My First Concert

Saving EXO and Other Extreme Acts

The problem with interdimensional traveling is the rules. Freshmen aren't allowed to use the portal like, at all, because we're mostly too weak to protect ourselves from any danger, or we're too irresponsible to be trusted in another dimension without adult supervision. We could have an adult supervisor, but they refuse to come unless traveling is "of the utmost importance" according to Professor Kava. But that man just hates all of us students, especially humans like me, so why would he even be asked to chaperone???

Oh, by the way, in case you haven't caught on yet: I am human, but at the school I now attend, humans are a minority. Like, endangered species minority. The majority consists of every supernatural/magical creature you've ever read about, dreamed about, even had nightmares about, and those you've never even read about in an index of magical creatures. It sounds cool, if it's something you're reading about, but for me, it's a nightmare. Being the only one of your kind in the entire dimension... completely terrifying. So I blend in as best as I can and keep a low profile. At least, as much as an accident prone, borderline failing all of my introduction to spellcasting and magic classes, only one of my kind can in this place. But that's all about to change. Why? Because I managed to get tickets to an EXO concert in Seoul, South Korea. And I'm going. Come Hell or high water, I am GOING to this concert. Other than the fact that EXO is my all time favorite boy group, this will be my first EVER concert, my first time anywhere near Asia, which I've always wanted to visit, and I cannot wait. So why should I care if I have to break the rules to get there? It's not like I haven't traveled interdimensionally before. I mean, how do you think I got from Earth to THIS dimension? Exactly. With that said, all I have to do now is avoid all of the teachers and the Mixed Guard that usually monitor the portal long enough to sneak through and land in Seoul. Of course, then I have to disguise myself as a South Korean, find where the concert will be held and get there without getting lost... No big deal, right? 


"Ready... steady...."

My robot companion whispered above my head in his tinny mechanic voice, both of us peeking past the corner down the hall that held my first destination: the portal. Just like I'd said earlier, the door is guarded by the Mixed Guard, student and faculty officers that protect the Red and White Queens. Yes, there are Queens here, only those two, but that story is for another time. Right now, G.I.R. (my adorable super robot dog pet) and I have to figure out how to get past the guards without them detecting us and without hurting them. I'm more of a lover than a fighter, so I don't really like hurting people. And, somehow, I always end up hurting myself in the process. Not pretty. Right now, our plan was to make a mad dash towards the door, phase through it before the guards could do anything, and jump right through the portal. It was super risky, but G.I.R. and I weren't really known for our diabolical schemes... 

"Oi! Baka jan? Listen up, you dummies!" 

G.I.R. and I jumped at the sudden voice coming from my backpack. I turned and loosened the flap so that G-maru could come out and talk to us. I have two robots, both of them part of a class project I'd done for my Mechanics course. With the help of my professor, I'd made G.I.R. and G-Maru. G.I.R., as adorable as he is, is kind of an idiot. I based his design off of a robot by the same name from an old cartoon whose brains were made from... trash. While I made him a lot smarter, somehow, G.I.R. is still an idiot. G-maru, is tons smarter than both G.I.R. and me combined, but he has his own... defects. No matter what their flaws, I love them, and I refuse to throw them away. They're all I have in this world right now. The two of them had some weird glaring contest going on between them before I prodded G-maru, telling him to speak up before my chance to get to Seoul disappeared right in front of me. Thankfully, he took the hint. He sighed as if he was an actual human being and shook his head before lunging at me, the two of us forehead to mechanical forehead. 

"You've got me, remember?? Making you invisible won't be too hard. At least, not if it's only to run down this hall and phase through the door. You should have more faith in me, Moricchi~" 

He sighed again and shook his head, poking at me with his claw-like metal fingers. I grinned at him, feeling a little slow myself. Duh, I had a genius robot. Why didn't I use him more often? 

"Thanks, Maru Maru! I owe you for this, ne?" I opened my backpack for him to dive into again, closing it back up. Of course, I still heard him muttering ersely, 

"Of course you do! But a nice nap in your s will take care of that!" 

I sighed and ran a hand along my face. Why was that robot such a ert sometimes. I looked at G.I.R. one more time before he shrank to the size of a plush toy and fell motionless into my arms, G-Maru immediately surrounding us with a type of force field. It looked almost like a bubble, the surface translucent with a murky design, as if I was surrounded in soapy water. 

"Satte! Ikki mashou ka?" 

I nodded, muttering a 'yes', since Maru couldn't see me. I was beyond ready. 

"3..... 2....." 

I stepped from behind the corner, standing in the middle of the hallway. The guards still looked ahead, motionless but fully alert, yet still completely unaware of me. 


I took a shaky breath and crouched, ready to sprint at full speed. 


I lurched forward, running as fast as I could towards the thick metal door that separated me and the portal, me and Earth, Seoul, me and what could be the greatest time of my life. Before I knew it, the guards were on either side of me, still completely unaware of me as I changed the density of the particles that made my body, turning me into a ghostlike being, and went straight through the door, not stopping until I'd gone right through the swirling, fluctuating rainbow that was the portal to Earth. EXO, here I come! 



I looked around me as much as I could, trying to find who had followed me through the portal, or even more dangerous, who was in the Tunnel from a different dimension, before I realized the screaming was coming from my own mouth. Weird. That realization turned my shrieks into hysterical laughter. I was so amused by my own stupidity that I almost got off at the wrong stop. The portal was something like a subway entrance that led to the expansive underground that was so common in many big cities. There were portals in every dimension, on every planet, if you looked in the right places. They were in all shapes and sizes, but they all lead here: The Tunnel. It's what it's called here because there is no better name for it. It's far from the creepy tunnels in a subway though. In the tunnel, you're surrounded by all of these portals that lead you to any dimension or even time period that is both known and unknown to man, to all beings. Go through the wrong one, and you could end up a thousand years in the past, maybe even stuck there forever. Luckily, navigating this Tunnel is what my job is supposed to be as "The Cheshire Cat", something I've been told I am by quite a few people, and that I'm not by the judgmental masses at my school. I could feel the portal to Seoul coming closer and closer until it was only a few feet ahead of me. I threw my weight forward as much as I could, propelling myself towards it until I fell through it, not even a scratch on me. At least, not until I hit the ground. 

"Ow... ow, ow, ow.. That hurts.." 

I'd landed flat on my in what seemed to be an empty alley. I stood as slowly as I could, trying not to irritate my aching tailbone as I rubbed my arms to warm them. I was always chilly lately.  

"Are you okay?!" 

Two mechanical, but concerned, voices demanded of me as I shuffled unsteadily to the end of the alleyway that led to a sidewalk. 

"I'm good. My just hurts.. nothing that won't go away with a little walking around." 

I heard a loud sigh of relief and knew it came from G.I.R., still in his plushy form in my arms. I was going to have to put him in my backpack.

"Are you two okay?" 

G.I.R. nodded his answer with a loud squeal, but Maru slowly drifted out of my backpack to face me, an expression on his circular face that I didn't like. 

"What's wrong, Maru Maru?" 

"When you fell.... I hit the ground also." He made a whining sound before continuing, "I don't think we'll be able to use the force field when we go back to the Academy." 

I sighed, knowing that wasn't good. If I couldn't hide myself when I got back to school, someone was bound to see me sneak out. If they saw me, I was doomed. And I do mean doomed. You don't want to get detention at the Academy. Even the supernatural students fear it, which means I should probably be terrified. But I put on a brave face for Maru because he'd at least gotten me here. Hopefully, we could find another way to get back without me being caught. 

"Don't worry about it, Maru Maru." I poked him and smiled, "You got me here, didn't you? We'll figure something out." 

When he seemed at ease, I was just about to step into the light, into the crowd of Seoul pedestrians before G-maru yelled at me and shot out of my backpack, suddenly pulling me backwards by the collar of my shirt. 


"Oww!!! What, Maru?!!" 

I turned and glared at him childishly, rubbing the front of my neck. For a tiny robot, he sure had a strong grip. 

"YOU'RE STILL IN YOUR UNIFORM, YOU DUMMY!!!" He screeched in my face, shocking me out of the pain from my fall and awakening my confusion. I was still wearing my school uniform, the standard clothing at my new school. Yes, even schools in different dimensions have uniforms. They're much cuter than what I'm used to, and I clearly wasn't Korean. So, there was no way I'd get in trouble for walking around in a uniform, was there? Besides, I hadn't brought any clothes, and even if I had, I definitely wasn't changing on the streets where someone could turn and see me half . He sighed at me again before grinning maniacally. Why, oh why, oh why, was my robot such a ert? Before I could protest, he'd already used whatever super advanced technology my Professor had programmed him with to change my outfit. Both Maru and my professor claimed it was just technology I couldn't understand, I swore Maru used magic on a regular basis. I looked down warily at my new outfit, but was pleasantly surprised instead of horrified. Instead of the revealing stitches of clothing Maru usually tried to make me wear, this outfit was actually cute and presentable and I still had on my underwear. I nodded and smiled at him before pointing to my bag, signaling for him to go back to hiding. He did, thankfully, and I joined the crowd that was Seoul. 


A/N: So, how was it, folks? This was my first ever fantasy story, and there might be a few things in there that you don't understand. If there are any confusing parts, comment and I'll explain. Maybe the next chapter should even be like a glossary for everything XD I hope it lived up to expectations though, but don't worry! EXO will appear in the next chapter. This one was just introductions~ As for the robots, they really are from already popular works. 



Originally from the cartoon series Invader Zim, he's a robot that wears a green dog suit as a "disguise". He is regularly seen in my story in the green dog suit, since that way he can disguise himself as a plush toy if he stays still. 




Originally from the manga series G-Maru Edition, and it's an ecchi, which explains the references to Maru's erted nature. 

In the story, Juniper has simply made robots that have the same look and attitude as these two characters because I think they're both adorable and hilarious, but they aren't crossover characters and their abilities, goals, and purposes are totally different from those of their original series. 

P.S.- Thanks for reading!! ^^ And if this is shown as updated later but there isn't a second chapter, I probably edited something or added a glossary. 


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I changed my mind. The EXO chapters won't always be from Yeolie's POV~


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