Wedding Day

Arrange Marriage With Lovely Boy?

Sorry  for the late update! It's just that the weekdays are pretty crazy.. -__- I decided that I want to skip onto the wedding, and no drama for this story because I don't know how to start it since it is too nice and the Title of the story is 'Lovely Boy' so sorry if no drama , but this story is about to end soon! sorry if it is too short >.<


Narrator POV


It was your wedding day, you was really excited and so is your fiance which is your husband after the speech that the priest is saying.

"Yah! ~~~~ come here, you have to finish your makeup!" your stylist said, you was at the mirror looking at yourself telling yourself to 'Be brave and get ready because today is the day to get married'

"Coming!" you said and ran over to a chair that is in front of the stylist

"Are you ready?" she asked you

"Sorta just kind of nervous that's all" you said shaking your hands, the stylist just smiled and nodded, after she was finish she told you to look at yourself atthe mirror and your eyes sparkle just by looking at the makeup on your face.

"Baby girl, are you finish because your fiance is standing there waiting for you" your appa said, you nodded

"Appa, I'm going to miss our house" you whispered while walking with your appa, getting ready to walk down the aisle

"You could still visit" your appa said, you nodded

"Ricky, take care of my daughter arraso?" your appa said to Ricky, Ricky nodded and took your hand then smiled at you, the priest said its speech

"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride" the presit said

You and Ricky was getting closer and closer then you and Ricky lips touch you smiled through the kiss.

I know that it is short, but I really need to finish this story quickly^^ anyways enjoy!

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Chapter 15: I don't mind short updates ^^
I also noticed you type 'Then' and 'and' alot hehe ^o^ ...........
rachel123 #2
Chapter 13: Update pls.:) your story is daebak but some of your story got spelling error.
Chapter 10: update soon~ i love it! :3
Chapter 9: Thats cute! ^^ Update soon :)
Chapter 8: Update soon. Can't wait !
Chapter 4: They're protecting A nerd girl who is really ugly?!??(thats the reader!) O_o *forever sad :<
rachel123 #7
Chapter 6: Update soon .i love love love your story.remember to update
Chapter 4: Update soon Author-nim!^^