Chapter One

One Decision

It was about 3 pm when Ilhoon suddenly woke up. He was a bit hungry. Then he climbed down his bed and saw the other hyungs slept. No luck, there wasn’t any ramyeon or snacks. He opened the refigerator, no foods but eggs and he dislikes eggs. He sighed when he closed the refigerator and noticed someone walked towards him. It was him. His adorable hyung.



“Ah, Hyunsik-hyung, you woke up?” Ilhoon didn’t know what to do or say, he was suprised and a bit happy.


“I must be slept if I didn’t  wake up, Ilhoon. What are you doing?” Hyunsik took a glass of water.


“Ah, yes. Uh, need something to eat. And you?”


“Thirsty. Are you hungry? Let’s go to the store and search something for you to eat. Come on”, hyunsik grabbed 2 jackets and gave one to ilhoon while he wore the other one.


“Okay hyung” llhoon followed Hyunsik.



Ilhoon’s pov


It wasn’t a dream. It was Hyunsik-hyung for real. We  walked together. At 3 pm. And he still handsome though he just woke up. What should I do? Should I hold his hand and pretended I feel cold?


We went to the store near our dorm. I quickly went to ramyun and begged to Hyunsik-hyung.



“Hyung~ buy me this~” Hyunsik was about to picked a cookies.


“Are you sure? I thought you are too sleepy to cook something.” I shook my head.


“Ah, the cookies aren’t bad. Buy it too, hyung. Who knows if I’m sleepy after we reached the dorm.”


Hyunsik-hyung smiled and took the ramyun. After he paid it, he put his hand around my shoulder and we walked out the store. I was going to explode because of this happy moment.


“Cold, isn’t it?” He chuckled an a fog came out from his mouth.


I was about to said something to him when he suddenly pulled and hugged me. All I could remember was a strong wind and light behind me, a strong sound of crash, and Hyunsik-hyung was trembling while hugged me. I was too shocked and scared to said something.




“You are save now, Ilhoon. Don’t worry.” Hyunsik-hyung was breathing so hard. He tightened his embrace. I felt warm and save. Suddenly tears fell into my cheecks and my legs became weak. And everything became dark.



No one’s pov


They were about to cross the road when Hyunsik heard a car with high speed was coming towards them. He quickly pulled Ilhoon into his embrace and didn’t let Ilhoon to see anything. The car passed in front of them, hit a trash can before it slammed a street lamp and the wall of a houseyard. Ilhoon was unconscious after Hyunsik said something to him.


Hyunsik saw a fire started to burned the car in a blink. Hyunsik quickly carried Ilhoon and ran so far from that car. He looked at the boy in his arms, wiped the tears at Ilhoon’s cheeks, and thanked to the God they didn’t get hit by the car.



The police, an ambulance and the fire-brigade came after a while. There were also crowded. A policeman came towards Hyunsik and asked if he could give some information. Hyunsik said yes and he would be back after taking Ilhoon home.


Minhyuk quickly opened the dorm’s door. Everybody woke up except Changseob, and of course, Ilhoon. They gasped after seeing Ilhoon unconscious. Hyunsik moved Ilhoon into Jihoon’s arms who quickly put him to Eunkwang’s bed. He told every one to take care of Ilhoon and he was going to go out again to gave informations to the policeman.



Minhyuk’s pov


I suddenly woke up because of so many sirene sounds. I saw Eunkwang walked out the bedroom.


“So noisy...” Changsub seemed annoyed too but he just pulled his blanket and slept. I followed Eunkwang to the livingroom and Jihoon-hyung came from the dorm’s front door.


“It was car accident near the store.” I looked at Eunkwang who also shocked.


“Where’s Ilhoon-hyung?” Sungjae came and rubbed his eyes. “He isn’t on his bed?” Eunkwang stared at Sungjae and he shooked his head.



Then Hyunsik came with Ilhoon in his hands. I gasped and almost cry seeing Ilhoon collapsed.


“Take care of Ilhoon. I have to go to the police.” Jihoon took Ilhoon from Hyunsik and brought him to Eunkwang’s bed. Eunkwang and Sungjae followed him. Peniel helped him to set the bed.


“Are you all right? Why are you going to the police?”


“Just give informations, I’m fine. Maybe.” Hyunsik sigh. “Oh, this is ramyun and cookies. Ilhoon and I bought these from the store.” Hyunsik gave me a plastic bag with ramyun and cookies. I chuckled.


“Why did you remember to brought these thing?” he shrugged and smiled.


“I don’t know. I didn’t even remember I brought it. Make sure he eats something, hyung. I’ll go.” Hyunsik opened the door.


“Ah Hyunsik!” he stopped and looked at me. “Be careful.” He smiled and leave the dorm.



I went to the bedroom and saw Jihoon-hyung talked to Eunkwang while Peniel and Sungjae barely stared at him because of their sleepy eyes.


“They said the car was at the full speed and then crashed to the wall beside the store. The car almost hit 2 guys but I can’t believe they were Hyunsik and Ilhoon.” Eunkwang nodded.


“I think he is all right. I’m going to sleep again.” Sungjae crawled to his bed. Peniel also slept again.


“I’ll go to Hyunsik. Do you guys want to come with me?” Eunkwang nodded but I shooked my head.


“We’ll leave Ilhoon to you." I smiled and they went out the dorm.



I stared at Ilhoon. Thankful he is all right. I touched his forehead and played with his bang. He was so pretty, as pretty as a little boy. His eyes, his nose, his cheeks, his hair, his lip, his hands... Every part of him was perfect.


I held his hand. He was okay. He was save. Thank God. I like you so much, Ilhoon...



No one’s pov


Hyunsik closed the door and he was smilng all the way to the store. He knew ‘be careful’ was only small words, but it was from the man he loved. He didn’t know since when he started lo love his cute hyung and he didn’t care about it. The most important thing was he loved Minhyuk and it would never change.






Hyunsik just finished his talk with the police and saw Jihoon and Eunkwang waited for him. They went back to the dorm together. Jihoon quickly went to his bedroom and slept. Eunkwang needed to use the toilet. Hyunsik was about to check Ilhoon and he was frozen because he saw Minhyuk slept beside Eunkwang’s bed with his head touched Ilhoon's head and Minhyuk held Ilhoon’s palm.



Hyunsik felt jealous. He moved Minhyuk into his bed. Then he heard Ilhoon groaned.



“Hyung is here, Ilhoon” Hyunsik whispered into Ilhoon's ear and held his hand. To Hyunsik, Ilhoon was his precious brother. He loved Ilhoon, but it was brotherly love. It was different with his love for Minhyuk



It began to silent.


“Hyung....” Ilhoon talked with small voice and his eyes still closed.








“I like you...”




Hyunsik gasped. Ilhoon slept again. Hyunsik glanced at Ilhoon and realized that Eunkwang stood at the bedroom's door stared at Ilhoon. They both suprised of Ilhoon's words and they only stared each other.




To be continued.




Kinda boring isn't it? Sorry but btw these days I was thinking about making this story and finally I made it~~~~

At first, I want it to be one shot but then I changed my mind.

Thanks for anyone who read this :3

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TeenTopLover02 #1
Chapter 3: Great story! ^.^
Valkerion #2
Chapter 1: ooo a love triangle, don't see many of those. interesting first chapter, subscribed!! can't wait for an update! :)