Jaywalking love.

The girls stood approximately a foot away from eachother and stared at eachother as they were taking this moment in. "Wait, YOU were the other winner?!!!" Sarah asked in complete shock. "Yeah, I entered too!" "But I wasn't expecting YOU to be the other winner!" said Sarah. "Well, I didn't know that you won! I didn't even know that there was only gonna be more than one winner!" said Zeinab. "Who cares? We're gonna meet JAY PARK!" The girls jumped up and down as they screamed, they were "FANGIRLING". As the plane prepared for takeoff, the girls sat down and relaxed. "Girls, we're about to takeoff. Stay seated for a few minutes." Said the captain. "So uh, are you ready to see JAY PARK IN PERSON?!" asked Zeinab. "YEAH! ARE YOU KIDDING?! I've always wanted to see and meet them since I started loving him!" "Me too! I thought this day would NEVER come!" "I can't wait until tomorrow night! We should definitely make it so that we could remember this moment FOREVER!" "Definitely!"

After takeoff, the girls were finally calm and content. Sarah was just imagining what it would be like to FINALY see her ultimate bias in concert. Screaming girls, background noises, the loudness AND Jay Park himself. Sarah couldn't wait ANY longer, but she would try to hold it in. She wanted this day to go by SUPER FAST. As the hours past, they landed in Kansas for refueling. "Where are we? Are we in California yet?" Asked Zeinab. "No, they said we're in Kansas right now." replied Sarah. "Oh, alrighty then." said Zeinab as she went back to sleep. After the refueling, Sarah decided to listen to some music and chill out until takeoff.  During takeoff, Sarah kept reminding herself, "BE PATIENT AND THE TIME WILL COME."

During the plane ride, Sarah and Zeinab were both asleep. They would've eventually fallen asleep due to boredom and and waiting.Sarah was warm and toasty, wrapped up in very cozy pillows and blankets.Music was playing and there was PERFECT air conditioning. The girls were quite comfortable until the plane FINALLY landed in Los Angeles, California.


"Are you serious?! No, I don't believe you.." said Sarah.

"GET UP! Seriously, we're here!" remarked Zeinab.

The girls claimed their belongings and slowly got off of the plane. They were nervous because they were worried about the dangers around them. "Um, where are we supossed to go?" asked Zeinab nervously. "We'll figure it out soon." said Sarah. After a few minuted of looking, Sarah and Zeinab saw a woman holding up a sign with their names in it. The girls then walked up to the woman.

"Are you girls Zeinab and Sarah?" the woman asked.

"Yeah..." they both said simoutaneously.

"I'm Wanjing and I'll be your mentor for your experience here." the woman said. "Follow me"

They followed the woman and walked to her car. The girls put their luggage away and climed into the backseat of the car. They patiently waited as Wanjing got into the car. They finally started driving and went for their hotel.

"So, where are you girls from?" asked Wanjing. "Um, we're from New York," answered Sarah. 

"So, what are you guys here for?" she asked. "A concert.. Yeah, a concert!" said Zeinab.

It was both an awkward conversation for the three of them. After some time passed, the finally arrived at their hotel. They got their luggage and waied as Wanjing checked in for them. Sarah and Zeinab walked in and followed Wanjing through the main lobby. Before they knew it, it was time to open the door to their new hotel room. "Wooooooooow." the all said. It was luxurious. A flat screen TV, a beautiful bathroom, comfortable beds AND a beautiful view from their window.


"Duhhh." said Sarah. 

The all waited an hour just to settle in and just simply relax. The girls instantly knew that this was gonna be a trip AND moment that they could ALL remember.

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