

  As the world has become more technologically advanced, the artistic world has changed. Music, Art, and Literature have all been computerized. Though somewhere in the now dark and gloomy city of Seoul, it is rumored that some music instruments still exist...



Kang Hyun Ae (20)

 Hyun Ae is a university student with a passion for writing. She takes her quiet time in the virtual reality room that her uncle built for her. She lives in the exclusive suite of her family's hotel to accomodate for it, but luckly she got to design her place herself. She's always been smart for her age and a real sweet heart to those she is close to. Hyun Ae is shy around really good looking guys but don't be fooled, she'll still speak her mind if she feels a strong need to do so. There are two bands she secretly loves, but she hasn't told a soul about it.



Kim Jaesop (22)

  He is also better known as AJ of Ukiss. He is good friends with Hyun Ae and owns a one of a kind motorcycle. Known as Cross-Fire, his motorcycle is the only one known in existence to run on carbon dyoxide and exhaust oxygen. It was given to him as a present by his father before the blue prints were burned shortly after. One of the reasons Hyun Ae loves having him around is because he seems to understand her love for writing and compliment it with his love for performing and composing music. He has kept the fact that he's an idol a secret from Hyun Ae because he doesn't want her to think ill of him or treat him differently.


Lunafly *from left to right* : Yun (19), Teo (19), Sam (25)

Lunafly is one of the many bands in the new music industry. They have said that their wish is to keep themselves humble no matter how famous they get. While the band may not be as recognized as bands like Ukiss or Super Junior, there's something charming to be said about their music and the members themselves...

This story as far I know, has one reader and maybe no silent ones so I'm going to put it on hiatus for now...


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Chapter 2: Ah an Hyun ae are so sweet but she is so clueless
Chapter 1: oooo good start I am excited for more. I think AJ likes her
This sounds really interesting
Lisa_lp10 #4
Update soon, neh? ^^