Chapter 2: The Truth Revealed

Waking Up: Dream Trilogy Part 3


The mission was named Operation Taoco. It was Baekhyun's idea. You can always count on him to not be serious...ever.
The plan consisted of a 6-step plan:
1. Wear all black
2. Bring a small flashlight
3. Meet up in the yard next to Luitenent Xiumin's cabin
4. Sneak in while the heavy sleeper is in his zone
5. Look for evidence of anything that suggests treachery
6. Get the hell out before Xiumin wakes up
It's a very simple plan, really. Chanyeol doesn't know what he's looking for, specifically, but he needs answers. He needs to be able to finally accept the truth. 
So the group meets at midnight as planned, wearing tight black outfits.
"I wanted to show off my ," Jongin commented, confidently. 
Chanyeol and Baekhyun rolled their eyes while Kyungsoo drooled. Jongin winked at his boyfriend's awestruck face.
"Are you two done?" Chanyeol made a fake vomiting sound before calling the mission a go.
In Xiumin's cabin, the group find the luitenent fast asleep. Each go to different places around the luxurious room. Chanyeol goes to look in his desk. Baekhyun looks in the closet. Jongin and Kyungsoo look through the drawers.
Kyungsoo and Jongin sift carefully through the folded clothes for fifteen minutes before finally coming across a letter. The two set it aside in the evidence pile. The group plan to read through everything before they leave. 
Baekhyun gets restless soon after the seventh time he went through the hung uniforms. He decides there is nothing else to look for, so he moves to the neatly arranged shoes on the floor of the closet. The fifth pair strikes interest. They are old and warn out. They haven't been worn in months. Baekhyun looks carefully in and around the shoe. His fingers slip to the flappy soles. He finds a small post-it note with a combination on it. He adds this in the evidence pile.
Chanyeol has no luck in the desk. There was nothing in the drawers or on top. There was also no secret compartment that might be hiding evidence.
Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Jongin and Kyungsoo meet up at the disappointing pile of evidence. There is only a letter and a paper with some numbers on it.
Chanyeol sighs as he opens the letter.
Dear Luitenent Xiumin,
Good job. I didn't think you would be able to kill one of your best men. It's for the best, though. He simply knew too much. Please don't let anyone find the box again. I want you to put it under a floor board. That is all.
"BNK? What the hell is BNK?" Baekhyun asks, clearly frusterated. 
Jongin and Kyungsoo wonder the same thing. Chanyeol, on the other hand, is dazed. The letter just told him that Xiumin killed Kris on purpose. 
"He killed Kris," Chanyeol muttered.
"You don't know for sure-" Baekhyun gets cut off.
"Baekhyun, this letter was sent just days after Kris died. It's all here. He killed Kris on purpose," Chanyeol voice gets louder. 
Baekhyun signals for Jongin and Kyungsoo to get ready to hold Chanyeol back. Chanyeol's face is shocked and furious. There's a fire in his eyes that almost terrifies the others.
"That son of a ," Chanyeol says aloud and to Baekhyun's surprise, walks out of the cabin.
"Put everything back," Baekhyun commands and follows Chanyeol. He finds Chanyeol walking all the way down to the big oak tree to the west of Xiumin's cabin. Chanyeol likes to go here because it's the only sign of civilization within miles. It's peaceful and it helps him think.
"Hey, man," Baekhyun greets Chanyeol a bit hesitantly. 
"He killed Kris. He killed him," Chanyeol repeats. He's not crying yet, but he will. "He killed the one person who made me feel alive and wanted. He killed Kris," he pauses, swallowing his tears. "He killed me." Chanyeol cries for the first time in a while. Baekhyun thought all the tears were gone. 
Baekhyun starts to walk back because he can tell Chanyeol needs to be left alone. He understands the pain of losing someone so dear to his heart. When Tao died, Baekhyun needed people around him, like Chanyeol. When Baekhyun found out the truth about Tao's death, Baekhyun needed to be alone. 
Truth is, Baekhyun has been keeping a secret from everyone. Tao was killed by Xiumin. Baekhyun originally joined the army for closure. Now that he knows that Tao wasn't the only one brutally murdered by their own luitenent, he's here for revenge.
"Well, well, well," Baekhyun hears a sadistic voice behind him. "If it isn't the famed Byun Baekhyun, snooping in the middle of the night." Baekhyun turns slowly to see Luitenent Xiumin, smirking evilly in the dark.
"So you found out my little secret, did you? Well, I suppose we all have skeletons in our closet," Xiumin's eyes drift to Baekhyun's shoulder.
That's when Baekhyun realizes that his pin is missing. It must have fallen off while searching in his closet. Xiumin steps closer and Baekhyun sees Chanyeol behind him watching the scene unfold. 
Xiumin moves his hand, making the sharp object in his hand known as it shines under the moonlight. Before Baekhyun can run, Xiumin attacks. Baekhyun gasps at the sudden paralyzing pain. He falls to his knees, clutching his bleeding shoulder. Xiumin walks back to his cabin with the stained knife. He was so nonchalant walking back to his cabin. It's as i nothing happened.
"Baekhyun!" Chanyeol shouts, running to his best friend. "Baekhyun don't die on me."
"I'm sorry," Baekhyun breathes. 
Chanyeol shakes his head violently. "You cannot leave me!"
Baekhyun lay on the dead grass around them, gasping for air. He sees something from the corner of his eye. It's bright and knowing. He knows he's dying. "I'm coming Tao," and then he breathes his very last breath on earth. 
Chanyeol shakes uncontrollably, hugging his best friend one last time. His face and clothes are blood stained, but he still hugs Baekhyun. Chanyeol sobs into Baekhyun wound.
"You were the last thing I had," Chanyeol's tears are now rushing down his cheeks. "You can't leave. Don't go." Chanyeol's ugly cries fill the quiet night. "Please."
Chanyeol feels a rush of wind, suddenly, as if Baekhyun's soul is leaving his body. Chanyeol knows, now, Baekhyun is gone, too. Another life taken by the devil. Another life to fuel Chanyeol's anger. Another life to steal Chanyeol's smile. Another life gone forever.
A/N: It's my 16th birthday today!!! I'm excited!!! Also, tomorrow is Skyrumen818's birthday! HAPPY DAY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I'm going camping soon so I won't be able to update for my AFF year anniversery but I will when I get back. 
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I feel bad now. Someone unsubscribed. was chapter 2 bad?


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Chapter 2: Errr did baek died bcs he got stabbed on his shoulder?

And kris is really dead?
Chapter 2: I'm more than intrigued. And I swear if you take another unnecessary hiatus, it's going to be war.

Pardon the completely un-threatening pun.
Chapter 2: Xiumin must die!!!! omg this story makes me cry so much.
Chapter 2: Sorry if I'm being over curious , but is the camp your going to an lds girls camp?
Chapter 2: omfg!!! you are 2yrs younger than me /ugly creys

I just wanted to stab xiumin on the back now - w -
Skyrumen818 #6
Chapter 2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dammit Xiumin....
Skyrumen818 #7
Chapter 2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dammit Xiumin....
Chapter 2: Happy bday!!
Chapter 2: First of all, Happy birthday dear <3
and thanks for the update. But why did you have to take bacon too ;A; its too suspenseful now and i'm gonna die of curiosity but its all good xD
Chapter 2: NOOOO Baekhyun!!!!
Well at least he can npbewith Tao again :,(