EXOK Park Chanyeol

EXO- Series of one shots (Come on in and REQUEST!!)

Name: Yoo Seo Min

Person: Park Chanyeol

Oneshot: The time when Seo Min and Chanyeol get into a fight and Chanyeol accuses her of cheating on him.


“Yah, I said come back here Park Chanyeol. I still have things to say, where are you going?” Seo min repeated as she forcefully pulled Chanyeol back.

“What?” Chanyeol said irritated as he brushed her fingers off and continued walking.

It had been two years since Seo Min and Chanyeol walked down the aisle hand in hand promising each other eternal love. Although aware of Chanyeol’s idol status, Seo Min didn’t care too much about his sasaeng fans or his busy schedules, all which were unimportant because she knew deep down he loved her with all his heart. It was unexpected that things started to change drastically last month and there had been occasions where Chanyeol didn’t come home at night and would continue to ignore Seo Min’s calls. This time, it had been a full week that Chanyeol didn’t call home and Seo Min had urgent news to tell him.

“What’s wrong with you lately? You haven’t been home, you would ignore my calls and tex-“before Seo Min got to finish Chanyeol had abruptly answered.

“I’m busy.” Chanyeol said, emotionless not even making an effort at looking at his wife.

“Busy? I’m not as stupid as you think I am. Firstly, how can you be busy can you get when you’re not even in promotion period? I’m your wife, Chanyeol at least make an effort to call home or text me at the very least if you don’t come home.”

“Well, my phone ran out of battery. What was I supposed to do?” Chanyeol said trying to defend himself.

“Park Chanyeol, you leave home for a whole seven days and don’t even bother calling your wife who was worried sick about you and all you can say is ‘my phone ran out of battery?’ how low can you get? Huh, Park Chanyeol? Seo Min finally snapped and she raised her voice a little louder.

“How low can I get? Yah, Yoo Seo Min, what right do you have to know where I am every single second of the day? If that’s all you’ve got to say then I am going out. I need some air.” Chanyeol snarled as he made his way towards the door.

“YAH PARK CHANYEOL!” Seo Min shouted as she grabbed Chanyeol’s arm.


“WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING AT ME?!” Seo Min snapped as she looked back at his penetrating eyes.

“You were the one to start it.” Chanyeol murmured.

“WELL YOU KNOW WHAT PARK CHAYEOL. YOU’RE ATTITUDE THESE PAST FEW MONTHS HAVE BEEN FREAKING ANNOYING. WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH YOU? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO US?” Seo Min began to tear up, she hated when she and Chanyeol fought. It broke her heart to yell at a person whom she loved so much but she couldn’t act blind eyed. It was true, Seo Min and Chanyeol were drifting apart and it felt as if he didn’t care less about her existence.

“What? My attitude? You’re the one who wouldn’t stop bugging me with 137 calls in the past 7 days and when I get home you start coming at me like this. Be clear about who is giving attitude to whom, thanks.”

“You know what, you’re a jerk and I know you know it. Park Chanyeol, I called you 137 times because I was freaking worried about you. I didn’t know where you were, I didn’t know if you had a place to sleep, I even went through the possibilities that you were kidnapped and was about to call the police. I worried sick, and then seven days later, you come home and don’t say anything about it and expect me to be okay? Are you in your freaking right mind?! Do you even consider me as your wife anymore?” Seo Min half cried and shouted.

”Well for your information, you don’t have to be worried. I’m alive and doing pretty well and as for me considering you as my wife, you do know South Korea is a pretty open country. If you like we can even get a divorce.” Chanyeol said calmly.

“W-w-what did you just say? Divorce?” Seo Min stuttered, unable to cope with what was going on.

“Yes, a divorce. I’m pretty sure, you can find a better man, I’ll wish you the best of luck.” Chanyeol said monotone.

“Yeah. I can definitely find a better man. I will actually find a man who cares about his wife and child.” Seo Min confessed with a whisper. Her heart felt like it had exploded into a million pieces and was suddenly coming back at her as sharp spears.

“Do as you wi- what did you just say? Wife and child…” Chanyeol said, wide eyed.

“Divorce, lets go with that.” Seo Min whispered.

“I SAID WHAT DID YOU SAY BEFORE THAT. DAMN IT SEO MIN, LOOK AT ME” Chanyeol part grabbed onto Seo Min’s shoulder and part lifted her head.

“You heard what I said, but I doubt you care.” Seo Min spat.

“Tsk, I don’t even think that child’s even mine.” Chanyeol spat back.

At this point, both Chanyeol and Seo Min were part glaring and spitting hurtful words at each other.

“You’re unbelievable Chanyeol. I can’t believe I married a man like you.”

“You’re not all that good either, I know what you did with that coffee shop guy, I know it all you don’t have to lie.” Chanyeol finally heaved.

“What did you say? Are you accusing me of cheating on you?! Are you your right mind?!” Seo Min yelled, she was annoyed beyond senseless and yet Chanyeol had just accused her of cheating on him.

“I’m not accusing you, it’s the truth, and I saw you and that coffee guy hugging on the streets. You don’t have to deny it anymore, I bet he would be happy after hearing you’re carrying his child.” Chanyeol glared.

“Park Chanyeol, you’re crazy. You’re freaking crazy; I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have always been loyal to you and yet you accuse me… you, you’re unbelievable.” Seo Min felt dizzy; she couldn’t believe her husband had just accused her of cheating on him.

“So what now… you didn’t think I would find out right? You think you did a good job of hiding the relationship right?” Chanyeol stepped closer and Seo Min didn’t budge.

“You’re freaking crazy, that man who works at the coffee shop is my god brother. I can’t believe you Park Chanyeol, after so many years of being together; you are actually accusing me of cheating on you. I am carrying your child and you think I’m cheating on you.” Seo Min looked up and stared into his eyes.

“W-what? God brother?” Chanyeol stammaered and stared at Seo Min unable to take in the information all on one go.

“Does it matter now? It’s too late now. “Seo Min whispered, but audible. She turned and headed towards the door. Chanyeol’s eyes softened as he finally realised he had accused her at something she didn’t so, but what not. Who would act so if you saw your wife being intimate with another man.

“W-w-w-wait! Yah Yoo Seo Min… YAH! Stop!” Chanyeol chased Seo Min as she powerwalked over towards the door. He successfully grabbed hold of Seo Min’s wrist and pulled her into a hug.

“Get off of me. Don’t touch me.” Seo Min said, holding in her tears and started to push Chanyeol off (obviously impossible since he was strong), although it felt good to be in Chanyeol’s embrace again after so long without it, she had to resist, it wasn’t like Seo Min was going to let Chanyeol off like that after he accused her of cheating on him with.. with… her…her god brother!

“Yah, Yoo Seo Min. I seriously didn’t know.” Chanyeol said as he continued to hug the squirming Seo Min.

“You could have asked, you know, you had so many ways to clarify it yet you chose to ignore it.” Seo Min murmured.

“Well I’m sorry, I seriously didn’t think of the possibilities. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” Chanyeol had let go of Seo Min and go down on his knees, bowed his head in shame and held her hands.

“I am sorry Seo Min, I am sorry little Seo Min, I am sorry Mom, I am sorry Dad, I am sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry…”he continued

Seo Min tried hard not to laugh at his pitiful stanza but it was just too hard.

“hehehe” Seo Min let out a high pitched chuckle.

From hearing someone laughing Chanyeol looked up to see Seo Min covering and muffling small laughs.

“Does that mean I am….Forgiven?” Chanyeol still kneeling looked up and clasped his hands together as is he was praying.

“You idiot.”


“Just, never. I repeat that, never accuse me of things like that again, and seriously if anything’s wrong be a man and ask me instead of ignoring me like that you jerk. You know that I love you.” Seo Min broke away from their hug and pointed at him and cupped his face.

“I w-w-won’t… I love you, Yoo Seo Min. I also love our baby” Chanyeol teared up as he kneeled and placed his ear towards Seo Min’s stomach.

“I promise to be a better husband and father from now on.” Chanyeol said as he hugged Seo Min. They both stayed in the same position for a very long time.




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