
A Piece Of Heart

Sulli was looking through a photo album when Minho back into the room a few hours later. It’s 23.00 yet, but her body is wore Busan times, and for variety of events today, she was exhausted. But somehow, she could not lie down on the couch and sleep.

She looked at the contents of these albums, looking for signs of her brother’s personality in each photograph. Sooyoung brings it all albums together with a stack of blankets and pillows.

“Minho asked me to bring all of this for you. I suggest allow you to sleep in the guest room on the second floor, but he said no.”

“I knew,” muttered Sulli.

“I remember these albums are stored in our bedroom closet. You want to see?”

“Thank you, unnie. Unable to say that how boring this wall. Anyway, I wanted to know everything about side of Siwon oppa.”

Sulli shows a surprising sense, Sooyoung said, “I want to stay and chat with you, but I think I should let you alone. You have to follow your backwardness in twenty years living of Siwon oppa.”

Sulli went straight to law and kissed her cheek. “Thanks, you want to accept me. I know that when they find Siwon oppa, all the problems you two would be fine. I’m willing to help whenever you need me.”

“Oh, Sulli-ah, Siwon oppa will love you. I’m sure.” Sooyoung’s voice sounded like a small innocent child again.

Sulli took off her shoes and curled her leg while sitting on the corner leather couch and started watching the photos. There are Siwon’s photos with a family look fun that Sulli alleged are his adoptive parents. She laughed at Siwon revealed a photo at the age of about nine years, wearing of Micky Mouse’s ears are very large and stood in front of the gate of the amusement park. During the next few hours, her brother’s entire life before was flashed her eyes. She reached out and touched the photo was recently taken at common fishing grounds. Siwon’s dark hair blowing in the wind, lopsided smile, his long legs wearing shorts faded looks tanned and muscular.

The tears were almost dripping when she prayed that she hope to met with that man who is the only person in this world she has, who knows that had blood relatives with her. With the back hand she wiped the tears, when the door opened and Minho entered.

He stood on the doorway for a while and let himself enjoying the scenery of that woman who was sitting on the couch. Whether she was as she said, or she was an outstanding actress, Minho thought grimly when he saw Sulli wiping her eyes. The weariness seemed very obvious when Minho looked at her face. But according to Minho, the hollows under her cheekbones were makes her face looks mellow and interesting. Faint purple shadow under her eyes made her more attractive. Any man who is sane would run as far and as fast as possible from her.

He swallowed the lump that suddenly jammed his throat when see the exposed slender legs tucked under her hips. Her skirt was pulled up past her knees so he looked her smoothness slim thighs easily, wrapped in silk.

Damn! He thought. If he does not know his facial muscles to form a mask without expression, he might embarrass himself. He felt like school kid who saw Playboy for the first time. He hopes not remember how the taste of her lip.

“Minho-shi?” Sulli’s doubt resuscitate question. Maybe his face is not as flat as he thought.

“I thought you were asleep,” he said, closing the door.

“Not yet. I’m tired, but I guess today is too chaotic. I feel like that I could not relax.” Minho presence did not make it quiet. If she trusted her feelings, the presence of this man in this small room makes it even more nervous.

“You want to I get you something from the kitchen?”

“No. Thank you.” His politeness was equally troubling with his rudeness.

Sulli watched him warily when Minho took off his tie with loosely tied all day. The man was draped in the back seat. Then he put his hand on his lower back and stretched, then stretched his chest. Movement of the muscles under his shirt was awesome. Finally, he let out a long breath, and the muscles had returned to its normal state. “Which blanket do you want?” he asked as he sat down on the chair. With the thumb of the foot, he pushed off from the shoe to the other foot.

Look at him, did not trust his intentions, Sulli stammered, “You can not mean–me–you–no– this–“

“Could you speak more specifically, Miss Choi?” Minho asked curtly.

His temptation is to make Sulli angry. “You’re not going to sleep on that chair, right?”

Minho looked at the chair as if to measure his strength. “Well, I planned that. But if you’d rather I join you on the couch–“

“You stay in your place,” Sulli ruling, pointing as he moved up from the chair. “What the hell do you want?” She asked irritably, standing forward and took two steps toward him with clenched hands on hips. “You must dream of becoming James Bond, thought you could scare a woman all the day and seduce her in the evenings. Yah! I’m telling you now, Minho-shi, that I’m unlike the wild women in the film, I can and will fight your taunting.”

“You are too much, Miss Choi,” Minho said calmly and steadily. Her anger sounds ridiculous. “Do not worry, the reason I sleep in this room with you one hundred percent professional. Believe me, I’d rather across the street, lying in bed that I used during the last ten days than sleeping on this chair.”

“I do not need to be watched constantly,” she said.

His voice was calm once again, “Maybe, but until I can confirm your identity, you remain under my supervision. I do not want to let the weapons smugglers or drug seller escape.”

“Oh, for God’s sake!” Sulli moaned and her brown eyes were widened. She put herself to the couch in disgust and sullen while Minho began to lay blankets and pillows. All of his movements attract her attention and she could not help but look at him. If she want to admit it, the thought that tonight she will be in the same room with him was exciting. Her irritation at the man that was nothing compared to her frustate to herself because her heart was pounding so fast and emerge feeling like hell that this had never felt before.

After equally shared the blankets, Minho turned to look at her. Her murky facial expressions were very well known by his employees. It was usually signals bad news for someone who has done a stupid mistake. “I’m going to take a bath.”

“Forget it.”

“I need to go to the bathroom!” Sulli is screaming.

That’s I let it.”

“So nice,” she quipped. She passed him, picked up two bags, and walked quickly to the door. “Go ahead, warden,” she said.

His brown brow above the wrinkled brown eyes, but made no comment when Minho opened the door and preceded Sulli down the dimly lit corridor to the small bathroom under the stairs.

“Please wear clothes that are more comfortable,” he said.

He was standing so close and they are in place was almost total darkness. Because Sulli does not wear high heels, he rise over her, and suddenly her knees like losing power to hold her body. Her knees trembled.

To defend feeling nervous, Sulli said, “That’s what you want, right?” She had intended to say it as an accusation, but she was upset because it sounds more like a suggestion.

Minho took a step forward and Sulli can feel his breath swept her up despite the darkness that obscures the man’s face. Minho keep leaning his body towards her until she was pinned between him and the wall. His body is rigid and tensed. It feels like pressure by statue. But this statue is move. From the point where she saw the man raised his hand, and thought that Minho will hug her. But his outstretched hand was pressing the light switch in the bathroom behind him.

The light bright is scatter the atmosphere that seemed endless before. Sulli quickly looked away and put the bag into the bathroom.

“Do not be too long. Otherwise I would go in and pick you up.”

“You’re not going to go away?” Sulli asked horrified when he was leaning on the door frame.

“Uh-huh,” Minho said, shook his head.

Sulli’s lip thinned with anger, and she accidentally slammed the door in front of a mock look of Minho. Sulli put her bags on the floor and propping her body into the toilet with a stiff arm. Draw a deep breathe, she closed her eyes trying to erase the image of his face. The shadow hovering in front of and she kept shaking, even when turning on the cold water on the sink.

Choi Minho is brutal. Annoying. Heartless. But she’s really act like an idiot, shaken and confused after a brief contact with him. She even wanted to kiss him again. Outrageous! But she could not relieve her curious about how a sense of his lip when kissing her gently. His kiss in this afternoon was a test. Minho wanted to see how far Sulli act in the story of “looking for brother”. The kiss was rough and tough. But a split second later, is not she felt the softness that sweet?

No! She thought, brushing her teeth vigorously, hoping the movements are strong enough to eliminate the taste of that man who left it to her lip.

She rubbed the cream on her face and brushed her hair. Not an easy task to open a large suitcase in this narrow place, but she managed to do it a little so that her hand could rummaged through it.

Using her feelings, Sulli is looking for jeans and T-shirt. It is long jeans, faded and washed frequently so be gentle and smooth. With some difficulty, she took of her suit that has been crumpled.

For a moment she was deciding whether or not to take off her bra. She does not like to wear a bra to sleep, so she opened it quickly before changing her mind and sighed with relief after being released. Although it has been through a period of no confidence in the preteen seventeenth birthday she knows her body is still tight enough to not wear a bra once in a while. Tonight it was not a problem.

When entering sweatshirt over her head, she saw that since the last wash, the shirt is a little shrinks. It turns out her actions did not wear a bra is a problem. Her s look too sticking and inviting. Sighing, she holds the tip of her shirt and will release it when Minho knocked on the door.

“Time’s up,” he said curtly.

“I’ll be right out. I almost do–“ Not to mention she finished her sentence, Minho had opened the door. At first glance, when her arms crossed at the chest and lifted the bottom of her shirt, Minho saw a piece of the smoothness belly skin behind the soft pink cotton.

Sulli pull her shirt. As if drawn by a magnet, his eyes moved to her chest. Sulli can feel it up after her body parts to harden. Over the years, before marrying Kim Jong-woon and worked as a model, she stood for hours while the designers and tailors adjust the size of apparel. But she never felt as nervous as this, as awake as this about her body.

Suffered by a sudden feeling of shame that arises, Sulli was screaming, “You do not know the etiquette! I told you a little while longer I’m out.”

Minho could not speak. His brain seemed unable to send the right message to the tongue. He swallowed hard and said as firmly as possible, “And I told you that your time runs out.”

“May I take the pill at least once? I missed one today.” She reached into the make-up bag, forcing her hand does not tremble as this. She discovered penicilin and opening of the wrapper. There is no glass, so she threw to her throats and drinking a few handfuls of tap water, and with difficulty swallowing the tablets. When straightened up, she saw Minho in the mirror, staring at her hips as she leaned on the sink.

That man hurriedly moved his eyes and muttered, “You can leave your stuff here if you want. Anyone would not disturb it.” He walked down the corridor without sound because his leg is wear socks.

His suggestion is accepted by Sulli without comment. She will leave her suitcase in the bathroom. Minho is not a gentleman enough to offer to bring it, and she felt drained of energy or will to bring it alone. It’s easier if she did not argue, turn off the light, and resigned to follow him down the corridor to paneled office room.

Without the passion she entered the room and saw Minho had turned off all the lights except for a small table lamp next to his seat. Sulli spread a blanket on the leather couch, put a pillow in the corner and sat down legs stretched out on the couch and covered with another blanket.

Minho waited patiently, his glum view of a blank, and did not say anything. He did not try to turn off the lights and Sulli won’t lie down for the lights still on. She would be too vulnerable, too exposed. Trying hard to not look at him, Sulli looked around the room, which is often done action this afternoon.

“That fireplace was never used,” she remarked carelessly.

His head motionless, but his eyes were moving toward Sulli. “Mwo-ya?”

“Do you realize that fireplace was never using. Shelves of carved good wood, the wood stacked neatly, but there is no soot on the bricks. I can not imagine have a fireplace but have never lit a fire in there.”

“Your observation is very sharp and smart. Maybe you should go into the field of my work.” Sulli looked at him and saw he was smiling at her with a relaxed sitting position on a chair. Without thinking, Sulli smiled. “Do you have a fireplace?” he asked.



Sulli laughed at his surprise. “Ne. I stayed at my parents’ house, where I grew up. When appa died, umma want to sell the house. I begged her so just rent it for some time, and she granted, rent it for a few years. Then when I leave Daegu and return home, I moved into it. The house is simple, but very old and full of character. I rearrange and renovate it.”

“It’s sound good.”

“Most people are not interested in the house, but for me it is house. I guess if you’re adopted, is very important for you to uphold the family tradition, things like that. Maintaining identity is almost an essential part of your life.”

They keep silent for a long, and then Minho said, “Lee’s family, they are good to you?”

“They’re incredible parents. There is nothing better. Appa was tall and strapping. He always seemed a giant in my eyes, even after I grew up though. He was the most of gentle man I’ve ever known, even though his body was so big. He was a carpenter. My umma is petite, energetic, and brown eyes surrounded by wrinkles caused by frequent laughter.” Same with your brown eyes, Sulli added silently.

He raised his arms high while yawning, then with his fingers combing his golden brown hair. “You’d better sleep. Good night,” he said as he turned off the light.

“Good night.”

Sulli is fidgeting under the blanket until she finally recumbent, staring at the darkness. She could hear Minho was looking as comfortable as possible on his chair position. Heard the rustle of cloth, breath in, and then silence enveloped the room.

After a long time there was no sound, instinctively knew the man had no slept, Sulli whispered, “Minho-shi?”


She tugged the blanket nervously, the darkness makes the atmosphere was intimate. Like the lovers after...”What will happen to my brother after you find him?”

The sound of government agent changes its position on the chair reached her ears. His voice was soft, hesitant–sad?–when answering. “I do not know. It was beyond my authority. He is fraud much money from the national bank. Heist just enough to keep him in jail for years. Federal Government to get tough if someone is taking the money.”

“He will go to jail,” Sulli said without emotion. It was just a statement. She had never thought about it before.

“Yes. The fact that the bank president was his father-in-law might be able to help. Mr. Seo did not call the local police, although we use some of their officers are trained to find a needle in a haystack, that’s how. Perhaps if Siwon have not used the money and can return it, he’s just going to be rewarded with a hefty fine and long probation.”

“You do not really think so, right?”

His voice sounded tired and discouraged when he said, “Yes.” A moments later he said, “Although it’s been many years doing a job like this, I never understand about the criminal mind.”

“My brother was not a criminal!” Sulli shout.
“He committed a crime. According to the definition, he’s a criminal.” Minho argued.

Sulli draw a deep breath. “Of course you’re right. Forgive me. What did you say?”

“Well, I think that could say he has everything. Why did he do that? Why did he take such risk action? Leaving Mrs. Choi? It was stupid act and fools. He definitely knew that we were going to catch him.”

Sulli was surprised to hear the anger in his voice. As he’s hoping he does not have to find Siwon. “Sooyoung unnie’s heart will be very devastated by all this. I guess that she did not realize the gravity of the situation.”

“It does not. She is a sweet woman. Actually, we could set up our base of operations in somewhere else, you know. We are here also to protect her. We do not know if Siwon work alone or whether he was involved in a larger affair. Sooyoung could have been an innocent victim of someone who wants revenge. , I do not know.” His exasperation at this case very clearly visible and Sulli feel guilty for adding his dizzy head.

With a soft voice she asked, “What about me? Do you think that I’m a murderer that comes with a plain-looking pitiful story to lure vulnerable woman and then kill her?”

The state of tense silence before he was admitted, “It’s crossed my mind.”

“Ah, I see,” Sulli whispered.

Her head felt dizzy to hear his words. She tossed and turned in a narrow couch, trying to find a comfortable position that can make sleeping very soundly in need.

Finally, annoyed because she could not sleep, she was on her back and stretched her arms above her head. Is the soft rustling fabric or beat of his knee when Minho crouched beside the couch who first warned her that he was no longer sitting on the chair? She did not know. She just knew that Minho suddenly so close that she could feel the heat radiating from his body. She lie without moving her body, did not dare to wink.

“I do not know who you are, or what, but you’re not a murderer.” His voice broke with emotion but Sulli did not have time to analyze it because after that she felt the brush of his lip against her lip.

Are that the pleasure sigh came out of her soft lip? Does she turn her head with resignation? What makes his lip stopped, hovering over her lip for a second, before squashed it out?

Blanket of darkness that envelops the quell tension, vigilance, suspicion, hatred growing between them. In black velvet entanglement where there is no allegation leveled and kept secrets, no more distance between them. Their differences seem trivial, even disappear. They’re just two people, equally in need, a strong desire to seek satisfaction but also vague.

Her lip sweet and gentle when Minho kissing her and broke the anticipatory. Minho feel, remember it with his lip, teeth, and tongue until she breathed his name. Seemed to have a mind of its own, her arms were down, and her hands gripping the side of his head. He showered her neck with a hot and passionate kiss. His hands stopped at her ribs, almost covered with his wide palms. With pounding heart, she felt his thumb moves to the bottom of her s and rubbed it lightly.

She buried her fingers in the thick golden hair and his face when he infiltrated between her cleavage. Damp breath burned her skin from behind the shirt. With her help, Minho is eliminated the last barrier. His fingers enjoying her smoothness skin and down it inch by inch from neck to waist.

A moment later Minho had been kissing her. Sulli felt her stomach tighten, causing tiny volcanoes erupt inside her, filling her veins with molten lava and make her body bathed in liquid fire.

“Oh, my God.” Minho groaned due to restrained passion. He kept kissing her. Passion muffled by his desire to give her pleasure feels the same as he feels. With his tongue, he seduced her gently, so she kissed him in a way that has never been done.

Suddenly, he looked up. Sulli can feel his gaze. His expression unreadable in the pitch dark, but still feels his piercing gaze. Sulli is stunned and silent under the hypnotic power.

“This has never happened,” Minho said gruffly. “You know, Sulli-ah?” His voice was urgent, forcing her to understand the intention behind the words. “This never happened. You understand?”

Sulli nodded wordlessly.

But of course, in the darkness, he could not see it.

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jhanehojas #1
Chapter 11: love the story pls update autornim....
jhanehojas #2
Chapter 11: love the story pls update autornim....
jhanehojas #3
Chapter 11: love the story pls update autornim....
Anding2810 #4
Chapter 11: I really wish you can continue this FF, yet seeing your last log in, i'm not even sure if you still active in AFF :(
Please update again,don't give up!!
minsulian88 #6
Chapter 11: Waiting for your update authornim... pleaseeeeeee.....
mariehojas #7
Chapter 11: pls update soon authornim
Swensenseven #8
Chapter 11: I still waiting for you update
Please come back, authornim
afelhojas #9
Chapter 11: where are you authornim pls udate soon
reompoempoem #10
Chapter 11: what will happen to them? thanks for updating >.<