Hello Korea!

Arrange Marriage With Lovely Boy?

Narrator POV
You woke up...
"Ahh that was a good dream.. and what day is it today?"
You looked at your calendar...
"OMGAWD! My plane leaves in an hour! Oh my god! I need to hurry!"
You did your morning routine and put your clothes on, then you left your house.
You signaled for the taxi to give you a ride, you arrived at the airport, you paid for the taxi driver then ran to the airport. Luckily the plane didn't leave yet, then you went inside your plane and relaxed there and took a nap. And 12 hours later (A/N: This is a random time so yea.) You got out from the airplane and you saw a restaurant and you was hungry,so you went to the restaurant, but you bumped into someone and fell on the floor. When you looked up you saw a cute boy standing there looking down at you.
"Ah.. mianhe! bye!" you said and ran away
"AHH WAIT! I didn't get to know to your name!" the boy said
You went to the restaurant, and bought a sandwich and you was thinking about the boy that bump into you.
*Waa he is soo cute..., but I well never fall for a boy ever again.. ooh no! not again!*
"Oh my---" you feel someone tapping your shoulder, then I turned around *it's him*
"umm hi?" you asked the cute boy in front of you.
"hi, sorry when bump to you.” he said pouting
*hehe he so cute!* "Ahh.. oh that it's fine." you said
"Oh let me introduce myself.." the boy said
"Okay go ahead." you smiled
"My name is Yoo Chang Hyun, but call me Ricky!" he smiled
"My name is ~~~~." you smiled back
“Want to hang out today? Ricky said
“Umm no not today because I have to meet appa at home later.” you answered back
“oh okay bye, see you next time.” he said waving you a good bye
Ricky’s POV

I said my good bye to ~~~~, she is cute. Now it’s time to leave -sighs-
*I hope we can meet each other again so we can know each other more* now now where do I need to do? OH! I need to meet Teen Top at the C.A.P hyung place. Oh geez I’m scared! Ricky relax, I need to make it in time.
C.A.P’s House

(A/N: This is still Ricky’s POV) So I knock on his door and he open the door, he grabbed my earlobe.
“AHH OUCH! HYUNG THAT HURTS LET GO!” I yelled being in pain
“Well next time be here early since this is an emergency anyways.” C.A.P said
“What?!? What happened?” I asked worriedly
“My body is saggy!” C.A.P pouting
“That’s all?” I asked awkwardly
“Yea! Now I won’t get as much girls as I used too!!” C.A.P said
“Then why won’t you work out again?” I said
“Great idea Ricky!” C.A.P said all happily
*weird hyung* I laughed at hyungs weirdness
Your POV

I went outside of the airport and I saw appa, I ran to hug him.
“APPA!!” I screamed hugging my appa
“Hi baby girl!, missed me?” he said
“Of course!” I said happily
“Well we have to head home now, come on let’s get to the car.” appa said
We arrived home and the house was big since my appa owned a company, I stepped inside the house and saw the marbled floors and the stairway is separated in 2 ways.
“APPA! The house is gorgeous!” I said
“HAHA glad you liked it.” He said
“I will be in my room now.” I said
I went up the stairway and saw my name tag onto the door so I went inside my room and my room is full of my favorite color ‘ Baby Blue’ I keep on staring at my room with sparkles in my tummy.
“Appa, I love my room.” I said
Appa hug me and said “Well glad you like it, and do you see your uniform yet?” He asked
“Umm, no not yet I will do that later okay appa?” I said
“Okay have fun looking around the house baby girl.” Appa said
“Okay” I said
Appa’s POV

Seeing my baby girl this happy makes me happy. I let out a little chuckle, she is still the same she haven’t changed at all. *Acts like her mom* -sigh-
“~~~~!!” I called out her name
“Yes, appa?” she replied
“How’s your mom doing?” I asked
She froze and did not answer my question and looked down.
*What happen?* Ok I will change the topic now.
“Umm, okay now I will going somewhere be good okay baby girl?” I said
She nodded and said “M-mom is gone.” I gulped
“O-okay Sorry baby girl I didn’t know that, I won’t ask that ever again.” I gave her a hug just to make her feel better, she loves the way how I hug her. I broke the hug and look at her, she smiled.
“Now appa will be back I have work do to okay?” I said
“Okay appa, I will be going out also” she said
“Good bye baby girl.” I said
“Good bye appa.” She said and ran to her room happily.


The End~


Sorry for the short chappie!!! :(

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Chapter 15: I don't mind short updates ^^
I also noticed you type 'Then' and 'and' alot hehe ^o^ ...........
rachel123 #2
Chapter 13: Update pls.:) your story is daebak but some of your story got spelling error.
Chapter 10: update soon~ i love it! :3
Chapter 9: Thats cute! ^^ Update soon :)
Chapter 8: Update soon. Can't wait !
Chapter 4: They're protecting A nerd girl who is really ugly?!??(thats the reader!) O_o *forever sad :<
rachel123 #7
Chapter 6: Update soon .i love love love your story.remember to update
Chapter 4: Update soon Author-nim!^^