What an Anniversary...

What a Great Anniversary...

It was the 6th. 2 years since he confessed. That he loved you. You remembered Kyungsoo phoning you, saying that he needed to tell you something important. When you saw him, he pulled you in to a sudden hug, and whispered a small, "I love you".
Since then, you were always together, it was like a fairytale. Your parents were happy for you and so were your friends. Sure, they teased you a bit at the beggining, but it was nothing negative. There was one friend who you in a way lost then. Kai. You remembered when you and Kyungsoo announced you were together, his expression was blank. He didn't say anything, but since then it seemed like he was avoiding you. He stopped hanging out in your group of friends and went around with the completely opposite type of people. After that, you never spoke again. Sure, there was a smile, wave and a hi in the school hallways, but you thought the friendship was over.
You and Kyungsoo had arranged to meet up at the park, to spend a special day together. You put on your favourite dress that Kyungsoo loved and headed out. He was sitting on a bench, when you saw him, holding a bouquet of flowers. When he saw you, his expression lit up. He ran up to you and pulled you in to a hug, his hands running through your hair. He gave you a small kiss and whispered, "I love you" into your ear. He then moved the flowers in between both of your faces, "I hope you like them. There were just too many to pick from. But I think these suited you." He gave you a bright smile, with those adorable puppy eyes of his. You took the flowers, "They're beautiful. Thank you. I have your present back at my house, so we'll have to go back later." Kyungsoo gave a nod and grabbed your hand as you walked down through the park.
You had a great day, went to a restaurant, had a fun walk, then there was also a fair on the other side of the city so you decided to see what it's like. Before you realised it, it was 9pm.
"Ya! You still need your gift right?", you remembered and started pulling Kyungsoo towards your house. When you got their, Kyungsoo gave you a small peck on the lips and said, "I'll wait here, okay?" You nodded and ran in.
The gift was in your bedroom, on the dresser. You walked in, turned the lights on and completely froze. There was Kai, from those two years, sitting on your bed. He looked up in shock and was about to say something, before you interrupted him. "Ya! What are you doing?! Why are you here? I have my phone you know! And Kyungsoo is outside. You can't hurt me!" But he didn't have a weapon, nothing to hurt you with. He walked up to you as you walked back and hit the wall. I can't go back further. Just please don't hurt me..
He didn't pull out a random knife, or punch you. Instead he walked right up to you and pinned you up against the wall. He leaned in, so his face was inches away from yours and whispered, "You remember me, right? Your'friend' from before? We were close right? And then it got ruined." What the hell was he talking about? He then leaned in closer and whispered right into your ear. "Kyungsoo ruined it." You looked up to him. "What...?"
Before you could finish your sentence, Kai's lips were on yours. They were soft, and you could feel the taste of his lipbalm when you realised. You were kissing back. You were kssing Kai. He started running his hands through your hair.
'Oh god, what was I doing?'you though, 'Kyungsoo, damnit.'Suddenly, you heard a knock on your door. "Don't open it. Please." Kai said, not stopping the kiss. It was Kyungsoo. Who else would it be? There was more knocking. Then you heard Kyungsoo's voice through the door, "___? Are you there? Open up. I've been waiting for ages."
You were about to break away from Kai, but he stopped you. "No, don't. I've locked the door anyway." He gave a small smirk. It shouldn't have, but that smirk made you melt inside. How could he have locked the door? How long was he waiting for me?
You ignored Kai's plead, and still headed for the door, and again he pulled you back. "No don't! Please." You were shocked. "Why the hell are you doing this?" He looked into your eyes and quietly whispered, "I love you..." before his lips landed on your again, for another kiss..

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nawalsufi #1
Chapter 1: This is so good! Sequel Please!
Chapter 1: my pour,little,innocent kyungsoo =-O