Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb

It all started on a peaceful sunday morning where the members are all gathered in the living room excitedly planning on what to do for the whole day. Since they are usually not given loads of 'day offs', they decided to spend the entire day together.

But there is one problem. Each one of them suggests different kinds of activities that they would like to do that results to their leaders wanting to chop their heads off.

"Let's go to the zoo! I miss seeing my panda babieeeees~" says an overly-excited Tao. He is about to do buing buing when Duizhang instantly cuts him off.

"No, Zitao. I wouldn't want to smell like ." Kris flashes his face so Tao shuts his mouth right away. Yixing sympathetically pats him on the back.

"What if we try the new bubble tea shop downtown?" Luhan happily suggests.

Sehun's face instantly brightens up with the idea. "That's a great suggestion, Lulu!" His eyes then turn into full crescents.

Minseok mutters something like "You agree on everything Luhan says, idiot." under his breath. 

"That's boring! I am so close to puking because of too much bubble tea inside my system." Sehun and Luhan automatically frown on Chanyeol's comment. 

"Why don't we just go to the mall and and go shop-" Chanyeol's suggestion is also cut off by Jongdae with a 'dude you are kidding me aren't you' look pasted on his face. "Suggests the person who knows nothing but ridiculously lame stuff." Chanyeol's wide-grin quickly fades and is replaced by a pout.

"Hey, that's mean!" Says Baekhyun who offers Jongdae a look that would probably end his life in an instant. His thick eyeliner adds more fierce and threatening effects, by the way.

"Will you guys stop arguing? We wouldn't be able to end up with something if you continue acting like five-year old kids." Kris says sternly.

"Right. Look at Jongin and Kyungsoo. Such good boys who just listen attentive-" Junmyeon abruptly stops when he sees no sign of Jongin and Kyungsoo inside the living room. 

The members only realize the absence of the sleepy kkamjong and the wide-eyed umma as they look around the room. "Where the hell are they?" Sehun snaps. 

"You're wrong, Sehunnie. The question should be 'where is Kyungsoo?' Jongin is useless, you know. We haven't eaten our breakfast yet. Is Kyungsoo still sleeping?" Luhan annoyingly says. The members nod as a response.

"Why don't you go and check? You talk too much." Kris furrows his eyebrows and grumpily replies.

"Calm down, Kris. I'll go check." Suho stands up and makes his way to Jongin and Kyungsoo's room.




Jongin doesn't know how to ask Kyungsoo out. During the past few days, they were practicing hardcore for the upcoming comeback so they didn't have enough time to talk that much. After their practices, they fall back on their beds right away after showering so he wanted to spend this day catching up with Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo just finished taking a bath and goes directly in front of their mirror to do his daily routine of applying bb cream. Jongin sits on the edge of his bed with a towel hanging on his left shoulder, thinking of the appropriate words he would use to ask the other guy out.

'Um Kyungsoo, would you like to go to the beach?' Nah. Kyungsoo doesn't know how to swim.

'Um Kyungsoo, would you like to go to the amusement park with me?' Nah. That's risky. Jongin is also not sure if he could miraculously survive those breathtaking rides. 

'Um Kyungsoo, would you like to go to the movies and um eat dinner after? My treat." Right. Jongin decides to settle with this idea since he is not creative enough to think of any more exciting things to do. Not that it really matters. He just wants to achieve his goal of being alone with his guy for the rest of the day. (The 'his guy' part is just one of Jongin's greatest dreams in life okay.)

He stands up and walks slowly towards the other guy. His knees tremble as he continuously recites his invitation mentally.

He halts to a stop and the wide-eyed male still doesn't notice the presence of the other. Jongin nervously opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. He repeats the action with the same amount of nervousness and yes, I guess you already get the picture. He looks like a complete idiot trying to mumble something. Jongin feels like his voice is being snatched by Ursula. 

Jongin finally stops his stupidity when the door suddenly opens and reveals a dumbfounded Junmyeon. "Woah Jongin, what... were you doing?"

Kyungsoo looks up and panic runs through his face. "Oh! Are guys waiting for me? I'm sorry I almost forgot! I'll cook breakfast right away!" He stands up and puts the bb cream aside and storms out of the room.

Jongin stands still and disappointment is obviously evident on his face.

"Uh Jongin? Are you okay?" Suho worriedly asks. 

Jongin just ignores the ever annoying gramps and jumps on his bed and forcefully covers his head with a pillow. Suho just shrugs his shoulders and leaves an annoyed Jongin.




Jongin finally leaves the room to join the others for breakfast. The others are already seated but then Kyungsoo is nowhere to be found. The guy is definitely in the kitchen, he thinks. He ignores the greetings (if you consider ''Bad morning Jongin!' as one) he receives from the members and directly goes to the kitchen.

And he's right. Kyungsoo's holding a plate of pancakes and is actually about to go out when he sees Jongin. "Oh hey. I thought you were going back to sleep?"

"What makes you think so?" Jongin asks.

"Junmyeon. He said you ignored him and you looked pissed so he thought you were sleepy. As usual." Kyungsoo casually replies. 

"Dumb gramps." Jongin hisses. Kyungsoo's eyes widen but decides to just shake it off. 

Jongin's about to ask Kyungsoo the thing he has been itching to say when a baozi appears from behind.

"I thought we were having baozis for breakfast?" Minseok pouts as he eyes the food Kyungsoo is holding.

Jongin sighs.




The members decide to just stay inside the dorm and do random things. Everyone seems to be contented with the idea except for one. 

Jongin badly wants to spend time with Kyungsoo without the presence of 11 idiots who annoy the out of him.

"Let's watch a movie! I downloaded this gory film and it's really really fun to watch bloody brains exploding-" 

"Chanyeol. Just. Shut. The. . Up." Jongin hisses irritatingly.

"Why? I swear you'll enjoy watching it too! You will witness what internal organs look like!" Chanyeol responds as he does this act of grabbing his stomache as if getting the inards as well.

"I said shut the up, dude." Jongin calmy says but hardness is evident on his voice.

"I told you he only knows lame stuff." Jongdae laughs at his own comment.

"Why are you guys so mean?! Yeollie has feelings too you know!" Baekhyun defends. Chanyeol nods then flashes his Chesire cat grin. "Aww Baekhyunieeeee~"

"Cut the crap. I'm out of this." Jongin says and goes inside the room.

"What's up with that guy? He has been irritated since he woke up." Luhan says.

"Yeah right. Like a woman undergoing menopausal stage." Sehun follows.

"Kyungsoo, did you do something?" Jongdae flashes a mischievous smirk.

Kyungsoo, as usual, is shocked. "W-what? Why me? We haven't even talked that much lately!"

Kris snaps his fingers and realization hits him. "Oh. Get it." The members seem confused.

"I think I get it too..." Suho nods and looks directly at Kris as if asking him what to do.




Jongin calms himself down and thinks of asking Kyungsoo out for the last time. 

Said boy is outside the bath room and Jongin is about to call him when he notices that Kyungsoo freezes on his place, eyes as big as saucers.

"Kyungsoo?" Jongin asks worriedly, walking a step closer to the other.

Kyungsoo remains dumbfounded so Jongin decides to take action and see what's going on.

As soon as Jongin steps where Kyungsoo is, he does exactly what the other is doing. 

"What the ." Jongin says out loud, disgusted. The sources of attention are shocked as as they look immediately at the door.

"I-it's not what you think it is!!!" Sehun panics as he tries to reason out but fails. Luhan remains shocked.

Jongin grabs Kyungsoo's arm as he pulls the older male away from the crime scene. Jongin mutters something like "Sure. It's not what we think it is. You idiots were just basically eating each other's faces. Yeah right. You es were just hungry."




Jongin and Kyungsoo stay inside their shared room. Kyungsoo is still in the state of shock.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jongin tries to start the conversation as he sits beside the other.

"U-uh yeah. It's just that I was about to go inside when I saw them doing that and it's really awkward because it was my first time seeing something like that live and it makes me want to-" Jongin cuts the guy off as he wraps his arms around him. Kyungsoo looks twice as shocked. 

Kyungsoo pulls away. "Um Jongin. W-why did you do that?" He shyly asks as he tries not to make eye contact with the other. The blush on his face makes Jongin imitate Chanyeol's grin.

Jongin hesitates but decides to go on. "This is really embarassing but I have been trying to ask you out since morning but those idiots kept on ruining the moment. You see, I want to spend this day together with you, only you, but it seems like they won't let me." Now it Jongin's turn to blush and Kyungsoo smiles.

Kyungsoo tilts Jongin's chin so he could clearly see the other's face. "Is that why you have been acting like an ?" Kyungsoo pauses as he realizes that he used the wrong choice of word. "I mean, you were so irritated. Is that... the reason?"

Jongin shyly nods as he plays with his fingers. 

"Then let's go out."

Jongin thinks he is going to die any moment now. Did he hear Kyungsoo right? Did Kyungsoo just ask him out?

"Are you really asking me out?" Jongin asks, making sure if this is real, if this isn't just one of Jongin's dreams that will be shattered once he wakes up.

Kyungsoo decides not to answer his question but intertwines his fingers with Jongin's instead in which the latter gladly responds by tightening his hold.




They decide to follow Jongin's plan (watch movie and eat dinner after) but the moment they step out of their room, they see no sign of anybody. Where did they go?

Jongin sees a note on the television (jongin thinks notes are supposed to be on the fridge right) and reads it immediately.



We already dragged the idiots out. You two enjoy. But please, not on the couch. 



So they opt to stay inside the dorm and finally, alone time with Kyungsoo, Jongin thinks.

They sit on the couch and settle to watch pororo marathon just like the old times.

They both laugh their asses off when they suddenly lock eyes. They are about to kiss, a few inches more, when the door yanks open, revealing a confused Yixing.

"What now, Yixing?" Jongin says, irritated as . Again.

"Um sorry to disturb guys but I think I forgot to bring my..." Yixing spaces out. "My... Um. I think I also forgot what I've forgotten." He scratches the back of his head, embarassed.

"You mean this?" Kyungsoo holds a unicorn keychain and Yixing's face instantly brightens up, like a kid seeing one of his lost toys.

"Oh my god, thanks Kyungsoo! How did you know it was mine?" Yixing amusedly runs towards Kyungsoo and quickly gets his beloved keychain.

"Duh. You think no one in this dorm knows about your stupid addiction over those magical horses? You barged in just because of that ing keychain. Seriously, dude? Are you nuts?" Jongin deadly glares at Yixing.

"It's my lucky charm! Anyway, thanks again, Kyungsoo. And oh, Jongin. Sehun's right. You really act like a woman on her menopausal stage." Yixing quietly laughs and disappears in a blink of an eye.

"Now the moment's ruined again for God knows how many times. Nice." Jongin wants to cry but he mentally reminds himself that he is Kim Jongin, EXO's dansheen masheen, who should act like a man. Yeah, a fully grown man. 

He feels Kyungsoo stand up from the couch and walks towards the front door. Great. Just great. The person he would like to spend this day with chooses to leave him all alone. Jongin is really close to crying.

He hears the front door shut and that signals him to go back to their room and weep over Kyungsoo.

He is about to go in when he hears the door open again and Kyungsoo calling his name.

"Where are you going?" The older male asks.

He refuses to face Kyungsoo because a tear is about to fall from his right eye. "You're leaving me right? Well, just go with them. I'm sure you prefer being with them than someone like me who is as boring and grumpy as-" 

"I just posted a sign outside. No need to be emotional, Jongin." Kyungsoo chuckles. He finds an emotional Jongin so adorable.

He rubs his right eye before turning around. "A sign?" He curiously asks.

"Uh, a 'do not disturb' sign? You are not the only who got pissed because of Yixing's interruption, you know. You are just so obvious." It's Kyungsoo's turn to feel embarassed while Jongin wants to jump for joy.

Jongin walks towards Kyungsoo and draws his face nearer to his. "So I guess nothing's gonna stop us now?" Jongin secures his hands on Kyungsoo's sides. He doesn't let the other answer and quickly presses his lips against Kyungsoo's soft and full lips.

Jongin thinks those interruptions weren't that bad at all. 

It was all worth it.


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pororoismyman #1
Chapter 1: This is the most ot12 fic I've ever read with all the nicknames and whatnot hahah. Brought back memories.

Nice story!
kyungheart13 #2
Chapter 1: So cute omg
kimmml #3
Chapter 1: This was so cute! :D
SoSquishy #4
Chapter 1: Sweetttttttt :">
RainBowePuke #5
Oh well just like what Jongin said
"Its all worth it"
cheesesauceu #6
ittaopta #7
Chapter 1: huhuhuhuhu, i love this story.
jongin were so irritated with the others. ahh that's cutie jongin i guess
Chapter 1: this is making me all smiley :D nice story~
JinWoo #9
Chapter 1: Soooooo cute