Skaterboy's Girl


Who knew that a 4D nerd could have hidden skills in skateboarding? 





the clumsy, smart, 4D girl. she seeks for adventure and would love to try anything new. she blanks out on random moments, but when it comes to grades, she's very serious.



the best skater in B.A.P. he has the most experience




Kirra's overprotective best friend, also a nerd. she's like a mother to Kirra, they live together, they basically do everything together. 




they are the imfamous rich skater boys. girls love them for their hottness and skill. 




He is a boy
She is a girl
Can I make it more obvious? 
He's a skater.
She is a nerd.
What more can I say?
He wanted her.
She couldn't tell.
But secretly she wanted him as well.
Her very best friend
Stuck up her nose.
And she had a problem with his baggy clothes.
She doesn't care, 
she's already in love
There's nothing that we can do. 
They are insepartable, unbreakable.
Don't try to tear them apart.
He's just a boy, and She's just a girl.
Can I make it more obvious?
They are in love.
Haven't you heard how they rock each other's world?



So i got this little poem idea from Avril Lavigne's Skater Boy's lyrics. I altered a little, but credits go to Avril. I absolutely love this song, it's amazing~ 



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