I want his apology.

My brother's best friend


previously on 'My Brother's Best Friend'
"You rejected HongKi? But I thought he was your best friend."
 "He is but, I cant fall in love with my best friend."
"Sooyoung. Don't ever fall in love with another guy. I will always be your boyfriend, please. Give me a second chance. Saranghae."
 Jonghyun whispered gently into my ears, as I was sleeping. 
"Dont leave me behind. Come back to me. Please beleive that I can love you again. Ever since that thing happened, my heart has been aching. It hurts too much to see you cry like this."
I woke up in my bed, rubbing my head. 
I wondered who transported me from the school to my bed room.
"Hmm. What happened last night. All I remember was rejectin- omo! He must be heart broken now. I have to see him."
I got out of bed and immediatly got dressed and ran downstairs.
"Minho oppa. Im going to Hongki's house."
He took my hand.
"Yah. What is it with you and Hongki? Did something bad happen?"
"Ani. Nothing that concerns you." I fakely smiled and ran out the door. 
"Hmm. I wonder what is going on with those two." Minho asked himself, while he took a bit out of his toast.
I ran to Hongki's house, dodging all the obsticals. 
"HongKi." I said as I reached his house and knocked on the door.
I waited patiently for someone to answer the door. 
As soon as someone opened the door, I saw the look on HongKi's face.
"Go away, Sooyoung." 
As quick as I could, I stopped the door with my foot.
"Im here to patch things up."
He opened the door a little bigger and stepped outside.
"How can you patch up someones heart, when they love someone deeply?"
"Seriously Sooyoung. If you think you can patch up the hole in my heart, you cant. Looking at you now, still breaks my heart."
I almost was in tears. "Can you just listen."
"No. Because I know your going to break my heart once again. Isn't enough that you broke my heart? Why do you have to break more of it?" 
"Look. Im not here to break your heart. I believe in you. Your a friend I can have fun with."
"Just go away, Sooyoung." He slamed the door in my face.
I stood outside of his door, with my eyes flooding with tears.
"Is that it? We are done as friends? How can you do that? Just because I broke your heart because I didnt want to be your girlfriend."
I turned around, with my tearstained face.
"What are you doing at HongKi's house? I thought you rejected him." 
Jonghyun walked closer to me. I turned back to look at HongKi's front door, hoping he would open it. 
"Please open it HongKi." I begged.
Jonghyun pulled me towards him.
"Yah. Don't cry. Whip those tears away."
I looked at HongKi's door. Jonghyun put his fingers on my face and whiped away my tears.
I turned around and saw HongKi.
"Oh, nevermind. Just have your couple moment infront of my house. Thats real nice of you."
"HONGKI!" I knocked in ambition to just get his attention.
"Sooyoung. Kaja. If his not going to talk to you we sh-"
"NO! I am here to beg for my friends forgiveness! I think its best if you just go home and try to be friends with my brother again!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and knelt on the floor, waiting for HongKi's acceptance of my apology. 
"Just co-"
I snaped at him. "Get! Off!" I breathed in heavily. "Just go away. This is what Im supposed to do. Just go away."
I heard his footsteps get further away. 
"Jonghyun. Mianhae."
"I am just trying to protect you. But you obviously cant see that. I think its best if we just stay friends." 
I waited three hours for HongKi to accept my apology.
He walked out of his house.
"Sooyoung. Your still here?"
I looked up. 
"I - I accept your apology."
I looked at him and hugged him.
"Thank you HongKi." 
"Your welcome. Just friends, yes?"
"ne." I hugged him.
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poor jonghyun! aish! i really want to punch taeyeon face but she was so pretty cute!
@epik_perfection - its already updated. I updated three chapters. <br />
epik_perfection #5
update soon!
O_O UPDATE! I thought there is still a next button LOLS .
why taeyeon do that?!
update more! update more! update more! update more! update more! update more! update more! update more! update more! update more! update more! update more! update more! update more! update more! update more!
You are writing a book? me too! BUt just finish book one. Sad about the update! Poor Jonghyun! I feel like crying. already am. update more!