Jaywalking love.

Sarah was just another girl who was just into kpop. She loved it so much, but Jay Park was her ULTIMATE BIAS. She loved him so much. There were posters, pictures, song lyrics, merchandise and drawings all over her room and school journals and binders. But she kept it a secret from her classmates just to avoid getting teased or judged. It was the last day of school as Sarah was just in class waiting for the bell to ring.  "Oh my god, COME ON." Sarah said to herself.She began to tap her pencil on the desk and stayed quiet until the lovely sound of the bell went off. "YES, FINALLY!"After talking to her friends, Sarah went home and started on her massive mountain range of homework. Wanting to sleep, but getting it done was the only option. Sarah finally finished her homework and just some music. Sarah was just relaxing to Jay Park's "STAR". 

Her father suddenly came into her room. "Sarah," he began. "Dinner's ready. And Jay Park again? You always listen to him..." "But dad, I love him!" "But you don't know what he's singing about!" Sarah sighed. "I like his music though! You don't understand.." Sarah went to go eat dinner. "Ahh, Sarah.. How was school today?" her mother asked. "It.. It was good!" Sarah ate her food and enjoyed the fact that school was FINALLY over. Sarah saw a tweet about winning a chance to go see Jay Oark in concert. "HA! Yeah right. That's like winning the lottery." Sarah clicked on the link and signed up. "Wow, I actually wasted my time." A few days later, Sarah was in bed sleeping to the sound of silence until her mother yelled her name. "SARAH!!!" She just lay there and thought of what possible reason they called her. 

Sarah slowly awoke from her beautiful and relaxing sleep. She slowly made her way to the living room. She sighed "What happened now...?" "We have 2 surprises for you." her mother said as she began. "Your letter from some sweepstake came in. It says, 'Congradulations Sarah, you have been chosen to attend Jay Park's concert this upcoming Saturday. Everything has been paid for. Your plane rides, hotel and everything. We hope you can make it." As Sarah heard those beautiful words come out of her mother's mouth, she literally screamed and jumped around with joy. "OH MY GOD! I CAN'T.." Before she could finish her sentence, her father told her his surprise. "Remember how you've ALWAYS wanted to go to Jay Park's concert?" "..Yeah, what's going on?" "Hold out your hands and close your eyes." he ordered. After a few seconds of waiting, "NOW you can open your eyes!" Sarah opened her eyes and saw JAY PARK TICKETS IN HER HANDS. "OH MY GOD! ARE YOU.. SERIOUS?!!!" Sarah asked on definite shock. "Yes! This is your reqard for having good grades and showing us how mature you really are," her mother said. You might wanna pack up because it's all the way in Los Angeles, California."




Days later, Sarah was ready to go to California. "SARAH! LET'S GO!" her parents rushed. "Okay, I'm coming!" Sarah rushed downstair and checked for everything. "Are you ready, Sarah?" her father asked. "Yep! Let's head for California!" On the way to the airpost, Sarah looked at all of the buildings as she was passing by. She was secretely excited about seeing Jay Park. "Ahh, I can't wait!" Sarah said excitedly. "You don't even understand... Like for real though." During the ride to their airport, all Sarah could think about was Jay Park! "Um, can you guys drive faster or..?" said Sarah. "Oh stop it Sarah! We'll get there before you know it." said her mother. After waiting patiently, Sarah and her family FINALLY arrived at the airport. "It's about time!" said Sarah. Sarah ran through the airport as she tried not to run into other people. "Sarah! SLOW DOWN!" her parents ordered. She immediately obeyed. After a few minutes, it was finally time to get onto the PRIVATE JET! "Mom, dad! Come on!" Sarah rushed. "Oh, Sarah.. We're not coming with you!" Said her mother. "Wait.. What?" sha asked in surprise. "Why not?" "Because Sarah, we've decided to let you go on your own. And to be safe, the people gave you a mentor to stay with you.." said her father. It was time to go. "Oka, Sarah. Be on your BEST behavior, DO NOT RUN OFF, do not talk to strangers and be respectful." Her mother said. "It's time fr you to go." Sarah hugged and kissed her parents as she aboarded the plane.

Sarah walked on the plane as she saw COMPLETE LUXURY. "Oh my god.. A maid, massage chairs AND good food?! Heck yes!" She was just putting her bags down when suddenly, she was surprised by ANOTHER SWEEPSTAKES WINNER. "Hi, I'm the other winner! It's nice to meet you, I also hope we could become friends during our experience!" Sarah turned around and froze in complete shock as her eyes widened. "OH MY GOSH, ZEINAB..?!" "Yes! IT'S ME!" she said. Boith of the girls stood there in shocking silence as the most unexpected event came up.

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