Stupid in Love

Okay so here is my prequel to

'When I was Your Man'

I tried to write it from Chae's point of view

So when the writing is in italic those are her thoughts about what's going on.

This is basically a telling of what led up to their break-up.

And as I said before this is based of Rihanna's Stupid in Love

so I put the lyrics in bold print.

Enjoy and Thanks for reading.






"Let me tell you something,

never have I ever been a size ten in my whole life....."



"I can't believe this ." is what I was thinking as I made my way to the studio that Jiyong was in recording for his new solo album, walking down the hallway I had to fight my tears back I refused to cry here not now. As I made it to the door I stopped and took a deep breath and composed myself preparing for what was about to happen.

As I opened the door I saw Ji sitting at the computer rocking his head back and forth as he was listening to the music flowing into the room, I always found him the most attractive at times like this when he's doing what he loves. I glanced over to the left and saw Seungri sitting on the sofa looking at his cell and smiling, most likely texting some random girl.

"Ahem!" the sound I made as I cleared my throat to make my presence known making the two of them stop and look my direction both smiling when they realize it was me.

"Hey baby." Jiyong said as he stood up and made his way towards me with his big toothy smile.

"Don't you ing baby me Ji!..Whose are these?" I yell as I hold up a pair of blue . "Who do these belong to? I found them in your Bentley just now."

He stood there for a moment and looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights as he thought of an answer all the while Seungri wore a look of shock on his face. "Watch him try and say their mine." I thought.

"Baby a..aren't those yours?" he said as he looked at me confused.

"Hell no I don't wear a size 5, and anyway I don't wear cheap like this and you know it! Tell me know whose are these you lying sack of !" I yelled as I tossed them into his face making him take a step back as I willed my tears not to fall down.

"Chae c..calm down there has to be a logical reason for those to be in my car."

"Of course you your cheating on me." I closed my eyes and took another breath as I tried to calm my mind.

"Really cause the only logical reason I can think of is your cheating on me Ji...look if you have to cheat on me then why don't you just break up with me." I said as I placed my hands on my hips and looked at him. "No Chae don't say that! Dump his you can do better....just dump him now, love or not dump his ." the thought kept swirling in my mind.

"Chae baby listen to me I'm telling you those aren't mine..."

"Of course not they belong to what ever girl your screwed in your car!"

"Baby...baby I promise you I didn't do anything...Listen...umm..." he said as he thought of his next lie turning to look at Seungri who was still sitting there watching us in awe.

"Seungri...Seungri borrowed my car last night when he went out." he said as he looked back towards me.

"Hyung...what are you.."

"Well you did use my car last night didn't you?"

"Yeah, but..."

"See baby it wasn't me." he said as he cut Seungri off and glared at him as if telling him to shut up.


"I just came to see what you would do if I gave you

a chance to make things right..

....this would be nothing but a waste of time...

don't understand it blood on your hands

and still you insist on repeatedly trying telling me lies..."



"Jiyong I'm not stupid...so stupid...I'm so stupid for loving you...wanting to believe you." I thought as I stood there.

"Are you ing serious, that's the best you can come up with Ji, I'm not dumb..." I spat as I turned for the door only to be stopped by him grabbing my arm and pulling me into a back hug.

As he held me close my heart broke once again, when he buried his face into the curve of my neck and placed a kiss on my skin I closed my eyes and too a deep breath and told my tears not to fall. And as I opened my eyes again I saw Seungri walking towards the door avoiding my eyes.

"No...don't fall for it Chae...don't fall for his lies...don't fall any further...his love isn't worth the pain...his love will only bring pain...love...love...I love him to much...why?"

"Baby...Chae I told you it wasn't me...I promise I love you to much to do something so stupid as that, to do something that could make you want to leave me. Baby please believe me I love you." he said to me tenderly as each lie rolled off his tongue as if it was the most natural thing in the world, my chest tightening with each kiss he placed on my body.

"Ji...please just be honest with me...I..if you..."

"Chaerin you heard Seungri he said he had my car last night...look I will scold him for this don't worry ok." he said as he turned me to face him.

Looking into his eyes I found myself falling into the same trap I had been falling for the past year, yes I knew he had cheated on me...I knew this wasn't the first time, but each time I tell myself maybe I'm just being paranoid or maybe there something about me he's not happy with. Yes each time I looked into this mans eyes I lied to myself,,why? Because I love him I love him probably more than my own self, each time I look into his eyes I always catch a glimpse of the man I fell in love with and I hope and pray that if I give him one more chance he will come back to me.

"Ji...promise me you won't cheat on me..." I said as I bit my lip and gazed into his brown eyes and searched for the Kwon Jiyong I had fallen in love with years ago.

"Chae I love you, you don't need me to promise you that because I love you too much, baby your my everything." another lie he told with a straight face.

"Please promise me....please..."

"Ji.." and before I could finish he pulled me close and kissed me deeply.

And as he kissed me I felt my will to fight completely gone, not as if I had the will anyway. I Lee Chaerin was a fool in love, in love with a man who is not worthy of my love or my tears but I just can't let him go.

"No...no this is wrong stop...your just setting yourself up for more pain." I thought as he pulled me closer into him. "But what if this time he changes...yes he can change..if he sees how much I love him he will change." I reasoned with myself, an internal battle I had with myself everyday about this man but at the end of the day my foolish love always wins.

Just before I lost myself any further in our kiss the door opened and I saw Teddy Oppa standing there.

"Oh my bad..my bad..." he said nervously.

"No its ok I was just leaving Teddy Oppa." I said as I broke the hold Ji had on me than smiled and walked out the door.



"This is stupid, I'm not stupid

Don't talk to me like I'm stupid

I still love you......

I may be dumb but I'm not stupid."



As I heard the door close behind me I took another deep breath trying to calm my tears. Walking away from the studio I hurried my pace and put my Chanel shades on because I could feel my war against my tears being lost when suddenly.

"Chae." Seungri called to me walking around the corner.

" why now Panda."

"What's up Seungir?" I said trying to keep my cool and showing a broken smile.

"Chae...you know...you know It wasn't me..." he said with sorrow filled eyes.

"Seungri...I know...but I just love him to much.."

"Chae I know you love Hyung but you deserve better than that, I know for a fact a whole lot of guys..."

"Panda can we talk about this another time I have somewhere to be." I said cutting him off feeling my body starting to shake.


"Sorry...bye." I said as I walked pass him looking at the floor not wanting to see him giving me a pitiful look.

I made my way quickly to the garage to get in my car and leave this place. As I made my way to my car the tears started to fall and as I reached for my key my hand started to shake as I looked at the black Bentley he had gifted me for my birthday, his reasoning being he wanted us to have matching cars.

"Come on Chae hold it together..." I thought as I tried to open the door my vision blurry from my tears and my hand shaking from my internal pain a pain I continued to live with willingly because I was in love.

Finally getting the door open I slid in and slammed the door and began to loudly sob and curse myself for the love I didn't have the heart to end. Trying to put the keys in the ignition I dropped them and looked at them on the floor as my chest heaved up and down violently as my crying turned into something out of a movie.

Dropping my hands to my side I let my head fall back as I let the tears fall and my cries fill my car.

"Oh god...why why am I so weak towards that man?" I asked as I shook my head back and forth.






Two days later.

"My new nickname is you idiot

(such an idiot)

That's what my friends are calling me when

they see me yelling into my phone

they telling me let go

he is not the one.....

he don't want it not like you want it

.....oh girl why do you waste your time,

you know he ain't right..."



"Yah! you promised that we would go out tonight......What the hell do you mean something came up?.....Bull Ji, I canceled dinner with my family because you said today would be your only free night and now you pull this on me!.....What the hell do you mean its important, so my families not important....I don't give a about your friend from Japan....Yah! Yah! don't you dare hang up on me Kwon Ji....hello hello!"  I yelled into the phone as I stood in the living room of my apartment while Minzy, Dara and Bom sat on the sofa.

"ing !" I yelled as I threw my phone on the floor, it landing by the bag of new clothes I had bought for tonight.

"Sweetie what happened?" Dara asked looking concerned.

"You heard her that little canceled on her." Bom said as she crossed her leg.

"Well maybe it was someone important." Minzy said trying to help the situation some.

"Yeah she's important alright...its Kiko."

"What! he told you it was Kiko." Bom yelled sitting straight up.

"No but I know she arrived in town today, I heard Xin saying something about it earlier." I replied as I sat on the loveseat tears starting to fill my eyes.

"Whats wrong with me...that hes not happy with me...I know I'm not the most beautiful but why..why.." I said as I buried my face into my hands.

"No..no Cl Unnie don't say that.." Minzy said as she ran to my side and wrapped her arms around me.

"Your a damn idiot Chae...how can you say that theres nothing wrong with you. Its all that midgets fault...Chae just end it with him, why hold on when you know the truth already." Bom said as she stood up and walked towards me.

"Wifey Bom's right, just end it with him stop doing this to yourself." Dara said as she held my hand.

"I..I can't I love him too much...as dumb as it sounds I can't."

"Chae your not making any sense." Minzy said.

"I know. I just can't bring myself to hurt him, no matter what he does to me. I know the Jiyong I fell in love with is still in there somewhere and I can't hurt him."

"Chae...I understand you love him but he isn't worth your love right now, now if the Ji you fell in love with comes back then by all means go for it but now hes not in there stop hurting yourself behind this. Chae what I'm trying to say is maybe you should give yourself some of that endless love you have for him." Dara said as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Unnies right Cl-roo...as much as I like Oppa this is dumb. Him making you question your worth hes not worth it. So please don't say thing like that again there is nothing wrong with you."

"Yeah Chae you are perfect as you are, any guy with half a right mind can see it your beautiful and y as hell not to mention perfect wifey material... if I was a guy I go for you." Bom said as she knelt in front of me. Hearing her say that brought a little smile to my face.

"I'm sorry guys...thank you. Your right I should ...no I will give myself that endless love I'm always giving Jiyong starting now." I said as I wiped my tears.

They were right no matter how much I love him I shouldn't put myself down because he's to stupid to see what he has right in front of him.

"You know what screw him. From now on its all about me Chaerin. Lets go out and have some fun." I said with a newfound respect for myself.



One week Later.

"Trying to make this work, but you act like a jerk

silly of me to keep holding on

but the dunce cap is off

you don't know what you lost

and you won't realize till I'm gone gone gone.....

which one of us is really dumb.....

I'm not stupid in love....."




So its been one week since my last break down in front of my members and I haven't stressed myself out thinking about my failed loved with Jiyong, no we haven't broken up yet even though I am tired of all his lies and bull I just can't seem to end it. Right now I am stuck somewhere between still loving him and not wanting to part from him and not caring fully about him and his misdoing's.

It's like I love him more than he will ever realize, more than he will ever love me back and I've come to terms with that and I know its not right. But because of my strong love I just can't cut him off kind of like an addict slowly weaning themselves off of drugs slowly its painful and at times annoying but you know its for the best and you know the end is coming its just a matter of when.

I just wish I had the courage to end it now...damn this love and me not wanting to be the one to hurt him.

"Unnie are you almost ready? Your cousin is here and he's so excited about hanging out with us all tonight." Minzy said as she walked into my room pulling me from my thoughts.

"What Ray is here already? Ok ok just give me a few more minutes I'm just finishing my makeup." I said as I go back to putting on my eyeliner.

"Yah! Baby Rin where's the corn in this place?!" I heard Bom yell from the kitchen making me laugh.

"Sorry Bommie Unnie you ate it all yesterday."

"What...no Chae you knew I was coming over..."

"Unnie before you cry there are some corn muffins on the counter covered up." I yelled as I was putting my earrings in.

"Oh! you do love me Chae-ah." she said almost singing.

Walking over to my closet I pulled out the drawer that held my rings and my heart dropped as I looked at one of the first gifts Ji gave me when we became official that damn strawberry and whip cream ring.

"Wifey you ok?" I heard Dara asking as I snapped back to reality.

"...Uhh yeah..yeah I'm fine just trying to pick out some rings." I replied as I looked at her with a wide grin.

"Hey cuz are you done yet? I'm ready to get this show on the road." Ray said as he poked his head in my door.

"Be patient little grasshopper I'm almost done." I said laughing "You act like you never been to a club before."

"Come on now can you blame me for being excited, I get to go to club NB with 2NE1 this is one of the highlights of my young life." he said matter-of-factly to me with the most serious look on his face.

Taking one final look in the mirror I look at myself and smile I look good damn good with my long blonde hair draped over my left shoulder as the loose wavy curls catch the light looking like the finest silk. My new Balmain leather jacket paired with the white mini dress that Bom and Dara picked out for me and my killer spiked heels that cost as much as some peoples rent.

"Alright people lets go and have some freaking fun!" I yell as I make my way to the front room.

"Yes!!" My cousin screamed jumping up and down making us all laugh as we walked to the door.

In the midst of our laughter may phone rang and as I looked at the screen I saw it was Ji, after a quick debate with myself I decided to answer.

"Hey what's up?" I say.

"Hey what's up is all I get? Chae I haven't talked to you in two days baby can't you at least sound like you missed me?"

"I did but I won't tell you that."

"So...umm why did you call Ji did you need something?" I asked as I grabbed my car keys.

".....Oh umm I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight is all."

"Ah..well tonight is not a good night sorry Ji." I said as I close my door and walk towards the elevator.

"What do you mean it not a good night...You never turn me down.."

"I know but I already made plans..."

"Then cancel baby I really want to see you..."

"Just like I wanted to see you last week...look Ji not tonight maybe tomorrow..."

Chae are you serious right now! Baby I told you it was important."

"Yeah ing Kiko was real important."

"Look Ji I.."

"Chae-ah come on I'm ready to go...can I drive the Bentley if I say I love you." Ray said as I we stood by my car and the other three giggled.

"Look Ji I have to go."

"Who...who was that."

"Bye I'll see you later." I said as I hung up.

"No Ray you can not drive and you three what's so funny."  I said looking at them as I unlocked my door.

"Just proud you blew Ji off for once." Bom said grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah wifey he's most likely in shock now with you blowing him off and then hearing a mans voice in the background hahaha. I hope he feels like ."

"Unnie..omo did you just swear?" Minzy said looking at Dara with big eyes as she climbed into Dara backseat.

"You guys...I told you its time I take care of myself now, Lets go shall we."



Much later that night.

Author's POV.

After a long night of having fun and drinking all night Chae decided to go when her cousin could hardly stand straight and started hitting on anything in a skirt. So with the help of Dara and Bom Chae got Ray out the club and as she was waiting for the valet to bring her car Jiyong pulled up.

Pulling up to the front of the club he saw Chae his Chae standing extremely close to a man he had never seen before with her arms wrapped tightly around his waist. From the look of it the man was obviously drunk and needed help standing, but that did not explain why Chae was the one holding him and laughing as he was speaking to her.

And on top of everything else that he saw she was dressed to perfection like she was dressed up for someone special that and he knew Chae was not one to go to clubs and party just for the hell of it she was more of a homebody, so who was this man that she had gotten dressed up for and came to the club with.

Jiyong was determined to find out as he jumped out of his white Bentley the exact same as the black one he had given her ,the same one that she was trying to get the mystery man into.

Jiyong's blood boiled as said mystery man snatched the keys from her and dangled them above her head while she reached for them all the while her white mini dress was riding up more and more by the second. And his heart almost stopped when he heard him say.

"Please Chae-ah let me drive I'll love you even more than I do right now."

"I said no now give me the keys."

"But its not like your boyfriend will know he's not here, and anyway you love me more right." he said as he gave her puppy dog eyes then kissed her on the cheek as his arm was wrapped around her waist.

That one act made Jiyong see red as he felt his heart drop. No way...no way she's cheating on me was the only thing playing in his head over and over until he snapped out of it when he heard Chae say.

"Awe of course I love you...now give..."

That's when he couldn't take anymore.

"Chaerin..what the is going on here?" he asked as he walked closer to the two looking her dead in the eyes as she wore a shocked expression on her face.

"J..Jiyong what are you doing here?"

"Answer me Lee Chaerin what the hell is going on here?"

"Ohhh he used your whole name, your in trouble now baby." her cousin said thinking it was funny.

"Baby? Chae who the is he? Why is he calling you baby? Why are you here with him? What the hell Chae.." he said as he felt his body tremble.

"Ji calm down let me explain before you get to upset..." Chae said as she saw Jiyong's eyes getting dark with anger.

" him Chae you don't have to explain to..."

"Ray! Shut up and get in the car now, before I kick your drunk ." she said as she took her keys and gave him a look that he knew all to well. it was a look she had shone only when she was deathly serious and one he still regrets to this day not taking serious he still had the scar's to remind him of it.

So without a word he shook his head and climbed into the car.

"Ha so I see you have your little boy toy trained well huh."

"B..boy toy...Jiyong let me explain..."

"You don't have to I saw it with my own two eyes. I didn't know you could be such a tramp Chae."

"Tr..tramp...did you really just call me a tramp...." she said lowly her heart suddenly crashing and her mind spinning out of control.

"So he's the reason you didn't have time for me, I hope you had fun." Jiyong spat at her with nothing but hate in his eyes.

Chae could not believe what was happening right now she was completely lost, was he really accusing her of cheating after all their time together he didn't know her well enough to know that she thought the sun rose and set with him that he was the only man she had ever loved and the only man she ever wanted to be with. Was his faith in her really that lacking was his love for her only this much.

So standing there her words were stuck in as she forced her tears down. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and released it three times before she opened them again. She told herself that now was not the time to cry right now she told herself it was time for Cl to come out and handle this situation. So putting on a cold look on her flawless face she looked at him.

"Yeah he's the reason, he's a very important person just like the person you canceled our date for last week." she said as she placed her hands on her hips and tilted her head to the left.

Jiyong was taken aback by her sudden change of attitude.

"So...so he's important to you?" he asked almost scared of her response.

"Very important, more than you will ever know." she replied as she narrowed her eyes and thought to herself that she wasn't lying Ray was very important to her he was he favorite cousin.

"So you admit it.."

"I just said he was important didn't I?"

Jiyong was at a loss for words never had she showed this cold side to him before and he just didn't know how to handle it.

"Chae just tell me the truth were you cheating on me?"

Ha if he really wanted the truth we wouldn't be having this talk right now she said to herself as she stood there.

"Jiyong you said it yourself you saw with your own two eyes, so whatever you think you saw lets just go with that ok." she said as she turned to get into the car.

"Chae if you walk away from me were thru! Do you hear me!" he yelled making her stop.

As Chae stood there with her hand on the car door she thought about the choice she was about to make was it the right one, was it really what she wanted.

No it wasn't what she wanted but its what she needed, Jiyong was offering her a way out of this foolish love she had for him, he had opened the door she had been trying to open for the past year and all she had to do was walk through it.

What more could she ask for, in this single night she had gotten all the answers she needed or at least had gotten them reaffirmed. She had established that he had no trust in her, no faith she had also finally came to the conclusion that he did not love her with the same intensity that she loved him. Even with all his cheating and lying she always held on to the hope that one day he would wake up and realize what he needed and wanted was right beside him. But one question about her fidelity was enough for him to just toss her aside. Yes she knew she was dumb, but she wasn't stupid at least not stupid enough to keep hurting herself any longer.

So yes she was going to take this easy out and if it made her into a bad guy she would live with it, it would be the last gift she would give him. She would walk away from this as a cheater so he would have a clear conscience and think the break up was all her doing, another dumb move on her part but that's how much she loved him.

"Jiyong....I will return the car to you tomorrow since I need to get home tonight...goodbye." and with that she slipped into the car.

Seeing her climb into the car Jiyong felt his heart break as she was basically saying she had cheated on him and ended their relationship.

"Keep the car you damn ! I don't need anything from you." he said the only words he could get to slip past the lump in his throat.

And with that Chae drove off but only made it couple blocks before she had to pull over because her vision became blurry from the many tears falling from her eyes.

"Chae-ah I..I'm sorry its my fault. Lets just go back I will tell him..." Ray said feeling guilty as he tried to calm her tears.

"N..no..no its not your fault...this has been coming for a while now. Just give me a minute."

"But its obvious you love him Chae please I'll just tal..."

"I said no. Look Ray just because I love him doesn't mean he's what I need." she said as she wiped her tears and looked at him. This time giving him a look that he had never seen from her, it was a look of complete loss and hurt and he could see her heart breaking through her eyes. And at that point all he could do was reach over and give her a shoulder to cry on as her tears fell endlessly.

And as Chae sat in her car crying in her cousins arms it hit her that it was finally over, and all she was left with was pain, pain of loving a man foolishly and the task of rebuilding her broken heart.


Well here you go people I hope you enjoy.

Sorry its kind of depressing.

Let me know what you think.

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Thank you!


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lee215 #1
Chapter 1: Loved it but I do wish there was more. Like a few years later where he discovers the truth but it's way to late because she's happy with someone else.
Chapter 1: thanks ..i read the sequel first but just got to read this now Awesome.
Aahh stupid jiyong. I wonder what will jjiyong do if he know ray is just chaerin baby cousin.
fandhate #4
Chapter 1: it's a nit late to comment but I just want to say that your story is amazing as always ^^ please make a sequel for this one ^^
Lumyrose #5
Chapter 1: aigoo my heart! </3 ... But well done Chae!.. This story is so good.. it feels so real dont know why. :/
Andrina27 #6
Chapter 1: Baby Chae >_< ...she really loved Jiyong with all her heart and gave him so many chances, but I'm proud of her for not taking his sitting down! It's time Ji learned how perfect Chae is, & just how MUCH he lost with her no longer at his side! My Chae may be a lot of things, but she sure as hell is not anybody's , especially jiyong's. He deserve all that's was coming to him and more -_- ...Fighting & be strong Chaerin-ah <3 !!!
cielroo #7
Chapter 1: chaerin is one strong girl i swear! dayummmm!~
Chapter 1: Aww chaerin ): how strong of her to put up with Jiyong's lies every time.
Not all girl would do that.
Amazing (:
EilneraSD #9
Chapter 1: I demand sequel that my idiot hubby
Chapter 1: Jiyong is a total jerk.
I don't like to see Chaerin suffer. :(
Please update When I was your man soon.