
Wolf in sheep's clothing

The roar of 9,000+ teenagers filled the lunch room as I walked to my usual table, where a girl with mouse brown hair sat patiently drinking her milk tea.

I sat down across from her and we sat there without talking for a couple of minutes.I was extremely nervous right now. How will she react? Shocked? Disgusted? Will she no longer like me? Slowing my racing heart, I breathed in deeply.

"Ithinkilikeluhan." I confessed before hiding my embarrassment behind my hands.

"Took you long enough" An unimpressed voice answered.

My jaw dropped as I removed my hands and stared at her in disbelief. "You knew???"

She shrugged her shoulders and started to drink her tea again, as if I havn't been dabating on this all morning instead of paying attention in class.. My friend, Wren, is one of my closest friends, but to be honest she was like my 2nd mother despite the fact that I was older.

"You'd have to be blind not to notice." A sarcastic voice pipped in as she sat down next to Wren.

Laura, my other friend, was very shy in public but very witty and sarcastic once she got comfortable with you.

My face heated up at her words and I hid my face in my hands again. 

"It's ok Minseok, it's so cute seeing you so smitten.~" Wren cooed.

"But I'm a WOlf!!!! I'M NOT SUPPOSE TO BE CUTE!!!" I yelled, leaping out of my seat.. I cleared my throat and sat back down, hoping the strange glances would go away. I caught sight of Luhan looking in our direction. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die now.

"But that's the cute part!!! You're this big bad wolf and you are completly head over heels for this deer~"She practically sqealed in her seat.

"So what were you trying to accomplish by telling us this." Laura deadpannned as she ignored the fangirl next to her.

"Well....maybe...you could give me some advice......" 

"What was that?"

"Can you give me some advice......."

"He said can you give him some advice." Said a tall blond boy,Zelo, as he sat next to Laura and kissed her cheek. Her cheeks becoming a light pink on her tan skin.

"Dude, just confess to him." Jongup suggested as he sat down next to Wren, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"How do you even know what we're talking about???!!!!!" I cried, flailing my arms. Both just shrugged their shoulders and began eating. I bangged my head on the table. I really wanted to cry. 

"Just confess to him Min! You'll get no where if you just sit there and sulk!" Wren encouraged. I knew she was right, but there are some many other people here besides me! And what if he doesn't like boys?? I expressed my worries.

"You'll never know til you try Hyung" Zelo pointed out. "And it looks like you have a chance"


"Can I sit here?" A honey coated voice asked be hind me.



I'm really sorry it , and that it's confusing, and about how short it is ;_; There will be more of an explanation later!!!!!!

And I'm sorry for any grammer mistakes! English IS my first language, but that doesn't mean I good at writing it!

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AmyNguyen0330 #1
Chapter 1: Good story so far keep going ^_^