The Llama and the Alpaca

The Llama and the Alpaca

‘ The Alpaca’

 'The Alpaca' makes heads turn wherever he goes. It didn't matter that he was tall and intimidating and looked cold and complex, his face and structure fascinates those who watch him and make them feel like they are in the presence of a royalty. Although Amber does not contribute to the whispers around her every time he walks by, she knows that she is as entranced by him as the rest.

 And then, he smiles. Amber sighs in her heart as she ponders on how in just a second, he can appear so much more approachable than before. It is also a wonder how someone who seems so serious can be so playful. On unsuspecting days in the airplane, Amber glances at 'the Alpaca' and sees him fiddling with the red dragon hanging from his backpack. There was also this other time backstage when he rapped to "Two Moons" through Ace Wu. Often, she tries her hardest to tear her stares for fear of being noticed but sometimes, she just gives in.

‘ The Llama’

 'The Llama' is a social butterfly. Perhaps she is always in need for companionship but it is likely that her popularity stems from the fact that she has all the wonderful attributes of a good friend. She's attentive when you are new, warm when you a reserved and ever so thoughtful that being friends with 'the Llama' is just so... for a lack of a better word, comfortable. Sometimes, making friends seems so effortless for ‘the Llama’ that Kris envies her.

At the same time, Kris has had an unprecedented weakness for ageyo. How else would you explain his love for plushies? Beneath his tough exterior lies a soft heart, rendering him powerless to all things cutesy. Admittedly 'the Llama' isn't well-known for being adorable but some particular days, she will catch him off-guard. Whether it was him chancing upon polaroid shots of her selcas with Krystal, a playful request for lunch meet-ups or a tiny gesture to scoot over during live performances of "Like a G6", sometimes it was just really heard to overlook 'the Llama'. 

‘The Llama’ & ‘the Alpaca’

 As EXO-M made waves in China and around the world, it was evident why 'the Alpaca' was selected to head the sub-unit. He was steadfast and articulate, at least as much as he tries and the rest of the members were comfortable under his lead.

'The Llama' was also busy with her group promotional activities and comeback performances for "Electric Shock". She also started to join the Twitterverse and succumbed to peer pressure in getting an Instagram account.

Both 'the Llama' and 'the Alpaca' have been occupied these days. They hardly get to interact and on the rare occasions that they do, it is usually on-stage. Maybe it will blossom into something more one of these days. Perhaps it's just the start of the story for ‘the Llama’ and ‘the Alpaca’.


Was a little bored so I decided to come up with a really short one-shot to past time. I'm not huge on Krisber but the title appeared in my mind and was too interesting to pass. Comments are very much loved, thanks! Do let me know if you have any particular one-shot requests.


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nexusi #1
Thank you.
I don't usually write Krisber much but I will try to cook up something. ;D
nexusi #2
Thanks, will try to come up with another soon! :)
Chapter 1: i hope more krisber too... TT