Chapter 2

No more Mr. Nice Guy!

''YoonHae..yahh darling,wake up!'' Your father shake your body to wake you up.

''Ahhh?..wae appa,I still want to sleep..''You groggily push your father's hand and squezze your eyes tightly.Trying to go to your dreamland back.

''Yahhh!You think this is your bedroom?! Yahh palli wake up!'' He shook your more hard.You slowly open your eyes and look around.You only see an empty place.You know you and your father are the only one left un the airport.You quickly stand up and make your way to the exit door.As you make your way to the airport,you can sense a little different atmosphere.You look at your father who is calmly making his way to the airport.You sighed and just follow him.As you've picked up your both luggage,you father quickly hail a cab.

''Appa,can I ask you something?'' You look down as you get inside the cab.

''Wae dear? you have any problem?'' You father look at you worriedly.

''Aniyo appa..I don't have any problem..just,why do you sent me back to Korea?At first,you the one that wanted me to go with you to Singapore..but now?'' You look at you father back and tears start to forming in your eyes.

''Aigoo dear,don't cry..You see,there's a little bit problem back there and we have to settle it in hurry..or else,..'' Your father suddenly stop and look down.

''Or else what appa?'' You wipe your tears away when you see your father suddenly cry.

''Or else they will take away you from me..

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yuki-girl #1
Chapter 2: i have stolen the first comment slot hehe. but anyway nice this is gonna be interesting. im looking forward to updates