Well then

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Is it hot in here or is it just me?

My voice suddenly lost in my throat, I nodded my head dumbly.

He giggled as he sat down next to me, just barely brushing his warm thigh against mine. I suddenly regretted wearing a thick sweater and tight-fitting jeans today.

The table was quiet for a minute, pondering over how to act around the blonde new commer.

"So Luhan....." Wren said, breaking the silence, "Have you found a partner to dance with yet?"

My eyebrow shot up at her question. Wren could be random and air headed at times but what-


I had forgotton that my best friend took the same ballroom dancing class with my Luhan. 

I risked looking at the side and saw that his cheeks were flushed with an innocent shade of pink. I could feel my heart beating faster with every second that I looked at his rosey cheeked face.

"Not yet." He answered, quickly looking at me with shining doe-like eyes, then back at Wren as if nothing happened. "I was hoping to find someone who could teach me the basic steps since the teacher is making me to be a follower*......"He sighed as he cutely ate his carrot cake.

"Why don't you ask Minseok hyung?" Jongup suggested out of no where.

"What?"Everyone except Luhan questioned.

"Yeah he can help you! Hyung and I helped out the class last year so-" His sentence was cut off quickly as I shoved his sandwhich in his mouth.

I can barely sit next to Luhan without wanting to kidnap him and claim him, much less being so close and touching with so many witnesses people around.

Besides, I doubt Luhan would want a clumsy wolf as his-

"Would you be my partner Minseok?!" Luhan asked me excietedly with sparkaling brown eyes, clutching my sweater as if his life depended on it.

"W-wel-l i-i'm not su-ure i'm r-really cut out f-for dancing....." I studder, not really wanting to agree for his own saftey, but how can I resist someone so irresitable?

His bottom lip jetted out as he began to pout, I just wanted to kiss it away.......mentally I slapped myself out of it.

"Please Minseokie?" He begged as he laid his chin on my sholder. He was so close, my body tensed as his scent competely filled my nostrols and a shiver ran down my spine as his warmth clug to me. My patience was quickly slipping, the wolf in me wanted to grab him, run out of here and slam into-

Someone coughed on the other side of the table. I looked at my friends and saw them fegit and shift around uncomfortably from the thick tension around the table.

Come on Miseok he is just asking you to help him dance, nothing serious.

"Fine...."I sigh as the bell rings.

Luhan squeals as he wraps his arms around my neck. "Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!! See you later Minseokie~" grabbing his trash he left, but not before his soft lips peck my cheek.

As I sat there dazed, my friends just sat there grining from ear to ear.

"Good luck hyung~" Zelo teased as he left for his next class, bringing a smirking Laura with him.

"Looks like we have a new member in our dance class~ Good thing that's your free period!" Wren sang as she skipped away, kissing Jongup's cheek as she left.

He blushed slightly as he looked at me, smiling like an angel.


"Yes hyung?"

"I hate you........but I love you"






*Basically the "female" position

hahahaHAHAHAHAAHA This is probably REALLY bad. I'm sorry.

There is still things to be explained but they will come later I promise!

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AmyNguyen0330 #1
Chapter 1: Good story so far keep going ^_^