▊oldies, not goodies.

life of pie.portfolio


The following pictures are created by a frustrated designer. Therefore, I hope you don't keep your hopes up. Huhu.
Please take note that past is past.
omfg imcryingdonotlookatitforgoodnesssakeitssoembarassingimcryingmyselftosleeptonight

anyways, there are loads of pictures below. SERIOUSLY. it might slow down your pc or mobile.
you're time is limited, young cow.


June Edits


ty right.

j u l y  e d i t s 

a u g u s t  e d i t s 

s e p t e m b e r  e d i t s 

approximately until January 2014


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hai guise // cloudburst


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adamrisque #1
Chapter 86: that sehunxkai manip is out of this world! T.T
Chapter 84: wow! it's beautiful. :D
DeepMeaning #3
Everything is soo pretty!
I love it ^^
ohneomo #4
Chapter 84: *scream* *O* *O*
Chapter 79: gawd lai!
i love this scary feel to this! hehe<33
Chapter 78: ooh may i request a poster?