unrequited love

All the SHINee members were home now, back from their appearance on a variety show and exhausted from the all-day activity. Taemin collapsed on the couch after taking off his shoes and dropping his bag sloppily on the floor. "YAH LEE TAEMIN!" minho yelled at him, picking the bag up and throwing it at his dongsaeng, "put it away now! i know you'd just leave it there if you could!" Taemin groaned and curled up when he saw the projectile coming his way, letting it fall to the ground. "I need to use your phone to call mine, i lost it again..." Onew said to jonghyun who was busily texting as they came through the door. "No, i'm using mine. Go ask key..." he said before walking into the bedroom. "key can i borrow your phone?" Onew asked his other dongsaeng, who was also texting and denied him use. "Guess i'll just have to use taemin's..." he sighed, shuddering at the thought of even touching the hideously adorable polka dotted device. If that was his phone and he were the married one he'd at least take the stupid cover off when they weren't on the show, but it had apparently grown on his dongsaeng and he no longer pouted when they made fun of it. He even seemed to show it proudly, as well as the new cologne his girlf- ahem, "wife" had bought him. While taemin was still napping on the couch he slid over to the dropped bag and rummaged through it for the cellphone. Before searching for his number though, he noticed a new message from an unknown contact. Curious, because he'd only ever seen taemin text his family and the other members, Onew opened the message and took a peak. What he saw made him want to throw up and laugh aloud at the same time. He was rolling on the floor giggling, kicking the couch which woke taemin up with a start. "What is it hyung?!" he asked, jumping up and pinning onew so he stopped thrashing around like he was having a fit. In reply he didn't say anything but kept laughing, handing the phone back to his confused dongsaeng. "What the..." when taemin saw the opened message, he read it quickly, confused expression slowly turning to embarassment as a blush spread accross his cheeks. "Was this sent from who i think it was?" Onew asked, wiping the tears from his eyes. "i gave her my number four days ago and she finally texted!" he exclaimed, jumping up in happiness. "SHE TEXTED AND SHE DREW US!" he ran into the bedrooms to show his hyungs, and from the sudden howls of laughter and fake retching sounds Onew knew they were having the same reaction to the picture as he was. "And to think i wasn't going to tell the other members fearing he'd be too embarassed about it..." he wondered aloud, getting up to switch on the television. "i guess he doesn't care what anyone thinks, maybe he really likes her..."

"Was it really that bad?" Hayoung asked Naeun as she and namjoo set about making tea for their unnie who was currently hitting her head against a wall. "I can't believe i sent it!" she said for the fifteenth time, burrowing into one of the couch cushions in shame. "Where is the picture? can i see it?" namjoo asked, to which she peaked out from the cushions again and pointed to a folded down sketchpad on the other side of the room. Namjoo picked it up and turned it over, studying the picture. "It's beautiful unnie!" he proclaimed, turning the pad so hayoung could see it too. "I've never seen you draw with so much skill, even though the topic is a little weird..." As soon as hayoung saw it she burst into laughter, crouching down onto the floor and bringing the tray of tea down only just managing to not spill anything. "that's probably his reaction!" Naeun despaired, pointing to the group maknae who couldn't control her fits of giggles. "Im sorry, the picture is just soo..." she crawled over to where namjoo was, dragging the tray over and setting it on the coffee they were both sitting on the ground in front of. "It's just so funny" she relented, looking at it closer. "It is beautifully drawn you know, even from far away i could tell the high quality. But you're inspired by some of the most hilarious topics sometimes unnie, you could have drawn the two of you in plenty of different settings, but as playful fighting bunnies?" "I like bunnies..." Naeun pouted, "they remind me of usa-chan and honey-senpai..." "what?" hayoung asked, turning to namjoo who was just as confused.Naeun rolled her eyes and sat on the ground with them. "Let's just drink our tea..." she said, sipping and slowly relaxing and forgetting what she'd jsut done. If she hadn't tried to forget, and bothered to check her phone, she wouldn't have missed the growing number of text messages she was receiving.

"What's wrong with him now?" jonghyun asked onew as the members who sat in the living room were either part of or watching the soccer match being played on their playstation3. Onew shrugged, mostly focusing on the tv screen as he fiddled with the dials on his controller. "i dont think naeun's texting him back..." Key, who had overheard that part of the conversation, looked up from his magazine in interest. He walked in front of the tv screen, much to the irritation of minho who shoved him out of the way, and went over to the other side of the couch where taemin was gloomily staring at the television screen, lying on his stomach with his hands folded under his chin. "Aww whats up taeminnie?" he asked, mockingly pinching his dongsaeng's cheek. The younger boy glowered at him, swatting his hand away. "Nothing's up! why should anything be up?" he asked, obviously ticked off for some reason. Key grabbed his shoulders and massaged them, secretly searching for and finding the phone that was in his clenched fist. "You've texted her twenty times?!" he yelled in surprise, searching through his sent inbox. Taemin snatched the phone back off him and went about deleting the messages, glaring at his hyung. "so what if i did, she didn't text me back..." he turned away. "Maybe she suddenly became busy, you know she could have gone out with friends..." Key suggested. "Or on a date, or to a club because she's old enough..." Taemin's shocked expression at those last suggestions made them all laugh again. "i don't think she'd betray you like that taemin-ah, and she doesn't seem to like drinking much..." minho rebuked, having beaten onew and now relaxing as jonghyun took the controller. "She could have temporarily misplaced her phone like i have..." Onew added, and this taemin didn't object to because like him she had a habit of losing things. "Yeah that could be it..." he thought, nodding to himself. Still he stared at his phone and waited for her reply as he lay in bed that night.

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Chapter 34: I'm terribly late but i love this story author-nim, thanks for your hardwork! I'm sad when you said you felt lonely, i'm sorry i'm just here now ㅠㅠ

I hope youre health and willing to write more taeuns ^^
Chapter 34: This story is so good :') i'm cry a bit reading this...idk why maybe cause i'm missing taeun so much
Chapter 34: I know it might be really late for you to read my comments, but i hope you know that i really appreciate what you write. Even after this three years, i still love this couple, A LOT, they are my OTP anyway hahahhaa. Once again, thank you for writing this beautiful story ^^
Chapter 34: I never know there is such an awesome taeun story like this, darn i really never knew it! Sorry author-nim, for not finding this story whole years ago T^T i really, really, really LOVE this story. Not only the flutterred feelings but the angst and the troubles seems so real. You really good in writing this story. Now i'm become ur big fan hehehehe. Once again, i'm sorry for just finding this story, but trust, ur story is DAEBAK! ^^
dianayu93 #5
Chapter 34: i really like your fanfic. i hope u will make another fanfic about taemin, naeun and myungsoo. <3
Chapter 34: Omgggg I love the revelations part of taemin and naeun childhoods! It's unexpected that taemin saw the whole thing that was done by naeun's father. This is a very good taeun story < 3 I love it!
Taeminboa #7
Chapter 34: Yayyy congrats on completing it!
TaeYoon #8
Just found out this fic, an awesome one :)
Taeminboa #9
Chapter 28: I don't think you should change the story line,your the author is your story
And angst is alwas welcome hehehe
Taeminboa #10
Chapter 27: <3 it's really good!