You're now mine.

Le yoonsic collections (One Shots)
Today is the day; the day I'm planning on asking Jessica's parents for their support for my proposal. I don't even know what I'm going to say to them. I don't even know if they're going to support me. I'm feeling nervous. I just arrived from Afghanistan from a battle. Yes I am a soldier, but I'm only a soldier for a duty for korean men. I reached 22, so I needed to work as a soldier for 2 years.I had to leave my company to my brother for the meantime.Over the time working  as a soldier, I realized that life is too short. I realized that it's about time for Jessica and I , to start a new chapter in our life; Which is Getting Married.
I've been waiting for this day to come; where I'm going to go see Jessica again. It's been 2 years. 2 years without her voice, touch, and love. I wonder if she still remembers me. I wonder if she still kept her promise; the promise of loving eachother forever, and waiting for eachother. I hope she still loves me.
Jessica doesn't exactly know that I've arrived back in Korea. I actually wanted to surprise her, but before that I needed to ask her parents help. Yesterday, I called her parents if I could meet up with them at a cafe. I also told them not to tell Jessica. Jessica's parents agreed on the meeting, and they promised that they wouldn't let her know. Her parents got surprised that I came back. It was a huge shocker for them. I could tell by their voices that they're glad I'm back.
Now here I am in the best cafe in town drinking a hot latte, waiting for Jessica's parents. My hands are sweating, my eyes are watery, and  my stomach filled is filled with  butterflies. I feel scared and nervous at the same time. As ten minutes has passed, I heard a familiar voice. It was her parents. 
I got up, and I bowed to the both of her parents. They were wearing really fancy clothes, and jewelry; since they are rich and famous as me. I was wearing a tuxedo, and my hair was done neatly. I politely told them to take a seat.
Now that they were in front of me, I took a deep breath. I smiled at them, and I apologized for taking too much of their time. 
  "Sorry, Sir and Ms Jung If I take  too much of your time. To be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm going to say; so please bare with me." I said as I looked at their faces. 
They both look curious and they have serious faces. Now I know where Jessica gets her coldness from. 
"It's okay Yoong, we don't mind" they said in union. They look as if they were scared of what I was going to say. 
I pulled out the ring, and I saw their expression change. They gasped, and they were shocked.
"See in this box, Is uh the ring for your oldest. Jessica is my everything, and She's my everything and all that I know is It would be such a relief if I knew that we were on the same side. The reason is, I'm hoping that I .. Can marry your daughter." I looked at their eyes, and I made sure I looked sincere. 
"I really love your daughter.
I really want to make her my wife. I don't even know if I can live without her. I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die. Jessica has been here with me every step of the way, since the day we first met. 
I'm still scared to death to think of what would happen if she ever left. I want your daughter to be the one, and only. I want to make her my wife
I really want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die. Sir and Mrs, please give me that chance. " I looked at their faces as I said this. 
They had a smile on their faces, and they had teary eyes. I think they got touched by what I said. 
Mr Jung opened his mouth, and he looked sternly into my eyes.
"Yoong, I had always waited for this day. I'm glad that you finally decided to start a new chapter with my daughter. It took long enough eh? I give you my support. You better take care of my daughter. Do not break her heart, or you're against me. You know, I used to be a boxer right ?" He chuckled after that last line. 
Mr. jung got me scared there for second. He is a boxer, but I'm a soldier.. everything made me chuckle.
"Mr Jung, I promise i'll never break her heart. If I make a mistake, I'll make sure I'll apologize to her. I promise to take care of her, the rest of my life. You're daughter is worth a more than my life. Thank you sir, I'm glad that you give me your support." I stared deeply into his eyes as I said this.
"I give you mine as well, but make sure you take care of my baby! Don't feed her cucumbers ! " mrs jung suddenly said in a motherly way.
I smiled and I chuckled. "I promise ! She'll kill me if I ever did that !" I said
to ms.jung
After our serious talk, her parents stayed for a few more minutes for coffee. We talked about my future plans, and how my company is going. 
We laughed at how Jessica hated melons and cucumbers, and how she couldn't cook. After spending time with her parents, her parents bid their goodbyes. They shouted out "good luck" before they left.
I guess, the meeting went pretty well. Now, I just have to think of a way to propose.
After thinking for a while, an idea popped. I'll take Jessica to the place where we first met, and I'll pop the question there.
I took out my phone, and I dialled her number. I heard many beeps, until she finally answered.
 "Hello? Who's this?" I heard her say, shortly after she answered.
I miss her voice so much.
"Oh.. Uh.. Jessica? This is uh Yoong." I answered nervously.
  Does she still remember me? I hope she still loves me...
"Yoong? " There was a moment of silence.
 "Yeah, its me. Hello?" I kept repeating hello, because it seemed as if she was shocked.
" Yoongie! You're back! Are youuu???? " She screamed into her phone.
   Aigoo. Her dolphin scream hurts my earsss~ I guess I have to get used to it, since I'm going to hear it till the rest of my life.
"Sicachu~ I'm finally back. I hope you and I can meet up today. Meet me at the park, where we first met. Gotta go bye! " I quickly hung up. I hope she comes.
  I didn't even let her say no.. haha.
After a few minutes of staying in the cafe, I headed to the flower shop near by. There was so many people looking at me, when I went into the store.
It seems as if I'm like a celebritiy. I guess I'm quite handsome.. but still.I kept walking around the store, looking for a rose. After a few circles around the store, I finally found the roses section. The whole section was beautiful.. my mouth formed an o. It was perfect. Looking at the roses, reminded me of Jessica; beautiful and heaven. I went to the cashier, and I told him to get me a dozen of red roses.
After I paid for the roses, I went into my car. I settled down for a moment, and then I started to drive to the park. It was really sunny outside. My palms are getting really sweaty. I don't even know what to say, or how to propose.. I'll just wing it. While I was driving, I just imagined Jessica's and I's future together. Waking up to eachother everyday, having our children, everything.. it makes me smile.
Walking to the park, I sat onto a bench. I kept looking from side to side to check if Jessica would be here. It took 10 minutes before I saw a figure approach me, it was her Jessica. My love.
"Sicachu!!!!!!!! Babe!!" I grabbed her and swung her.
"yoongie!!!! put me down!!! it hurts!!! " she screamed.
I let go of her body, and I gave her roses . She was blushing which made me feel good inside.
Sica and I spent a long time talking to eachother on the swings, before I decided to propose..
I stopped her swing, and I went infront of her. Jessica looked at me with her blank expression, but with love in her eyes.
"Jessica. I love you so much I just want to let you know that. While working for the military for 2 years, things changed me. It made me realize that life is too short. It made me realize that.. I was ready to spend my whole life with you. I really want to marry you, I want you to be the mother of our kids. I can't go a day without you gone by my side anymore. I want you here with me every step of the way. I'm hoping that.. you would give me the chance... Will you marry me? sica chu? I'll be your prince. you'll be my princess. forever." I kneeled down infront of her, and I showed her the expensive ring.
She gasped in amazment. Her face was blushing. Her eyes were twinkling. Everything was too good to be true. After staring at her eyes for a minute, she finally sealed the deal. she said "YES!" .
I hugged her, and I spun her around. She was blushing, and she was crying. It made me laugh how she was being so emotional. I kissed her, and I stared into her eyes and
I said.
  "You're now mine. Forever."
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when im reading this im crying and having a goosebump at the same time its so sad im so emotional and i know that xD
Chapter 7: update please....
Chapter 7: it is a nice chapter
please update
Kiddie13 #4
Chapter 4: Ahh poor yoona, why sica didnt give yoong a chance?? and why she didnt realized her feeling towards yoong?? T_T
Chapter 3: it is a nice chapter
please update
Kiddie13 #6
Chapter 2: Yeay!! happy ending for yoonsic!! haha
yoonsic722 #7
Chapter 1: Omg i had a goosebumps when i read this

So sad huhu but lucky yoong found the new owner for the ring

Please make a happy yoonsic:)

Chapter 1: it is so sad
please update
Kiddie13 #9
Chapter 1: Omo, its really sad.. especially when yoong know that sica is death T_T ahh so sad for yoonsic T_T but i like it!! please make another angst :) hehe
Chapter 1: So sad :( Is it genderbender though, oh whatever, is doesnt matter since its in Yoona's pov. Isnt it Yoona's a fault that Jessica's died though? Since to buy the ring.