Korean 101


Korean 101

-Learn how to use phrases and words correctly.

-Learn interesting facts about Korea and it's culture.

-Learn what's right from wrong.

-Korean slang.

That's about it. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please give me suggestions. i'm not a creative person ㅜㅠ


As a Korean on AFF, it really hurts when I see wrong usage of korean phrases/words so I decided to make this! I won't be going over the pronunciation or lettering of the alphabet, there's more of that out there but I'll be going over missusage and facts and stuff like that! XP

Uh I'm not very creative so suggestions by commenting or messaging is highly recommended. Like if you're curious about ANYTHING, please, ask.

So yeah(: Please subscribe...if this is good. LOL. It'll probably ouo. Don't be afraid to talk to me though. I want new friends(:



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