June 19


After a long time, now I can say that I’m happy again. Though momentarily, I think this day is worthy to be remembered since I met him again - My Choding…


Me and 2 other teachers were waiting for our students to come for our dinner date over at Daeyang Korean Restaurant. My anticipation grew its height as I saw the students arriving one by one. I won’t hide the fact that I’m excited to see him after 2 weeks of non-Sejong whatevers. And there he was, wearing white shirt and jeans, carrying an umbrella for the rainy afternoon. I didn’t care to say “Hi!”, I put up this “I don’t care about you!” look until we arrive at Daeyang. There he sat a person away from me. It was quite close but we were still “cold” to each other. Food was served and I thought that I have to do something or else I might end up just seeing him but having no interaction with him.


Kenny and Chris are a couple and they naturally showed skinship which most of us reacted on, especially Sejong. Chris then made a Sangchu Ssam (meat wrapped in lettuce) and fed it to Kenny. He explained to me that couples do that to show their love; the bigger the wrap, the more they love their partners. Then all of a sudden, a hand holding a wrap was reaching from my left side… YES! IT WAS SEJONG! 

“Enji, eat this.”

“Huh? Uh.. Okay.” Then I ate the Ssam.

“You like that (pointing to the garlic)?”

“No! Why?”

“I put 7.”



I tasted the garlic, but what got into my head was the fact that he fed me Ssam. I can only see this scenario on Kdramas, but it happened to me. My heart just went straight to Cloud 9 and stayed there for the next 4 hours. Of course, I reciprocated it, I made a Ssam and fed it to him too.

“Ya! Sejong… Eat!”

“Ah… I’m already full.”

“Tch!” Still holding my hand to feed him.

“Oh.. Okay, okay~” and he opened his mouth to eat it. I made it a little big as a revenge! Hahaha!  


We were also drinking Soju (a Korean alcoholic beverage) and after just 2 shots, Sejong’s face became red. Lucky me, I can tolerate alcohol well. Chris said Sejong is a little drunk because of his constant blabbering. Our eyes met and he said...

“Why are you looking at me?”


“Why am I cute? Handsome?” Cupping his face, showing me lots of aegyo.

“No, not cute!”

“Ah… cuter? Cutest?”


“Do you have crush on me? Do you love me?” OMG! That last line rang like bells in my ears, reflecting and repeating every now and then.


“Because you didn’t see me so you miss me.”

“No…” But deep inside “Of course!!!”

“If you miss me, just text me…”


“Okay… Then just call me…”


“Ah! You know Kuya Rey (driver) and Morris always say about you…”

“Say what?”

“Kuya Rey and Morris, they tell me our relationship~”

“What!!!??? Our relationship? We have a relationship?”

“Why, do you want? Do you like to have relationship with me?”

Adjacent to us was Kenny and Chris, the latter gave Kenny a peck on one cheek.

“Euggghh… Yah~!” I said, out of disgust and envy.

“Envy? You want to have boyfriend?”

“You want me to answer that? Yes!” Then, he just smiled.


After a while, green peppers were served and we had another round of Soju. Sejong reached for a lettuce and looked at me with a grin. I knew what was going on in his mind so I also did the same thing. Then, both of us was reaching to feed one another with a Ssam. The person between us was teasing us and so is Kenny and Chris. They ordered Sejong to switch places with Thomas (the person between the two of us) which he naturally did though I can hear him say like“Hyung, wae? Ah jinjja anya~ (Brother, why? Ah it’s not really~). He fed me a piece of the green pepper and shoved it in my mouth. It was my first time to actually eat green pepper.

“Ah! Spicy~”

“Not spicy!”

“Then you eat one!” 

“Ah, just… Here!” then he poured water on my cup and gave it to me.



Since Sejong had more alcohol that he can handle, he naturally leaned onto me but I knew he was careful not to land his head on my shoulders. I know he doesn’t want to be teased more. But his right arm and half of his weight was on my left upper body. Then I held his neck as to jokingly choke him, but he said his infamous line…

“No skinship, please?” 

“Was that skinship?”

“No, this is…” he then held my left hand, palm to palm.


“You don’t want this?”

Of course I couldn’t say I LIKE IT SEJONG, JUST HOLD MY HAND! So I just break free from the skinship and just look at him endearingly. 


There were times when I will look at him and he would look back with those “ eyes” (sorry for the term, lol.) then he would crack up saying, “handsome? cute?”. Then we’ll go back eating or chatting with others. I think this scene happened like 5 or 6 times during the 4 hours that we stayed at the restaurant. As we have finished what we were eating, Kenny had her make-up re-applied and she was wearing a red lipstick.

“Wow red!” I said.

“Why? Guys like this~” Chris said.

“Why don’t you wear red lipstick?” Sejong asked me.

“Do you want me to?” 

“Yes! Do it.” I caught his eyes tracing a stare on my lips. GOSH! I WANTED TO DIE RIGHT THERE AND THEN. 


We went to the Korean mart next to the restaurant and they ate ice cream. As all of us went outside, Sejong stayed at a distant area than the rest of the guys and I didn’t follow him. Thomas began to chat with me and he was sharing with my umbrella. Suddenly, Sejong called me.

“Enji, come here!” He said with a nod telling me to go by his side.

“Why~?” I asked, resisting the urge to just go near him. He then gave me a stronger stare and a nod which tells me to hurry up and go there. And so I did.

“Why?” I asked again.

“Just stay there. There.”

“Aigoo~” I said as I puffed my cheeks.


“Ani~ Oh, is that strawberry?”

“Yes. I like. Sweet!” Suddenly, he positioned his ice cream near my lips. He angled it so I can actually eat the end part (it was a Popsicle, so he ate from the top).

“Ah, no… It’s okay.” 

“Here…” still shoving the ice cream near my lips. 

“Yah, Sejong ah~”


Then the choding Sejong acted as if the Popsicle was a lipstick and he pouted at me ready for a kiss. He even said, “You want kiss?” but my face showed disgust at his choding act yet my soul already left my physical self! LOL. 


This day = HEAVEN! OMG! I’ll try to recall other details, I have to ask Kenny of the other noticeable things he did which I wasn’t aware of. 









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mrsparkeggyeol #1
OMG!! This is sooo cute! Sayang umalis siya :'( sana mag-kita ulit kayo and BOOM maging kayoooo!!! :))
unnie!!this is the best..first time ma feel ang ganito sa pagbabasa ng fanfic..like seriously..buti nlng binisita ko ang wall mo at nakita to..kyaaaaaaaa<br />
<br />
magkita sana kaya ulit at syempre, MAGKATULUYAN!!<br />
oh my goodness..this is soo kiliiiiiiiig unnie..grabe..na iimagine ko bawat scene....parang nasa heaven rin ako....
@chelsmae22 <br />
i know right... i was held back by uncertainty as well...<br />
uncertainty of him reciprocating my love~ T_____T
waaaa... it's so sad he left already not knowing your true feelings about him... :((
@BooYaa<br />
please do pray for me, just so I can forgive what Sejong did! (lol, bitter again)<br />
anyways, yes this is a bit of a tragedy <br />
since i didn't get to see him on his last day in the Philippines.<br />
Sejong is 20 and I'm 24.
BooYaa #8
Also, i was just wondering, how old are you and how old is Sejong?
BooYaa #9
Oh my gosh!<br />
i cannot believe this story is real!<br />
your life is like a K-Drama and it seems super sweet!<br />
actually, your story kinda reminds me of my own short-lived weird love story! haha!<br />
anyways, back on topic, i really really really think that you should text him saying "i love you"<br />
just text saying those three simple words and tell me if he responds!<br />
i think he might have left feeling upset and burdened by the fact that you didn't clarify your feelings for him. he might have felt that you didn't feel the same!<br />
sorry for the rant and i wish you the best of luck!<br />
i'll pray for you if you want, hehe!
@corn-edmonkey <br />
no, we didn't... he left with me still being his teacher... T_T<br />
I'm alright now, I have to move on since he will be away for a long time. I'm not even sure if I'll get to see him again if ever I go to Korea. I've emailed him already, but I didn't get any reply. Thanks for the concern... :)