The End

Lightening the Lonely Soul


“You’re here?” a tall brunette said with raised eyebrow as she noticed a tan girl standing in front of some glass boxes of small pets where she was heading to. Walking behind her was a handsome Chinese guy wearing brown wool sweater who stared intensely at the tan beauty, seeming to forget the girl before him. The girl somehow looked like not wanting to meet his gaze that she brought her head down before taking a step backwards to give them way.

Averting her gaze at the cute hamsters in a box, she tugged at the Chinese guy’s arm to get his attention – surely waking him up from his daydreaming – and said, “Oppa, look! Aren’t they cute?”

“Uhm, yeah” he replied, rubbing the back of his neck, still shocked by the sudden interruption that he didn’t know how to react properly.

“Only a ‘yeah’?” she pouted like a kid, totally ignored the tan girl beside. “I want them, Lay oppa” she told. She took his arm and linked it with hers while pointing at the box, the hamsters to be exact.

“Ah, nde. Let’s buy some!” he suggested.

“No!” she shook her head vigorously. “I want all” she happily said.

“Mwo? You sure?” he asked with a frown.

“Why not?”

Getting all of the hamsters, they stepped out of the pet shop with huge smile on their face, leaving the tan girl standing still, eyeing the empty glass box.

“I know you just want to hurt me, Yoong” she mumbled.


“Is there something important that you want to meet me this early, oppa?” with a bright smile plastered on her face, she asked her boyfriend.

“Nde. Yuri, listen! What I’m going to say will hurt you perhaps but I need to tell this so please forgive me” taking her hands on his, he tried to comfort her to get her ready for his words.

“Lay oppa…” she gave a confused look.

“Yuri, let’s break up!” he softly said but it was enough to break her ears, even her heart.

“Oppa…” her eyes began glossy as shining pearls were ready to fall from her beautiful eyes.

“I know I’m sorry but… I think we’ve had enough of this. I’m really sorry…” he guiltily said and Yuri couldn’t take it anymore; her tears streamed down her cheek like forever.

“Tell me do you love someone else!” she managed to speak in tears.


“Is that Yoong?” she guessed and Lay nodded. “She’s a beautiful girl. I hope you two happy together” she said, releasing her hands from his grip. She then ran away while wiping her endless tears using the back of her hand.


“Couldn’t you let me live happy with a companion, even with a hamster?” she snapped back to reality to find no hamster left.

True, she was very disappointed to bring home nothing. With sad face, she decided to leave the shop. Before reaching the doorway she heard a voice which seemed to call her. Instantly she turned around and saw a young man running toward her.

“Nde? Do you by any chance call me” she pointed at herself.

“Nde. I saw you have interest in hamster, don’t you?” he asked politely and got the girl nod. “One of the shop assistants told me that you were going to buy some but that girl earlier have bought it already”

“Yeah. Maybe it’s not the right time for me to take care one” she flashed a smile to cover her disappointment.

“No. We won’t let our customer leave this shop with a sad face” he said sincerely. “Hyun?” he called his assistant who quickly appeared with a cage on his hand. In it was a couple of hamster.

“Sir,” he handed the cage to his boss.

“Thank you” he smiled. “This. Take them with you!”

“Really?” a smile crept on her pretty face, wiping up the sadness. “How much should I pay for these two cuties?” she tilted her head to meet his beautiful brown eyes.

“It’s free. I don’t sell it because it’s a present from my girlfriend”

“A present? I’m sorry I can’t take it then. She must be sad if she knows you give her present to a stranger”

“Anio. She’s gone already”

“I’m sorry”

“No. It’s okay. I’m sure you’ll take care of them well. Just consider it as my thank you for your help at City Park back then!” he assured.

“Help?” she gave a questioning look. “I’m afraid to tell you that perhaps you meet the wrong person”

“No. I’m very certain it was you that help me with my cat” he explained but he noticed her still confused. “Fury? Fury Fury…”

“Ah, nde” she snapped her fingers once she remembered the day at the park. She helped his cat which was dying from toxic plant.

“I was glad that I met a soon-to-be vet, like you” he showed his genuine smile. “Anyway, we haven’t had proper introduction. I’m Luhan” putting the cage down, he pulled out his hand and Yuri gladly took it.

“Yuri, Kwon Yuri” she smiled.




Day by day had passed. As usual Yuri went to City Park to study. It was so peaceful there that she would feel calm and relax while learning the lesson. That day she brought her hamsters with her, Hachi and Mochi. Yeah, those were the name Luhan gave to them.

She sat on a bench, reading a thick book. On her right side was the cage of her hamsters. It was only four in the afternoon yet the park had been very crowded.

Among the crowd was Luhan. He noticed Yuri and decided to approach her.

“Hi?” he greeted, getting the girl look at him.


“Isn’t it a coincidental that we meet her? Again?” he laughed lightly. “May I sit?” his eyes pointed at the empty spot on her left side.

“Sure” with that, the two sat next to each other.

There was no noise coming from their mouth. They simply enjoyed that afternoon in silence. Once in a while Luhan would steal a glance at Yuri who was reading her book seriously.

It was getting boring and Luhan couldn’t stand with it anymore. He cleared his throat to catch her attention and true, she turned to him.

“Isn’t the sky beautiful?” he spoke without looking at her.

“Nde” she followed him to witness the orange sky, closing her book then placing it on her laps. “But it’s getting dark. Don’t you want to go home?” she looked at him.

“Of course. What about you?”

“Me, too” she started to pack her things.

“May I drive you home?”

“Anio. I don’t want to be a bothersome. Besides my home is not far from here” she reasoned.

“Then, may I walk you home?”


“You won’t be a bothersome to me”

“Oh, okay” she finally agreed.

Along their way home, they had a little conversation and from that he knew that Yuri was living alone. Her parents lived in French to run their business there so she rented a house during her study in Korea.

“Why don’t you study in French? Isn’t it easy that you’ll gather with your parents?”

“I’ve been tired of moving and I miss my hometown. That’s why I decided to study here”

Enjoying much their talking Yuri almost got hit by a car.

“Yuri!” he called her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her into his embrace. Yuri who was still shocked could do nothing but let him save her.

“You okay?” he asked with concern.

“…” she nodded weakly. For some good seconds she stared deeply into his gentle brown eyes. She found them so distracting, drowning herself in their charm.

Luhan on the other hand gulped his saliva to see her tempting lips. They were thin, red as cherry and kissable.

How rude you are, Luhan!

He trailed his eyes up. That was when their eyes meet and locked to one another and time seemed to stop, giving them time to admire each other, to feel the warmness wrapping their body.

“Uh” Yuri was the one who broke the eye contact and got him released her slim waist.

“Sorry” he looked away.

“No. Thank you”

After that they walked again, still avoiding each other’s gaze.

W-what happen?

Slowly and smoothly she guided her hand to her chest, wandering till it reached her left chest where her heart existed. She held it tight and felt that her heart beat faster than usual as if it would explode anytime.

What’s with this feeling? It can’t be

He mentally shook his head.




It had been two months of their friendship. Every weekend Luhan would visit Yuri and the hamsters.

“Yuri?” he knocked on the door. After several minutes waiting and getting no response, he managed to leave but then he remembered.

If I’m not at home, you can still visit them. I put the key under the doormat

Getting the key on his hand, he slotted it in the keyhole. Carefully he walked closer to a table where Hachi and Mochi’s cage was put on.

He raised the cage to check their condition and was shocked to see Hachi was dying and Mochi wasn’t moving.

“Hachi? Mochi?” he called them, panicked.

He shook the cage but nothing happened which forced him to open it. Taking them outside, he noticed that Mochi was died.

“Mochi? No. You can’t die” he poked her. “No” he shook his head. “It can’t be” he was beyond sad.

You’ll take care of them well, right?

Her voice kept repeating in his mind. Yes, her. His girlfriend, Seohyun.

Not wanting Hachi to die as well, he quickly took hams food beside the cage and gave it to Hachi.

“Please, don’t die yet!” he prayed.

At the same time, Yuri was running in very fast speed. She didn’t really care that she looked like a madwoman, wearing a typical hospital shirt along with the trousers and slippers.

Arriving at her home, she was taken aback to find the door was open. Hesitantly she brought her feet in, still looking around the room.

“I shouldn’t trust you” a male voice said softly from behind causing her to turn around to face the tall figure of Luhan. “What did you do the whole time that you let them die? I can’t believe Mochi just died on your hand. I thought you were the right one to be trusted but I guess I’m wrong. You’re not her. You’re going to be a veterinarian but you don’t act like one” he blamed her without giving her chance to explain it.


“I don’t need your explanation. I’ll take Hachi back with me” he turned around and was ready to leave with hachi on his hand.

“Please, listen to me first. I have an explanation” she begged, grabbing his arm.

“No need” he swung her hand and left.

“Luhan…” she cried.

On his way home, Luhan got a call from his mother to visit his uncle, Mr. Wu in Seoul Hospital to invite him for dinner since it was his parents’ anniversary.

In no time he reached the hospital and met Mr. Wu.

“Sure I’ll come. I…” before he finished his words, a nurse ran to him.

“Doctor Wu, your patient is in critical state. Her neighbor just found her lying in front of her house”

“I’ll go. Luhan, sorry I need to see her first. Hope you don’t mind to wait”

Luhan who had nothing to do, followed his uncle. He waited a few minutes outside the patient’s room. Occasionally he would peek through the glass window only to find his panic uncle.

“Luhan? You’re still here?” he asked after he got out of the room.

“Nde, uncle. Tumor?” he questioned, his eyes pointed at the room.

“You see she’s my patient” he confirmed. Yes, his uncle was an oncologist. “My stubborn patient” he nodded while remembering about the lying girl inside the room. “Just this morning she ran away from hospital”

“Run away?”

“It’s not the first time. I know she’s just lonely. She has no relatives here. She said that her parents live abroad”

“You mean her parents don’t know about her illness?”

“Yes. I always convince her to tell her parents but she refuses. She said it’s better for them not to know. She doesn’t want anyone to know of her sickness.The worse is she doesn’t want to get treatment. But as you see that her illness can get worse in a blink of eye if she keeps refusing for a treatment especially if it’s in your brain. That’s Yuri” he patted his shoulder. “I gotta go now young man. Another patient is waiting” he smiled.

Yuri? Did uncle just said Yuri?

“Uncle, wait!”


“Did you say Yuri?”

“Yuri? Yeah, it’s her name. Sorry, Luhan, I should go now”

“Is that why…” he remembered the incident of the morning – the hospital shirt, pale face.

Like a thunder in a sunny day, the thought broke his heart into pieces. He could figure it out, the reason why she left Hachi and Mochi alone in hunger.

Slowly with broken heart he made his way towards the sleeping figure on the bed. She was so peaceful in her sleep yet her face showed no energy. Her face was sallow.

Once he stood right beside her bed, he took her cold hand. He squeezed it gently in his grip.

“I’m sorry” seeing her lifeless made his eyes teary. He felt guilty for not letting her explain everything. “Please be alright! Let me look after you!” he sincerely said.




She laughed happily, riding a bicycle on the white sand of a beautiful beach.

“Omo! You’re indeed slower than a turtle. Hehe” it was Luhan. He and Yuri had backed in their good friendship with Luhan pretending not to know anything about her sickness.



They were having fun in the beach, playing with sand, water and any other things they could find, including bicycle.

Parking his bicycle, Luhan walked closer to the sea and Yuri followed him. He stopped on his track, bending down to pick a seashell. Getting it clean, he placed it on his ear. With closed eyes, he tried to listen to the music that nature produce.

“What are you doing?” Yuri asked with a frown.

“Listening to music. This is what’s so called melody of heaven” he answered; his eyes were still closed.


“Wanna know?” he opened his eyes and looked at her.


“Place it on your ear and close your eyes! Relax!”

She did what he told to her.

“I love you” she heard a very gentle voice whispered on her ear but it was weird since she heard it from the opposite side of where she put the seashell on.

“It can’t be” he opened her eyes and shook her head. Again she closed her eyes. Though she did want it was true but it wasn’t true.

He sees me as a friend. No way will he say the words.

“I love you” she heard it for the second time and it was clearer. “I love you, Yuri” Then after the third time, she opened her eyes and found Luhan kneeling in front of her.

“Luhan…” she was so clueless. How much did she want it to be true, she just couldn’t process everything that fast.

“Will you be my girlfriend? Yuri, please…”

“I…” she tried hard to find her word. “I…”

I love you too but I can’t. We can’t be together. But…


But I want him. God, let me be selfish this time! Let me love him and get loved by him.

After long thinking she at last nodded, smiling brightly at the guy before her.


“Nde. I love you” she shyly said.

Luhan who was very happy hugged her tight, kissing the tip of her head affectionately.

“Let’s watch the sunset” she whispered and Luhan nodded in approval.

The two sat on the sand, facing the beautiful sunset. They had their arm linked to each other with Yuri leaning on his shoulder. They enjoyed the sweet afternoon in peaceful silence. Only the sound of waves continuously created the beauty of natural harmony.

“Ouch!” she groaned, feeling sharp pain in her head.

“Yuri?” he turned to his girlfriend. “You okay?”

“It hurts…” she held her head tight; tears started to fall from her closed eyes.

“Yuri?” he began panic.

“Luhan…” it was the last word she could utter before everything went black.




“Yuri…” he called, rubbing the back of her hand tenderly. They were already in hospital since Yuri went unconscious.

“Hmm” she replied weakly. He seemed to have no energy left.

“Can I ask you something?” he asked and she nodded. “Please take a treatment. I don’t want to lose you” he pleaded.

“I can’t” she said as tears streamed down her face.

“Please, Yuri!” he begged.

“No. It will not only kill the tumor but also my hair. I can’t lose my hair; It will make me ugly” she cried.

“No. You’re beautiful and you’ll still look beautiful even with no hair” he assured.

“I’m sorry I can’t”

“Yuri, please!”

“Luhan, please!” she cried harder.

“No, Yuri. You should give us chance. Please do it! Do it for yourself, for me, for us!” he shook her shoulders a little bit hard.

“I’m sorry but I can’t. Please don’t force me!”

“I’m sorry mister, but you’ll only put pressure on her” a nurse approached him, getting him away from Yuri. “You can back tomorrow”

“I’m sorry…” he murmured, looking at Yuri who looked away.




“Morning, Luhan” his uncle greeted.

“Morning, uncle. How’s Yuri?”

“Just see yourself! I bet you’ll be happy to hear the news” he smiled.

“News? What news?”

“She will tell you” he said and went away.

Stepping inside the room, he was welcomed with a bright smile of Yuri’s. She was lying on her bed with a nurse accompanying her, helping her eating her food.

“You look prettier today” he complimented. “Look what I bring for the pretty lady! Tada…” he gave her a bouquet of pink roses.

“Thank you” she flashed her most beautiful smile. “I also have a gift for you” stopping eating, she put her attention fully on her boyfriend.


“Yeah” she pulled out a drawer next to her bed, revealing a yellow document. “This” she gave it to him.

“What is it?” he eyed the document.


He then opened the document to find letter of agreement for Yuri’s treatment.


“Nde, I’ve thought about it and I’ve decided to give us chance”

“She have begun her treatment yesterday” the nurse told.


“Hmm. You’re too busy that you didn’t have time to visit me”

“I’m sorry, I just…”

“Sshh! It’s okay”

“Thanks, Yuri” he smiled, hugging her tight.

“Mister, she needs to finish her food” the nurse interrupted.

“Ah, nde. Anyway, can I do this?” he pointed at the food.

“Oh, sure. I’ll leave you two then” she smiled and left them.

“Be a good girl and finish your food, okay?”

“I’m not a kindergarten kid, Luhan” she giggled.

“Of course no, because you’re my baby… Say aaa…”

He fed her until almost no food left. But before she could finish it, she felt like vomiting and true she vomited all the food she ate.

“Yuri…” he looked at her in sadness.

“I’m sorry. It must be disgusting. I…”

“Sshh! It’s not disgusting. It’s normal since you’ve taken your treatment. Don’t ever say it, okay!”


“Hey! Are you crying? You’re so touched of my speech, huh?” he teased, earning a slap on his chest. “My cute girlfriend” he chuckled.  “Ah, nde. Before I forget it I’ll tell you the other news”


“I’ve bought another hamster for Hachi” he announced happily.

“Really? What’s her name?” she asked excitedly.

“I haven’t got one. You may want to give the name?”

“But I haven’t see her yet” she pouted.

“Don’t worry, I’ve recorded her and Hachi since I know that we’re not allowed to bring any animal here” he took an i-pad from his bag.

Yuri motioned him to sit beside her on her bed since it was big enough for the two of them so that she didn’t need to get up from her bed.

“They’re so cute”


“What about Kira? She has pure white fur” she suggested.

“It’s pretty. So, Kira?”

“Hmm” she nodded repeatedly then backed to watch the video.

Giggle and laughter filled the room as they watched the crazy act of their hamsters. She would squeeze his hand or slap his arm in their watching.

“Luhan, they…” she turned to look at him and at the same time he also turned to her, causing their eyes to meet.

They stared at each other’s eyes, getting their head closer until they were only inch away from each other. Trailing his hand up to her arm, he pulled her closer, closing the last gap between them. With their eyes closing, they leaned in for a kiss, a passionate kiss to warm their used to be lonely soul.




--The End--


How is it? Boring? hehe... But still, hope you like it :)


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Chapter 1: I cant believe this!Its touching!

<3 Yulhan forever!
Chapter 1: Yulhan~
I love your fanfic,author :D
They're so sweet ; A ;
Chapter 1: Sweeeeeeetttttt....
I can feel the ♥
babyul #5
Chapter 1: aww so sweet. kira and hachi
iloveyul #6
Chapter 1: Yulhan so sweet... finally happy ending ^^
iloveyul #7
Chapter 1: Yulhan so sweet... finally happy ending ^^
Chapter 1: wanna cry:''( luhn so sweet, and happy ending~
vanilladream #9
Chapter 1: TT.TT this is sad..
but i liked it ^^
F1e_4pple #10
Chapter 1: the last part makes me wanna cry T.T
Luhan is so caring <3
thank you