a Korean.  Much like Minho hyung who’s eyes aren’t standard Korean eyes, Taemin mused.

Taemin remembered how they had sat for hours and talked about their dreams, everything they wanted to do in life.  He remembered showing Ji-Ara some dance moves and she failing miserably.

Taemin smiled and sat down on the bench.  Till date she wondered what had gone wrong between them.  He had told her he would not be in contact till his debut and after his debut, she was gone, vanished.

“Excuse me” he heard someone say from behind.  “but you’re in my-“ the girl stopped as she saw who it was.  She turned and sprinted away.

Weird! Taemin thought. She looked faintly similar.  He resumed his jogging and headed back home.


Ji-Ara's point of view

“What happened?” Anna asked as soon as she saw me enter the house.  I sank on the couch and catch my breath.  “I saw him” I say in between breaths.

Hey eyes widened, about to fan girl then she remembered who he was to me and what he did.  She came and handed me a glass of water.

“So you just ran?” she asked, suppressing laughter.  “You, the person who’s known to face problems head on”

I narrowed my eyes at her.  “I was not expecting him to be there” I said defensively.  I had a shock.  I went into panic mode and all I could do was run.

“What did he say?” Anna asked

I shrugged.  “Nothing, he was more in shock than me I think”
“He recognized you?” Anna exclaimed loudly.

I shook my head. “I don’t think so.  He probably thought I was some fan girl” I said and headed for the shower, hiding tears of pain.

Taemin grew up.  He was no more the skinny little kid I used to know.  I think he’s even taller than me now.  I sighed.  He was still gorgeous!

I donned my bathrobe, hair towel and headed to my room.  Since I came, seeing my old little room, I felt a sense of peace, as though I was the little girl again, far from worries.  But seeing Taemin today brought back every nasty memory.

 I sat on my little dresser chair and started combing my hair.  It was when I looked at the mirror that I noticed a guy leaning on my door, my CLOSED door.  I shouted.

“I still could not believe it was you” Taemin stated simply, talking to me as though there was no long years separating us.  I stood and just glared at him.

“What the hell” I cursed in English.  He raised a brow.  “Don’t tell me you are one of those celebrities who forgets their language as soon as they make it big” his remark, meant as a joke, was a little bit sarcastic to me.

I gave a little laugh.  “Isn’t it the pot calling the kettle back?” I asked, and years of hatred engulfed my voice.  Taemin blinked and stood straight. 

“Are you ok?” he asked, serious all of a sudden.

“A stranger is in my room, will I be ok?” I retorted.  Coming to think of it, how could Anna let him in?

“Am I a stranger to you?  You used to be fine when we were kids” he said, with hurt in his voice?

I shook my head.  He was pretending nothing ever happened. Is that the type of guy he changed into?

“You were always a stranger to me, I just never saw the real you.  Now out of my house before I call the police.  I don’t want to see you ever again” I stated. 

He seemed about to refuse but then gave me a weird look and left.  As soon as my door closed, I sank in the chair and went into a moment of mind paralysis.

As soon as I was dressed, I walked into the living room and saw Anna with a glass of wine.  She offered me and an hour later, I had drunk almost ¾ of the bottle.  I sighed and walked carefully to my bedroom.

That night I dreamt about him.  I saw him coming near my bed, caressing my cheeks.  “I missed you” he whispered.  I smiled and groggily opened my eyes, only to realize it was a dream.  I shook my head and sat on bed. It was around 3 am. Great! he ruined my sleep!

I walked to the back garden and stared at the sky.  Why would I dream of him? I have more important things to worry about that him. 

“Sky gazing?” I heard the-now-manly-voice behind me. 

“Go away.  I don’t want to talk to you” I said.  I was still droopy form the wine.

He sat down next to me.  I frowned.  “Taemin, I really don’t want to talk to - “

“You are still stubborn.  At least listen to what I have to say” he said and I closed my eyes.  Was I ready to hear some excuse about his behavior that time?

I stood up and walked to the door.  As soon as I closed it, I heard him say “Damn”


That morning, I carefully avoided jogging anywhere near the park.  Instead, this time me and Anna were jogging together and I made her visit all the spots I used to hang out at when I was a kid.

She saw pancakes and freaked.  I laughed and shook my head at her.  She really had a weird liking for pancakes.

“We NEED to have this for breakfast” she insisted.  I just laughed.  “Fine, but only if you do the dishes tonight” I said and she made a face.

The pancakes took time as the seller was just now opening his stall.  I sighed and sat in the bench.

“You should go and prepare coffee.” She suggested and I nodded. 

“Are you sure you can make it back?” I asked.  She nodded happily, eyes fixed on the man making the pancakes.  I laughed.

“Just make sure you don’t gobble all of them on the way home.” I teased and made my way back home.

Feeling lazy for a shower just yet, I put a towel around my neck and headed for the kitchen.

I was looking for the coffee when I heard the kitchen door open.  Was she back so soon? As I turned I saw Taemin leaning against the door.  I nearly shrieked. 

“You scared me” I said.  He smiled. 
“You weren’t a chicken back then”

“Back then I did not have people entering my home like thieves” I turned back to looking for the coffee.

“I really don’t want anything to do with you Taemin” I said. 

“You need to listen.  Shouldn’t I get a chance to explain myself?”

“No explanations.  It’s all in the past.” I said, finally finding the coffee, I turned to find Taemin right behind me.  I tried to move but he placed both hands on the counter behind me.

“You need to listen!” he said in a raised voice.  I narrowed my eyes at him.  Then turned and walked away.

He grabbed my hand, surprisingly tight.  “Stop acting like a kid and listen” he said harshly, his grip still tight.

I tried to wriggle out but i could not. “How dare you?” I asked.  His grip loosened, then he took in a deep breath.

“Please sit” he said and for the first time I noticed his red eyes.  Was he crying? Taemin never cries!


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really really great update... i really like this story its really interesting and u make the characters and scenes so realistic i can play them in my heads whilst reading:) awesome job and stuff so yh update soon
CutieMonsta #2
Chapter 15: wahhh amazing story, I hopeyou will update soon.