A New Addition

Moonlight Sonata

Heo Young Saeng’s POV

During the concert I still kept thinking about the girl. I found myself staring at her picture during our breaks. I would often pull out my phone and stare at her looking at her camera. I still kept asking myself why did I not ask her what her name was. Somehow I felt stupid liking a girl that a) I have no idea what her name, b) I just met, and c) I hadn’t even spent more that 10 minuets with. It has been a week since we got back to Japan. We had only finished cleaning up after eating lunch when our manager came and called us together.

“We will be having a new group to join us. They will be joining our company and they have a contract for 5 years. The company have made plans tomorrow for us to meet. We will be gathering at the Cornerstone restaurant the president said that the new group was in charge of the venue since it’s their treat. So we will be meeting there at 7. Any questions?” the manager said enthusiastically.

Hyun Joong hyun raised his hand “What’s the food there like?”

“I have no idea, I haven’t been there yet.” The manager said clueless

“I heard it’s one of the most expensive restaurants here in Seoul” Jung min pointed out.

“Really!” everyone said out loud.

“Yeah. I heard many people talking about it on the news. They said that the cuisine there is one of the finest here.”

“So what’s the group like?” I asked curiously

“All I heard from the president is that it’s a girl group. It is composed of 5 members.” the manager said

“Well one of them must be pretty rich since they can afford to treat us in a place like Cornerstone.” Jung Min said.

“Well anyway the attire for tonight is semi formal so dress your best alright. We’ll see you guys tonight” the manager said leaving us.

I was excited to meet the new group and I can tell everyone was too. Right after our manager left we immediately went to the salon to get ready. It took us almost 3 hours to get out hair done. After that we went back to our dorm and started to choose what to wear. Since it was semi-formal it was a little difficult to choose what to wear. It took us almost an hour to find the right clothes. It was already half-pass six when we finished dressing up. Our manager came a few minutes later. We got in the car and drove for a few minutes. We stopped at a fine looking restaurant; a chauffer opened the door for us and asked us about our reservation.  Our manager handed him something like a reservation slip or something and the chauffer showed us to our table. Turns out it wasn’t a table at all. It was more like a room, with a big circular table in the center. Everyone was already there along with KARA and Rainbow.  We all greeted each other and we all sat down waiting for our new group to arrive.  At exactly 7 a car stopped in front of the restaurant and out came 5 girls. When they entered the room our president stood up and greeted them enthusiastically.

“I would like to introduce to you all the newest member of our family BitterSweet!” our president said

“I’m the leader Sin Mee Yon.”  Said the girl with black hair and bright green eyes.

“I’m the high vocalist Ryu Choon Hee” greeted the girl with blonde hair and brown eyes

“I’m their low vocalist Cho Kyung Soon” stuttered the girl with brown hair and black eyes

“I’m the lead rapper Sam Eun Kyung” said the girl with brown hair and grey eyes

“And I’m their main vocalist Min Hee Young” said the girl who looked vaguely familiar. She had black hair and sapphire blue eyes.

“You were the one who photographed us while we were in Japan!” Hyung Jun blurted out.

She giggled smiled at us.

“Wow you recognized me.” She said

“Shall we all take a seat and start dinner?” the president said

We all sat down and after a few minutes our food arrived and we started eating. Conversation broke out almost immediately as we sat down everyone was curious about the five girls and started bombarding them with questions. When one of the KARA members asked them about their special talents I blurted out.

“Hee- Young-shii is a very good photographer, she was the one who shot us when we were in Japan and I also saw her other shots of Super Junior and Girls’ Generation.”

I saw her blush. The president laughed, I turned around to see what was funny, and instead he smiled and said

“Well honey why don’t you show us what you can do.”

She nodded, stood up and went towards the direction of the piano. She tucked in her hair behind her ears and started to play. The melody was soft and smooth; it quickly filled the room with warmth. I closed my eyes and listed to her song intently. When the melody ended I saw that I wasn’t the only one who had my eys closed as she played. Nearly everyone in the room along with the staff and the waiters had their eyes closed the whole time. She stood up and went back to our table. When she sat down everyone clapped for her and demanded an encore. She giggled.

“Moonlight Sonata, am I right?” I asked

She nodded.

“What other pieces can you play?” I asked

“Lots more, but Moonlight Sonata is my favorite.”

“Do you know how to play Fantasia in F Minor?”

She nodded, stood up once again and headed for the piano and started playing. After the melody ended everyone was already finished eating and decided to call it a night. We bid farewell to each other and went home. When we got home I was still thinking about Hee Young, I found myself thinking about her playing the piano. How she would close her eyes and how her hair would fall to her face. For the first time in my life I felt that I wanted her to want me more than the others, more than her being my fan. I wanted her to love me. And after that night I don’t think I’ll ever hear Moonlight Sonata and Fantasia in F Minor the same again.

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Chapter 1: ooh? seems interesting so far~ will come back later for more :3
Plmokn #2
update soon
jungminbaby #3
please update soon
bad-but-good #4
please more scene of lizzy and jungmin :) PLEASE UPDATE SOON :D
Awww soo cutee ^^ can't wait rill the program starts!!! Update soon pllleaassee!!!
SSZE_A501 #6
I love SS501,<br />
update soon!