Volume 01 - Chapter 05

High School with Seul Mi - Just Friends Arc

Guest Star Appearance Lee Min Ho



“Um…” a guy came in front of Eun Moon. She stopped talking to her friends and looked at the very tall handsome guy with dreamy eyes. He looked tanned for a Japanese guy. His hair was spiked up.

“Yes?” Eun Moon said putting on her flirtation tone.

“Do you by any chance know which class Han Seul Mi is?” he asked.

Eun Moon did a double take. Why was he after Seul Mi for? She thought. “You are?”

“I’m Lee Min Ho,” he introduced himself. “Do you know where she is?”

Eun Moon wasn’t listening. She paled as she stood frozen at the mention of his name. “L-Lee M-M-Min Ho?” she stuttered.

He nodded. He frowned at why she was acting strangely all of a sudden. “Do you…” he stopped mid-sentence when he saw a familiar girl running passed him. She didn’t see him. “Seul Mi-ya,” he whispered. He turned to follow her. He stopped when he came in front of the girls’ toilet. He waited patiently for her to come out. If he wasn’t mistaken he saw tears in her eyes. He ignored the stares he was getting from the other students.

Doo Joon and the guys walked along the corridor. He saw that there were a lot of students gathering around. They were whispering about something.

“I wonder what’s going on,” Hyun Seung asked as he tried to look at what everyone was looking at.

Doo Joon spotted a guy standing in front of the girls’ toilet door. Who is this guy? Is he a ert? He was brought to a standstill in front of the unfamiliar guy. “What are you doing standing here for?” he questioned the guy. The guy didn’t so much as flinch. Doo Joon looked down at the guy’s uniform. Suwon Private High? He frowned. What was a student from Suwon doing all the way in Seoul? “State your business,” he commanded.

“I’m just waiting for someone,” he said.

“And who might that be?” Jun Hyung brought himself in front of the guy.

“Han Seul Mi,” he answered.

The guys jerked back in surprise. Yo Seob heard Seul Mi’s name when he caught up with the guys. He looked at the stranger. “Who are you?”

“Lee Min Ho,” he said.

All the students gasped upon hearing his name. Min Ho frowned. What was going on? And why was Seul Mi crying?



Seul Mi splashed water on her face. She raised her head and looked at herself on the mirror. “Be strong,” she said to her reflection in her mirror repeatedly. “Don’t let them get to you.” She used a paper towel to wipe her face. The tears had stopped falling which she was grateful for. She was tired of crying. She was tired of getting hurt.

When she pulled herself together she opened the door to the toilet and stepped out only to halt at her tracks. “Min Ho-kun,” she called his name quietly.

Min Ho turned to face her. “Annyeong, Seul Mi-ya,” he greeted her.

The brunette shuddered. What was he doing here? She saw that students were crowded around. Her eyes stilled at Yo Seob who was behind the other guys. She broke her gaze away from him and turned her attention back to Min Ho. “What are you doing out of the hospital?”

“I was discharged yesterday,” he said. “I heard that my father kicked you out of school because of the incident.” Seul Mi didn’t say anything to deny the fact because it was the truth. “I told him that it was my fault and persuaded him to let you come back.”

He made it sound so easy. That she could just leave her new life and go back. But she couldn’t. Not anymore. She went through so much just coming here. How can she leave?

Seul Mi shook her head. “I won’t be going back,” she said. “I already moved here.”

“But, Seul Mi-ya! There is no one here for you!” he shouted.

“There was no one for me in Suwon,” she said.

“Chamkanman!” Eun Moon made her way through the crowd angrily. All eyes were fixed on her. She looked at Min Ho. “You were meant to be dead! They said because of her you died!”

Min Ho’s eyes widened with shock. “What are you talking about?”

“They said she watched you die,” Yo Seob said quietly.

“What would you do when someone declares their love for you and then tries to kill themselves in front of you?” Min Ho said. “Wouldn’t you be frozen up?”

Realisation struck Yo Seob. What he had done earlier had no doubt brought back painful memories for Seul Mi. What he had done was worse than a bully. He looked at her. What had he done?

Seul Mi bit her bottom lip trying to stop the tears from coming out. Just thinking of that day upsets her. She knew that she would never forget the frightful day. But she couldn’t let the past eat her up. She had to move on. And the only way to do that was to make Yeogang her new future. She had to think of her brother. She had to attend school for her brother’s sake no matter what. She had to keep her promise she had made to herself. It was the only thing that was keeping her going.

“Please forgive me for that day!” he said as he bowed in front of her.

She stepped back in surprise. “It’s okay,” she said feeling a little embarrassed. “Please stand up.”

He stood straight. “I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble. When I saw you frozen up that day I realised that what I have done was wrong. I shouldn’t have used that method to get you to like me. And I’m sorry I stalked you those days.”

Seul Mi smiled wryly at the last sentence. She sighed. “Well, that was the past.”

“So, are you still not going to come back?” he asked.

She shook her head. “It was very troubling to move here I don’t want to go through more trouble moving back.”

Min Ho lowered his gaze. “Mianhae,” he apologized.

The bell rang. The crowd dispensed quickly as lunch time was over. The six guys stood there with Eun Moon. Min Ho looked at Seul Mi. “I guess I should get going.”

She smiled. “I’m glad to see you doing well.”

He subconsciously touched his neck where the scar was. “I guess this a lesson for being stupid,” he laughed. He became serious. “Be careful,” he told her. “All those days I followed you, not once did you realise it. I didn’t do anything but what if someone else had something different in mind?”

Seul Mi nodded. “I’ll be careful. Don’t worry,” she assured.




Seul Mi walked home slowly still thinking of Min Ho. It had been awkward when he left because the guys were standing there. Eun Moon had stomped off when she realised that her plan to ruin Seul Mi’s life had failed. She had seen the guilty look in Yo Seob’s eyes. She had excused herself and dashed off to class leaving them wondering.

She found herself in the park that was just on her way home. She sat on the swing and swung slowly. Soon she was lost in thoughts.

Meanwhile, close by to the park Doo Joon and Yo Seob stood in front of Doo Joon’s mansion. “You okay?” he asked, looking at Yo Seob.

Yo Seob nodded. “I’ll be fine.”

Doo Joon didn’t seem convinced but kept quiet. “You shouldn’t have let that Eun Moon get to you.”

“Mianhae,” Yo Seob knew that the guys were angry at him for going behind their backs and pulling a stunt like that with the influence of Eun Moon. It was a rule between the six guys to never let another person control them.

He received a sigh from his friend. “Well, as long as you know your mistake.”

After an awkward silence Yo Seob spoke. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said walking off. He thought to take a short cut through the park. He really wanted to apologize to Seul Mi but he never got the chance. She never gave him the chance. She would always be running off every time he tried. He shook his head. Maybe he should just stay away from her. It might make her life less of a hassle.

He stopped at his track when he saw the very girl he was thinking about sitting on the swing with her back to him. She was looking up at the sky as the sun began to set. He walked slowly to stand behind her.

Sensing that someone was behind her she quickly turned her head around. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was. “Yo Seob-sshi,” she whispered.

He moved to sit on the swing next to her. “What are you doing here?”

“I live around here,” she answered. “What about you?”

He blew out a breath. “I was walking home with Doo Joon.”

“You live around here?” she asked in surprise.

He shook his head. “Doo Joon just lives two minutes from here.”

She made an “o” shape with . He stared at her. She gave him a smile. Why was she smiling at him? He thought. Why wasn’t she angry with him?

“You know, being angry with you won’t do me any good,” she began as if reading his mind. He was startled. She pressed her lips together. “When I saw the guilty expression on your face earlier I knew that you already regretted it. I forgave you then.”


“Don’t worry about it. I’m used to people treating me like this.”

“But…” He stood up in frustration. “You can’t just forgive me so easily!”

She frowned. “I can’t? Why not?”

“Because what I did had hurt you!” he yelled.

Seul Mi smiled. He really was a good guy. He just kept to himself to protect himself from getting hurt. Just like her. She got to her feet. “How about you promise to never hurt me again?”

Yo Seob bit his bottom lips as he thought for a minute. “Okay,” he made his mind up. “So does that make us friends?”

She nodded. “Friends!” She held out her small finger.

He laughed. “You’re being childish!”

She waved her finger determined to do it. He looked around in case someone was around and when he thought it was safe he quickly wrapped his little finger with hers then let go. He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. She giggled. He laughed along with her.

“Since we’re friends now, you have to stop putting sshi at the end of my name,” he stated.

“Then Yo Seob-ii,” she said.

“And I get to call you Seul Mi-ya,” he grinned. “Hmm, or Seul Mi-ya.” They laughed as they slowly made their way out of the park and towards the red and orange sunset.

It had started out as a bad day but she managed to make one friend at the end. Many things happened that she would never forget. She had to keep an eye on the other friends of his since they weren’t so keen on her. Eun Moon was someone she had to make sure she avoided like a plague.




Chapter End Notes
End of Volume One Thank you for reading. Look out for the next volume! Reviews are appreciated and it motivates me to update quick ^.^


Annyeong: “Hello”

Chamkanman!: Wait!

Mianhae: “Sorry/I'm sorry”



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rolling-thunder #1
Hi! Please add Skykart as your co-author so she can edit your story directly! Thanks!
Chapter 29: Aaaaaaaaaw can't wait for more *_* I think Seul Mi will end up falling for DooJoon :3
Chapter 29: Woo! Another update :)I actually did reread the story all over again hahaha :D
Is Seul Mi going to become friends with Doo Joon soon? I hope so! I can't wait for the next volume!
Chapter 28: Yay! You updated! :) Now that you have, I feel like rereading your story over again! I've probably read it like a bajillion times already hahaha :D
Chapter 27: I LOVE YOUR STORY SERIOUSLY MAN! ugh.. i just read it again and is absolutely beautiful , i love how you make all beast members seems so not pretty OOC here and the plot that has a flow so the story won't get boring to read and this is..the so like 5 times i read it over and over! i hope you update this as soon as possible though i'm not mind waiting for this worth-read fict :D

author nim loves you ~ XD
Chapter 27: poor Seul Mi got tricked by Doo Joon lol I can't wait for the next update!