Chapter 2

The beach

Xiumin continues throwing sprinkles at Boemi and Henry when OMFG STRIPPER ONEW SUDDENLY APPEARS AND RUBS MASHED POTATOES ON HIS CHEST SCREAMING, "GURAE WOLF NAEGA WOLF AWWWWWOOOOO!!!" As Rebelah and Kai grab a cheeseburger, a random stranger sits by Rebelah and winks at her. She notices his tattoos and realizes that it's Jay. Kai busy stuffing his face, Jay grabs her hand and takes her for a walk, while Onew is rubbing mashed potatoes all over himself, Peniel comes and steals the sprinkles from Xiumin and starts throwing it at Onew but stops at Boemi's beauty when suddenly Onew slaps him with a handful of mashed potatoes on his face. Peniel now with mashed potatoes on his face is unable to see and stumbles around knocking Boemi into the water where a turtle bites off her fingers.  Henry, Xiumin and Peniel look for Boemi in the water but all they see is blood surfacing the top. Onew doesn't give a crap and walks off to go get some chicken. Chanyeol and Nelina come running hearing all the commotion "what happened?" Xiumin shrugs and says nonchalantly, "I think she died."Nelina and Chanyeol start searching for poor Boemi frantically in the water but only find her fingers making Xiumin throw up. Rebelah, jay, geun suk, and Kai then come also to help look for Boemi but no Boemi. Then Henry says," maybe a shark got hungry and had his supper". Peniel gives him an evil stare. Then out of nowhere, Zelo comes out of the water like a goddess holding Boemi. Zelo majestically walks to the beach and lays Boemi on the sand then does the scorpion dance back into the water and disappears. "Boemi are you okay?!" Nelina and Rebelah ask but Boemi is unconscious. "Maybe she was drowning!" Henry suspects. "Someone give to mouth!" They all look down at her, bloody face, missing teeth, missing fingers  ... "Let's just walk away and pretend nothing happened?" Xiumin suggests. Then another y guy comes running towards Boemi and immediately  does CPR. Xiumin throws up again, "what the hell Kyu?! You're crazy!" Xiumin says to Kyu. Thanks to Kyu, Boemi is back. Kyu hugs boemi tightly, "I thought I lost you." Boemi in confusion still continues to hug him in awe from his beauty. While Kai comes and pulls Rebelah into a deep kiss, Geun Suk grabs Rebelah and tries to kiss her but Kai pulls her away, "She's mine." and runs away with her leaving Geun Suk behind. Geun Suk runs after them with his ice cream hair screaming like the crazy nut he is. 'Where are we going?!' Rebelah asks trying keep up with Kai who continues to drag her along. Xiumin bored with all the mushiness decides to try and drown onew. 

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NickisFace #1
yayyyyyy~ ... <333
Chapter 2: Lol this is so random! Haha its awesome!
YAAAAAAY A STORY!!! Im so excited good job! Ahh 3 chappies already?! Waaahh i wuv u!!
Chapter 3: I never knew how much of an idiot we all are. WTF is this?? XD I can't stop laughing oh my gosh. XD