Part 2

Lost with You

Sorry for the late update T^T




“So it’s the time…”


Luhan said breathlessly as he laid on the dirty pavement, blood choked out from his wound and his small mouth. His eyes blinked at the rain, now that he tasted the real victory, aside feeling the joy there was only numbness in him. However, he didn’t regret to sign a contract with the devil. Even when his life was a big mess, his pride didn’t allow him to submit under the greater power to take him to where he belongs. He needed to fight back, he needed to keep alive, to track down the mastermind behind the slaughter of his family and his own self.


He didn't mind to put stain on his very dear soul, or became the tasty meal for this dark being, as long as he got his revenge.


“Yes, it’s the time.”


Luhan eyes met the pearly black ones, with the glint of red shimmering through them. Kai was smiling and Luhan can’t help but feeling warm at the simple companion he had in this lone, cemetery land. He opened his mouth to retort with sarcasm but his eyes found the dripping blood from the wound on Kai’s arm, “Kai, your hand.” He tried to get up, he tried to reach Kai with his trembled hand, “you lost your hand….” He didn’t realize that he was spilling the tears out but the noble boy cried as he touched the end of the bleeding flesh and let his temple tugged to Kai’s arm, “Kai, you lost your hand.”


“I’m okay, so just stop crying over me now.” Kai said in the gentle murmurs Luhan often mistaken as a fake hospitality. He used to think Kai will never took any pity towards him, hence feel anything at all aside thinking of him as someone who had contract with and will be a meal when the contract fulfilled.


It’s weird, when Kai supposed to stop pretending to be nice and stop playing in the perfect butler mask, the brunette lifted Luhan’s face and the track of tears away.


“I only want to see your fear.”


Luhan closed his eyes and the boy smiled weakly. What a joke, he thought, as he coughed another gulp of blood, before he laughed. He laughed as hard as he could, making the butler stared at him in daze.


“What’s so funny?” Kai asked.


Luhan chuckled lightly at the devil,


“I love you, Kai.”


It’s hurt, to say every words out. It’s hurt cause he just realized it now, he just say it now when he had plenty of chances before. It didn’t matter if he died or if he was getting eaten and going into the world of nothingness. He loved Kai, he loved the devil which taunted him to the dark side, he loved this damned creature and no one can take this liberty from him. Not the God, not the death, not the devil himself.


“You’re not supposed to love me, little one.” Kai whispered into his lips, “I’m going to eat your soul. You should fear me by now. There’s no heaven or hell, no afterlife for you aside being inside of me, being the part of my sin.”


Luhan opened his eyes, let Kai saw into the clear-est, prettiest, deep blue orbs, “I’m not afraid of you.” the boy murmured softly as he pecked Kai’s lips and gasped in the warmness cause all he feel was cold, only an unbearably cold which made his body paralyzed and his voice raw as he spoke for the last time,


“I know I’m only yours.”




‘I know I’m only yours.’


It’s like Luhan’s heart was the one who said so, as Kai stared at the boy who slowly turned lifeless in his arms. This wave of uncomfortable feeling suddenly filled the empty shell of his human container. He stunned, watching the boy drifted into the eternal sleep with a frown and a clenched pain in his left chest, a heart throb when he was created heartless.


What’s happen?


Who allow this boy to confess and just left? This is his time, he will enjoy it when he played the death game and he will be the one who decide when will the soul leave the body because the boy is his, and his only. Luhan can’t just leave him, not after make him feels. Luhan should be here, so the boy can watch how Kai devour him. Luhan had to be here so Kai could hear the priceless scream, begging for a second chance.


But even the soul, for an absurd reason called ‘love’, purified and reborn into a glowing white light. Every sin marked under the devil’s contract had been dismissed and now, under His mercy, there’s no reason for Kai to eat Luhan anymore.


The love was real.


He came up by the conclusion as he saw the white grain of lights covering Luhan, forming into a ball of luminous white. Splitting in between thick rain cloud, there's heaven light shone through the body and with that, the soul turned into a beautiful white pearl. It made Kai reached in, his blood-covered hand touched the soft light and without warning, red tears pouring down on his already wet cheeks.


So this is how it feels to say goodbye.




He remembered the first time he met Luhan, blood was all over the boy, the body wasted, but from the hazy blue eyes, Kai saw through inside and shivered in bliss when the soul isn’t ready to give up. The body let itself getting inhumanly tortured but the soul was burned in anger, promising punishment and revenge to every hand laid on him, to every drop of blood cut out of his skin. It made the devil falling in love, defeated by the preciousness and the pure evilness in Luhan. That’s why he never regretted it to sign a contract with the boy and spend a few years taunting the soul, make it tastier so when today is come, he could enjoy every bit of it.




Kai grabbed the pearl, didn’t care if his palm burned at the touch. He stared at his own, horrible reflection on the surface of the jewel and with that he slammed the soul back into Luhan.

“Stupid boy.” He gritted his teeth in annoyance, “Like I will let you leave me.”




Now back onto the boring sea where there’s a small boat in the middle of fog.


Luhan blinked in surprise. He didn’t expect to get awakened all over again, so he slowly sat up, staring down at his hands and then at his body in fascination. He touched his left chest. There’s no blood, no wound, nothing only the hole on his vest, but he thought he can’t help with that. A dead person didn’t need good clothes, only a better trip to the endless world. He looked at the sea, at the freedom he shouldn’t deserve until his eyes found the familiar back in the other end of the boat. All of sudden, he felt a loud thump inside his chest and it made him running his hand on his heart cause he knew for sure, a dead person isn’t beating.


“I’m still alive.” He murmured lowly, much to himself.


“Of course.” The dark figure turned at him. There’s no fake smile, only grunts escaped the brunette’s lips, “I’m not done with you.”


Why Luhan felt excited with that, the boy didn’t have idea, but since he was alive then it means the devil didn’t eat him yet. So Luhan scooted to close his gap with Kai and took a liberty to sit near Kai’s back. The boy leaned his head onto Kai’s arm, smiling when he saw the cut arm already back on its place.


“I only eat half of your soul.”


Luhan smiled even wider at hearing such a strange statement and can’t stop himself from whispering a low, ‘and, why?’


“Cause you’re mine.” Kai hissed at him, but Luhan was pretty sure it’s not the anger which built in the devil’s eyes, “so you’re belongs to me, all of you.” the devil pushed him flat onto the boat and towering over his small body, “so be prepared, little one.” Luhan gulped as Kai grabbed his vest and ripped it off him,


“You stuck with me, forever.”


There’s a silent moment in between them. Luhan assumed that Kai was expecting him to react, after the sudden outburst of the devil’s thought. But Luhan only stared at him, only smiled in joy for the fact that even to this cruel being, he didn’t get defeated. He’s still alive, breathing, and for the utter most terror for anyone to hear, still deeply in love with Kai.


A devilish smirk appeared on his beautiful face, “so… Jongin…” he let the Devil’s real name went past his lips as he got up and cupped Kai’s face and asked,


 “Is that mean, you love me too?”


Even by living with a half soul, he can win a devil’s heart.







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OMG tHIS is coOL
because i love kurosuji and i ship kailu so thank you so much for combining two my favorite things into one fic :DDDDD
uh, i think i even subsribed to most of your kailu stories because your stories are written beautifully and you're one of my favorite author on aff.
hehe have a nice day:)
Chapter 1: OMG ~ this cool !!! I love Kurosuji, too. Thank you for writing KaiLu version. Can I translate your fic into Vietnamese? I'll credit you!
lilacsky #3
Chapter 2: "...he loved the devil which taunted him to the dark side, he loved this damned creature and no one can take this liberty from him. Not the God, not the death, not the devil himself." I thought pure liberty is non-existent. But i'd like to believe this one: in the end, only love will set you free. This story inspires something :)
Chapter 3: I want more kailu so beautiful
Chapter 3: It's too early to end.. I've read this before, but just forgot to subscribe..
I want more kailu..

Luhan is the fallen angel then.. ^^
fluffyns #6
Chapter 3: so kyungsoo was luhan's fiancee xD
the angel is living in hell now lol
those faces on the walls............
roughly_yours #7
Chapter 3: omg thank you for writing the continuation to the supposed end! that last chapter was way too delicious not to have something following it. my kurosuji feels~
Chapter 2: Its veryyyy good!
I like black butler too!
Is this finish already? Or you still have next chapter?
fluffyns #9
Chapter 2: i love your ending, but i can't help but compare your story to the original kurosuji.. i mean seriously kurosuji 2 ending was heavenly, oh god.. ciel being a demon and sebby can't help but always listen to every demands ciel asked till the end of the world cause ciel is immortal.. god i love kurosuji