Chapter 1: Tears I Mend East

Waking Up: Dream Trilogy Part 3


It's been year since Kris died in action. Chanyeol has seen exactly 59 deaths including those of Kris' friends in unit 27. Luckily, Chanyeol saved Baekhyun, Jongin and Kyungsoo on multiple occasions.
Kyungsoo and Jongin started dating about 3 months after Kris' memorial service. Chanyeol got to see what he looked like, finally. When Chanyeol saw his face, it took all his willpower to not fall in love with him again. 
After this whole year, Chanyeol has yet to get Kris off his mind. Something keeps picking at his brain, telling him there's something not right about it. These feelings started when Chanyeol entered unit 27. He took Kris' bunk for the sake of being closer to his love. The eery feeling followed him everywhere. That eery feeling changed him.
Chanyeol used to be the happy virus. He talked to everyone, ate everything and smile everywhere. Now, he's a cold, anti-social man who hates the world. Sometimes, Baekhyun has to force him to eat.
Although Chanyeol doesn't show it, he really is thankful for Baekhyun. He's stayed by his side even when Chanyeol pushed him away. Baekhyun pushes Chanyeol to be the best. Even though Baekhyun wants the old Chanyeol back, he still supports him no matter the circumstance. That's what a true friend is.
"How are you?" Baekhyun asks Chanyeol at the breakfast line. The two pass the less than appetizing eggs and go straight to the bacon.
"I'm good, how are you?" Chanyeol responds, avoiding the real meaning of the question. 
"You know what I mean."
Chanyeol did know. It was the one year anniversery of Kris' death. One year ago, today, Kris was brutally beaten and tortured by an unknown suspect. Whoever it was, it was not an accident.
"I'm okay. Still thinking about the note we found," Chanyeol finally answers. A few weeks back Baekhyun, Jongin, Kyungsoo and him were cleaning Luitenant Xiumin's cabin when they found a suspicious note crumpled in the corner of his desk drawer. It read:
Igloo tennis soda. Tears I mend east. 
It was coded, but luckily they had Kyungsoo who is a master at decoding secret messages. He told them that the first letter in each word represents a letter in the code. So, igloo tennis soda is i-t-s. The punctuation represents a new word. The message ultimately decoded to: It's time. 
"Time for what? What does that even mean?" Chanyeol questioned, walking to the table they sat to eat.
"Maybe you're looking a bit too into it," Kyungsoo commented as he and Jongin joined the other two. 
"Kyungsoo, let Chanyeol analyze it if he wants to. He's only trying to make sense of things," Baekhyun explained. Baekhyun knew what it was like. When Tao died he found the littlest things and over analyzed them. Once he found a pair of Tao's underwear in his drawer and thought about it for three weeks.
"I just know something isn't right," Chanyeol muttered, biting his lip in thought.
"Well, we will all be here to help you," Jongin assured. "If you ever want to go on a secret spy mission," The table started laughing. Other than Chanyeol, everyone thought it was a ridiculous and dangerous idea. Chanyeol, however, thought it was brilliant.
"Let's do it," Chanyeol said, completely serious while the laughter died down to nervous giggles.
"Chanyeol, I was just kidding," Jongin explains to Chanyeol.
"I know, but it does sound like a good idea."
"Chanyeol, we could get banned from the military. Many people banned from the military are shunned at home," Kyungsoo warns. In his hometown, there was a boy named Choi Minho who got banned from the army for deliberately poisoning food. He didn't even get to come home before they shunned him. He was a disgrace.
"Listen, since we got here, I can tell something has been wrong. Something that they aren't telling us. I have to find out what it is. If it's nothing, then at least my mind would be at ease. If it is something then we could stop it and save thousands of people becoming heros. Please, guys. Please, I'm desperate."
Chanyeol almost on his knees when Baekhyun  speaks up. "I'll do it," he agrees. "You guys may not agree with him, but as his friend, you must help and support him."
Jongin looks at Kyungsoo with moved eyes. He wants to help Chanyeol. Maybe this mission will make him return to his old self.
Kyungsoo holds his head high. "Nope. I refuse." Kyungsoo holds his ground for a good three minutes before finally succuming to the hard stares of the others. "Fine! I'll do it. Just stop staring at me!"
"Okay! Here's the plan..."
As Chanyeol explains their plan of action, Baekhyun notices that he's smiling. For the very first time in a year, Chanyeol is smiling.
A/N: Helloooooo!!!! I'm back!! How do you guys feel about the story being back! How did you like the chapter?
Next week, the 26th is my birthday so I will be updating then.
Also, June 30th is the one year anniversery of Cameroon97!!!
Thank you all for always supporting this story. Thank you to the people who have been with me since the very beginning and thank you to the people who found the story a bit later. Also, thank you to the newcomers. I love waking up the day after I update and reading all the awesomw comments. It's makes me so happy. I love you all!
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I feel bad now. Someone unsubscribed. was chapter 2 bad?


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Chapter 2: Errr did baek died bcs he got stabbed on his shoulder?

And kris is really dead?
Chapter 2: I'm more than intrigued. And I swear if you take another unnecessary hiatus, it's going to be war.

Pardon the completely un-threatening pun.
Chapter 2: Xiumin must die!!!! omg this story makes me cry so much.
Chapter 2: Sorry if I'm being over curious , but is the camp your going to an lds girls camp?
Chapter 2: omfg!!! you are 2yrs younger than me /ugly creys

I just wanted to stab xiumin on the back now - w -
Skyrumen818 #6
Chapter 2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dammit Xiumin....
Skyrumen818 #7
Chapter 2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dammit Xiumin....
Chapter 2: Happy bday!!
Chapter 2: First of all, Happy birthday dear <3
and thanks for the update. But why did you have to take bacon too ;A; its too suspenseful now and i'm gonna die of curiosity but its all good xD
Chapter 2: NOOOO Baekhyun!!!!
Well at least he can npbewith Tao again :,(