
Dreaming (or an equally as cheesy title)

"Do you know why you're the only one who can see me?" Jongin asked and  leaned against the wall next to Kyungsoo's bed. "Because I'm loosing it?" The shorter ran his hands through his hair and sighed in frustration. Jongin has yet to explain why Kyungsoo can't introduce him to his parents or his friends or even his stupid dog. Though the pet seemed to know when Jongin was around. Which was all the time.

"Because you want to." If not for the wings attached to the younger's back, Kyungsoo would never believe he was even here to begin with. The stark white of the wings were contrasted against the dark walls and made Jongin glow in the low light. The curtains billowed around him and blocked Kyungsoo's view from Jongin's face. "I never wanted this." Kyungsoo never wanted his life to be consumed with someone he could walk through.

"You wanted help. So here I am to help you and you're not even grateful for it?" Kyungsoo could hear Jongin scoff. The breeze coming through the open window dried the sweat that still lingered on Kyungsoo's neck from the previous night. The night terrors have been particularly terrible lately.

"I hate that you can see my dreams." Kyungsoo says bluntly and throws his feet over the side of the bed. Kyungsoo use to scream for someone to wake him up from the dreams. Beg and plead for anyone to make it all go away. "You mean nightmares?" And finally,finally, Kyungsoo got to see his face. The eyes and the mouth that always seemed so damn happy. And Kyungsoo figures he has every right to be just as happy and it pisses him off.

Everything about the other pisses him off. Jongin is cocky in the sense that he knows way too much about Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo thinks Jongin  borderlines the definition of a stalker, but it was probably just part of his job. Yeah, Kyungsoo was a job to Jongin, and that's the biggest thing that bothered him. "All I want is to help you." Jongin joins Kyungsoo on the bed but knows he has to keep a distance. Kyungsoo has serious personal space problems and Jongin doesn't blame him. Because Jongin has seen the stuff that plagues the other at night. "Yeah?" Kyungsoo closes his eyes.

"Help me by leaving me alone." Kyungsoo stood with his eyes shut cause he didn't want to look at the younger. "You know I can't do that." Jongin's wings flex and Kyungsoo can barely hear the ruffling of feathers. "You could. You just don't want to." Kyungsoo doesn't want him to leave because Jongin's the best thing to happen to him in years and the younger knows it. "Kyungsoo," He can feel Jongin's hand on his arm.

"Do you know why I don't want to?" Jongin's hand tightens and Kyungsoo knows he's not gonna be taking that shower anytime soon. Kyungsoo let the other drag him back down onto the bed, Jongin's hands still holding his. "In another life, if I were human, I'd be in love with you." The following silence was so loud that Kyungsoo's ears started ringing. Angels aren't suppose to feel. It was common sense.

"What?" Kyungsoo is quiet because he thinks the other might hear his heart clenching. "I know humans don't believe in angels anymore, none the less believe that they can have worldly emotions." Sometimes Kyungsoo thinks Jongin can read his mind but then it wouldn't surprise him. "Can they? I mean can you?" Kyungsoo didn't know what answer he expected. If Jongin said he could never feel true love for him, he'd banish Jongin from inferring anymore. But Kyungsoo wasn't expecting Jongin to pull his hand to Jongin's chest. 

The other pulled Kyungsoo forward until they were so close they could feel each others breath. Kyungsoo could see Jongin smiling and it was absolutely dazzling and it took his breath away. "I feel as much for you as I've seen you feel for me." Jongin is just as quiet but Kyungsoo catches the nervousness behind the words. He wants to say something. Anything. But he can't even form coherent words.

So he did the only thing he's ever wanted to do with Jongin. He leaned closer until their lips barely touched and Kyungsoo fisted Jongin's shirt where their hands were still connected. But Kyungsoo pulled back because he wouldn't want to defile such a heavenly creature. "I'm sorry." He closed his eyes again and felt the vibrations of Jongin laughing under his palm. 

Kyungsoo peeked a look and saw white surrounding them and his free hand grazed the feathers. "Why'd you stop?" Jongin asked and released Kyungsoo's wrist to thread their fingers together. "You're so clean and pure and I can't be responsible for ruining that." Kyungsoo has to blink a few times because of how bright the sun is when it's reflecting from the wings. "No one has to know." Jongin pulls Kyungsoo's head into his neck.

There's a particularly strong breeze that enters the room and Jongin wraps them tighter in the wings. Jongin smells like what Kyungsoo imagines the sky to smell like. It can't be more than 10 am and all he wants is to sleep. Sleep and actually dream about stuff kids his age are suppose to dream of. Of money and clubs and friends and people they like. People like Jongin.

"You can go back to sleep." Jongin smooths the hair at the nape of the shorter's neck. Kyungsoo nods but doesn't let go of Jongin. If he lets him go will he disappear like he always does in the afternoons? Jongin laughs again and it sounds almost like wind to Kyungsoo and it's comforting. "You're so beautiful." Kyungsoo puts all his weight into Jongin's arms. If the other hadn't woken him up to begin with he could stop himself from spewing such word vomit.

Jongin's hand moves from Kyungsoo's neck to the back of his head and pushes him further into his neck. The wings pull away slightly and Kyungsoo blinks as they leave his immediate field of vision. Then he's leaning back until Kyungsoo is against the mattress and they're still embraced. "Don't leave." Kyungsoo releases Jongin's shirt and hand to wrap his arms around the taller's shoulders. "Please don't leave me anymore." Kyungsoo knew he was being extremely selfish. Jongin probably had others to care for.

Jongin nuzzles the side of Kyungsoo's head and brings his wings to cover them once again. The breeze is still chilling the room so Jongin pulls a blanket around what part of Kyungsoo he can. Jongin can't promise that he will stay but he doesn't want to irritate Kyungsoo any more so than he already has. "You're beautiful too, Do Kyungsoo."

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Chapter 1: I don't know if this is beautifully sad or sadly beautiful but I liked it :)
Chapter 1: Beautiful :')