
unrequited love

"Naeun cant be here tomorrow so we've rescheduled the filming of we got married for three days from today..." the producer had called Taemin's manager to say. "Why hyung?" Taemin asked as he looked up at SHINee's manager, who shrugged. "I called her manager as well and she said Naeun was sick since two days ago and she personally hasn't seen Naeun because she was staying at home with her parents". Taemin pulled out her phone again to check for a reply to the fifteen messages he'd sent over the last few days. She hadn't contacted him and he was really sad and worried about her. After staring at the phone, he'd made up his mind that he wanted to go see her. "You cant leave anywhere yet! we still have to go through the choreography for the new song!" Onew said firmly, grabbing Taemin's ankle to stop him from getting up and leaving. Taemin groaned. Though he was really worried about her, he knew she would have to wait two more hours until he finished teaching Onew the choreography for their newest song with moves that he'd personally had a hand in coming up with. It was almost 6pm when Onew let him go, and he had to get back to the dorm to change and shower which took another half hour. He took the manager's car and stopped at a florist and bakery. He had no idea what kind of flowers or baked goods she liked, or if she even liked these things at all. But since he liked white daisies and carnations, and he liked banana bread, he chose these things because if she didn't like them at least they wouldn't go to waste since he'd eat them. He used the gps in the car to find her house, having typed in the address of her house he'd found on the internet and google mapped it to be sure (technology these days is scarily impressive). When he finally pulled up, he took a moment to look at the house she had grown up in. It was a white two storey house that seemes like an older more worn-out version of their marriage home, painted white with two storeys and large windows. But there was almost no yard and garden because though the house wasn't large it took up the entire property's plot of land. He took a deep breath and got out of the car, walking slowly until he reached the entrance and peeking through the blurred glass tiles of the door. He steadied his finger, which was shaking badly, with his other hand, took another deep breath, and rang the doorbell. "I'll get it!" a voice called from doiwn the hallway which lead to the door. He saw the silhouette of a girl, thinking it was Naeun he instantly beamed and excitedly straightened up. His smile faded when he saw it wasnt her though. "Well well, if it isnt Lee Taemin..." the girl said with a smirk, leaning on the side of the doorframe with her arms crossed. "Hello" he said formally, bowing low. "I'm here because i heard Naeun wasn't feeling well and i wanted to check up on her..." "And you bought her flowers? Unnie is lucky to have a husband like you, even if you're fake..." though her words seemed harsh she said them with a shrug of the shoulders like she was just stating facts and not trying to be mean about it. When he saw it wasnt Naeun he didnt look at her much, but now he noticed that they looked pretty similar and standing side by side they would probably be mistaken for twins. This girl was younger, maybe 15 or 16 because she had a middle school uniform on. But she was bigger boned than her sister and maybe an inch or two taller, her hair was cut very short with a heavy fringe to cover most of her face. She hadn't bowed or greeted him formally, but stood to the side to allow him through and indicated for him to follow her, which he did after quickly taking off his shoes. She led him into the living room where he sat on ther sofa. "I'll get unnie for you, my mother left to go shopping about half an hour ago but she'll be back soon. I think she'll probably want you to stay for dinner so i hope you haven't planned anything for tonight..." with that she left him alone.

"Oh unnie, your fake-husband is here" Na Jin said offhandedly, as if she'd suddenly remembered when she'd been lying on the beanbag cushion in Naeun's room for half a minute. Those words had broken the silence, Naeun looked up to her younger sister in surprise. "Taemin? Why didn't you tell me as soon as you walked in?" she asked, rolling her eyes as she stood up and looked in the mirror, fixing up her messy hair. Na Jin shrugged, turning the page of one of the manga from her sister's collection that she'd just started reading, ouran highschool host club. "Wonder what he wants..." she thought, hurrying down the staircase and into the living room. He had his back facing her because he was looking at the photos above the fireplace mantle and hanging on the wall. There were a lot of them, showing development from babies to their age now of her and her sister. There was both of them being christened as babies, receiving their rosary bracelets and rings at the age of thirteen and nine and having them blessed. There was also trips to the park and beach, birthday parties and Naeun's graduation with her highschool friends, and a photo of her debuting with apink and the members together posing. "You were always pretty..." he commented, turning towards her with a bright smile. She was startled that he knew she was there, but stepped into the room and walked to his side. "Since you let me take one of your baby photos, i thought it should only be fair if you take on of mine..." she said with a small smile, a frame on the wall. "I'll let you take any one you want. i need to photocopy it so one photo stays here, but you can have the original". He turned back to the photos, looking at each one carefully. His smile widened at one where she was 8, dangling from the branches of a tall tree by one leg while the other held a drawing book and pencil. Her hair was shorter but still hung pretty long off her face and cascading downwards as she was upside down, she had a missing tooth so a dark space showed in her smile. "You were good at climbing trees?" he asked, picking up the frame. She nodded with a smile, "So good i wanted to show off for that picture and afterwards i sprained my ankle when i lost my footing on the way getting down..." "You know, i think i remember you now in middle school" he suddenly said with a gaping mouth. "were you the girl in the tree who was drawing when we were playing soccer? i think i yelled at you and scared you away..." the guilty look on his face made her laugh and she put a hand on his shoulder. "You did yell at me, but i forgive you now..." she siad cheekily, pinching his cheek. "Do you want this photo?" "Yeah!" he said, smiling as he hugged the photo to his chest. She laughed again at him, it only made him look cuter when he tried and failed at being cute, a concept which puzzled her. She took it from him and pulled the picture out of its frame, going to her mothers workspace accross the hall to run it through the photocopying machine and print it. "Here" she said, handing him the original photo. He'd closed the door behind him and now stood close to her, bending his head down a little to reach , he hovered near her lips. Still holding the photo, she closed her eyes, losing herself in his smell, his proximity. She moved her lips to meet his, initiating the kiss for the second time. He didn't move forward like he had the other night, he didn't grab at her or even try to touch her with anything other than his lips. She din't know how, but he instinctively knew she didn't want to be touched and this deep understanding somehow set her on fire. He deserved to touch her, but if he wasnt going to then she would do all the touching. Her hands moved from his dangling arms up to his shoulders, to the smooth back of his neck and down to his shoulder blades. She could feel sinewy muscles that she didn't know existed on such a thin frail-looking body. She massaged adn travelled accross his back, hearing him moan her name in pleasure which gave her courage to explore further. She pulled him closer so she could devour his mouth more, nipping his bottom lip which made him gasp and her giggle, he was putty in her hands. It seemed to him she had chastity on camera, but in private her ual deviant side was released. When the front door opened and closed only Naeun heard it. She pushed him back so they were almost three feet apart, straightened the hat on his head and her hair and acted calmly while he was still dazed and wanting to kiss her. "Here's the photo..." she said as if what they'd done just then hadn't actually happened. "Naeun? what are you doing in my study?" a middle aged woman asked as she opened and walked through the door. She had the same eyes and face shape as her daughter and was probably as pretty as Naeun back in her day. "Hello, i'm Lee Taemin" he siad, bowing and introducing himself. She smiled warmly, bowing as well ad taking one of his hands. "It's nice to finally meet you Taemin, i thought when this day came there would be a hundred cameras recording my every move, im glad this happened a little more privately..." "Hey mum! i let taemin take one of my childhood photos because i took one of his, and i was photocopying it so we would still have the picture as well" Naeun explained, showing the photo in her hands. "Oh how nice!" she said, "And you're staying for dinner right Taemin? naeun has to come in to help me in the kitchen since she's suddenly taken an interest in cooking..." she winked and naeun looked down embarassed as the two were led into the kitchen. "I can help as well!" Taemin said, looking at naeun who still had her eyes to the ground, grinning. "Thank you for offerind dear but two is enough. You can sit at the counter and keep us company" Naeun's mother Hyo-sul decided in the kitchen pulling pots and pans from the cupboard while Naeun pulled out the vegetables and meat from the fridge. The two women worked easily together, while Hyo-sul chatted easily to Taemin about his own family, how he'd grown up in a catholic household like Naeun and what the church in the district of his home was different to the local church only a block away (they were actually very similar). "Will your father be home soon Naeun?" he asked, looking out the window for a sign of another vehicle other than the white car already parked. Naeun looked up at him with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. Her mother cleared as she cut tomatoes adn answered for her. "Naeun's father doesn't live with us, he and i have... been seperated for quite a while now" she said, looking up to meet Taemin's eyes so he could clearly see the sadness in them. "I'm sorry to hear that, and i didn't mean to ask personal quest-" "it's fine" naeun said, waving a hand in the air to cut him off. "i'm sorry i haven't really talked to you much about my family, it was right for you to assume such things but yes, so you know my parents divorced and my father doesn't see us often..." she smiled. "But anyway, i think the meat is cooked right?" pulling the pan out from the oven and taking it to her mother to confirm. "Mmm" her mother said curtly, "now put it in a pot with the tofu and add water, the stew will be ready ten minutes after that". The subject had been changed easily and Naeun sighed in relief at not having to answer the questions. In the future Taemin would question her more about her father, she knew he was too inquisitive by nature to let it go. But for now she didn't have the strength to face up to them.

The stew was very good and Taemin found himself the object of affection for all three females, though he didn't notice it. Hyo-sul fretted over him and gave him extra meat and less tofu when Naeun told her he liked meat more. She asked him about his favourite foods and made him promise to come for dinner next month so she and Naeun could cook for him again. Though Na-jin had been distant with him at first, she professed to liking SHINee a lot (though she preferred manlier bands like 2pm and mblaq, and she stated it this way which made Naeun kick her under the table) and hoped she could meet jonghyun and minho, which Taemin said was possible. "And i was hoping unnie would stay with Kikwang-oppa but you'll do i suppose. She kissed him in a music video you know..." she said matter-of-factly as Naeun glared at her. "yeah i knew about it" he said, shifting his stew in his plate before looking up at Naeun. "Naeun had a boyfriend for six months before you" Na-jin revealed, to which Taemin looked up in surprise. "You said you've never dated" he said with a frown, putting his spoon down and crossing his arms at Naeun who was now shooting daggers at her big-mouthed sister. "You said that as well but you lied too!" she retaliated. "Those girlfriends were in middle school and i never lasted with any of them for longer than a month, you guys must have done a lot in six..." he said, pouting cutely. Naeun's mother was shocked, already the pperfect image she had of her potential son-in-law was slipping. "Can we please not talk about these kind of things in front of my family?" she pleaded, seeing her mother with a hand to her neck in shock while her sister grinned evilly. "Sorry i brought it up unnie. And i was just teasing you Taemin, she only loves you! she even has your posters all over her room..." "no i dont! why you..." Naeun got up to grab her sister for trying to embarass her, but Na-jin was a bit faster. They ran around the dining room table twice before Naeun chased her up the staircase. There was squeal when Na-jin was caught and forced into a headlock. "This is exactly how my older brother and i are at home, well not so much anymore since he moved away from home..." Taemin revealed, laughing as they watched the two who continued to wrestle at the top of the stairway. "I always thought it was the younger sibling that was tormented though..." "Na-jin's more loud and outgoing while Naeun's always been more serious and delicate" the girl's mother said. "As a child Naeun was quiet as a mouse and extremely introverted, she enjoyed playing by herself and hiding away somewhere for hours. When she was sad she only cried when she thought she was alone, but if i saw her and went to her she instantly stopped as if she were afraid of showing any weakness to others..." she revealed, her hand fiddling with the cross on her necklace. "I have no idea how Na-jin could grow up to be any more opposite than her, but i think Naeun shows an extreme case of introvertedness while Na-jin's pretty moderate. The most surprising thing out of all of this is Naeun chose to become an idol, that girl has always been a mystery to me..." she finally said, shaking her head. Taemin looked up the staircase, staring at the girl who he now saw with new eyes after learning something like this about her. The two had finished fighting now because Na-jin tapped out. "I only gave up so you could look good in front of your boyfriend unnie" she stated as they returned to the dinner table. Naeun rolled her eyes, not wanting to further the argument. "What were you two talking about?" she asked suspiciously, looking from her mother to Taemin aand back again. "Just about the way you two fight like me and my brother..." Taemin said as he and Hyo-sul looked in opposite directions and finished off their stews.


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Chapter 34: I'm terribly late but i love this story author-nim, thanks for your hardwork! I'm sad when you said you felt lonely, i'm sorry i'm just here now ㅠㅠ

I hope youre health and willing to write more taeuns ^^
Chapter 34: This story is so good :') i'm cry a bit reading this...idk why maybe cause i'm missing taeun so much
Chapter 34: I know it might be really late for you to read my comments, but i hope you know that i really appreciate what you write. Even after this three years, i still love this couple, A LOT, they are my OTP anyway hahahhaa. Once again, thank you for writing this beautiful story ^^
Chapter 34: I never know there is such an awesome taeun story like this, darn i really never knew it! Sorry author-nim, for not finding this story whole years ago T^T i really, really, really LOVE this story. Not only the flutterred feelings but the angst and the troubles seems so real. You really good in writing this story. Now i'm become ur big fan hehehehe. Once again, i'm sorry for just finding this story, but trust, ur story is DAEBAK! ^^
dianayu93 #5
Chapter 34: i really like your fanfic. i hope u will make another fanfic about taemin, naeun and myungsoo. <3
Chapter 34: Omgggg I love the revelations part of taemin and naeun childhoods! It's unexpected that taemin saw the whole thing that was done by naeun's father. This is a very good taeun story < 3 I love it!
Taeminboa #7
Chapter 34: Yayyy congrats on completing it!
TaeYoon #8
Just found out this fic, an awesome one :)
Taeminboa #9
Chapter 28: I don't think you should change the story line,your the author is your story
And angst is alwas welcome hehehe
Taeminboa #10
Chapter 27: <3 it's really good!