Our Couple Sweaters Are Magnets. (Part 1)

Dear Love,

Dear Yeobo,

    How have you been? The weather has been quite chilly lately. Winter is approaching quick. I hope you don’t get too cold. If it helps, wear our couple sweater. I wear it still. It helps me.

                ~ November 3 2009 ~

        “Aigoo, nothing to wear. Where is my blue hoodie?!?!?!” Mi Cha asked herself.

     She dug through a pile of clean clothes in her laundry. She looked deeper into the pile, and caught a glimpse of something blue.

       “AHA!” She pulled out the sweater, “Bwoh? This isn’t it.”

     She examined the hoodie. It was green and had a blue guy robot in a heart. She smiled to herself. A man who had saved her, that day, bought couple sweaters to help them escape. He had given her one as a souvenir. Mi Cha looked at the hoodie closely.

       “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt if I wore it today, right?” She pointed out, and began to slip the hoodie over her head.

     When the hoodie was on, she looked in the mirror. To her surprise, it fit her. She wore deep blue jeans, yellow wayfarer frames, and purple converse low-tops. Her hair was in a messy bun, and all she put on was moisturizer and mascara. She grabbed her nap-sack and her camera bag, and headed for the door.


     He had just finished washing his face when he walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck. The clock read 10:18 AM. Dongho walked in his room, and opened his closet door. He was planning to go out for a jog at the park. He grabbed a pair of black sweats on the ground. A green hoodie on the shelf caught his eye; he pulled it out and unfolded it. Smiling to himself, he remembered that he had bought the sweater about a week ago. He had bought the sweater for a damsel in distress. The pair had been trying to escape from a stalker of hers, and buying couple sweaters was the key to their getaway. He studied the hoodie; there was a pink lady robot in side of a heart, on top on a green background. The light flickered, and Dongho looked up. The light bulb was about to burn out. He sighed, walked out of the closet, and laid the sweater on his bed. The sweat pants were giving him a hard time. He kept slipping as he was trying to put them on. He looked one last time at the couple sweater, before putting it on. He grabbed his iPhone and checked himself in the mirror before leaving his apartment. As he closed the door, he smelt the hoodie. It had that ‘new’ smell to it, and for some crazy reason, he liked it.


     Mi Cha hopped onto the bus and showed the bus driver her bus pass. He nodded and then she proceeded to find an empty seat. She had found a seat next to a window, and got her camera out of the bag. She turned it on and began taking pictures. The scenery was really beautiful to her. Though it was only buildings, it fascinated her. She looked up to take a break from scrolling through her photos. The bus was quite busy at that time. Quite a few people were standing. Mi Cha looked around the bus, she came across an old married couple, around her grandparents age, busy arguing about if ninjas were real, a mother feeding her baby some mushy carrots, some girl writing something on a pad of paper, and a man zoned out listening to music. The man was standing, holding onto a bar above. She looked closer, the man was wearing a green hoodie, then someone moved out of her way to get off the bus, and she saw a pink robot on his sweater. Her eyes widened, she couldn’t believe the man who had saved her a week ago was standing on the bus, wearing the couple hoodie. When he was about to look her way, she grabbed a magazine from her bag, and began to cover her face.


     Dongho had gotten to the bus stop right on time. He dug into his pock and grabbed ₩1000. The coins slipped into the money dispenser, and out came a bus ticket, he grabbed the ticket and looked around the bus. He saw and old couple, a mother and her child, a lady looking down at her camera, many business men, shopkeepers, and school students. Soon, a girl with sheets of paper under her arm, rushed passed him and took a seat in the back. There were no more seats available. He sighed and took a spot beside a school boy and grabbed the bar above him. He analyzed the bus again. A speck of green caught his eye. The speck of green brought his eyes towards the girl looking at her camera. He laughed to himself; it had been that crazy damsel he had bought the sweater for. Not wanting to make a big fuss, he looked away and drowned in his thoughts. He thought about that girl, at first he thought she was a thief, and that he made a huge mistake helping her, but then, he realized that she grew on him. He had spent his entire afternoon trying to help her get away from her stalker. He remembered buying the hoodies. At first, he really did just want to get them so that the clerk didn’t think anything nasty, but as he handed her the money, he realized that it would’ve been nice buying the sweater for her as her boyfriend. He found her cute the minute they fell. The way she begged for him to help him, the way she felt insecure when he was examining her, the way she got all mad, the way she ran with him (for god knows how long), the way she reacted to the sweater, soda, the walk home, everything, drove his heart crazy. But the thing that made his butterflies really fly was the way her hand fit in his. He couldn’t remember a time when they weren’t hand in hand. He started smiling like an idiot. People’s shuffling feet caught his attention, and he looked up. When he glanced over at his little robber, a magazine was covering her face. He wanted her to bring down the magazine so that he could see her face. He sighed and looked out among the crowd.

     There was a ‘ding’, and the pair both looked out of the window. It was their stop. Mi Cha hurriedly grabbed her things and stuffed it in her bag, then stood-up and headed for the door. Dongho followed quickly behind her. Dongho wanted to go up to her and speak to her, but someone was in their way. She quickly got off the bus and crossed the road. A million things were rushing through her mind as she crossed the road. One thought stood out the most: must avoid Shin Dongho. She couldn’t bear the embarrassment if he saw her in the couple hoodie while he was wearing it. He, on the other hand, wanted to go and talk to her.

     He got out of the bus and the fresh air surrounded him, he quickly walked to the intersection and was about to cross, but the light had turned red. He watched as she walked into the southern entrance of the park, and the minute the light had switched to green, he made a mad dash for it. When he entered the park, Mi Cha was nowhere in sight.

     Mi Cha looked behind her shoulder to check if Dongho was following her. When the coast was clear, she began to relax. She did not, by all means, want to let Dongho see her in the couple hoodie, especially while he was wearing it. As much as she found it sweet that he bought the sweaters for them, it would be extremely embarrassing if he saw her in the hoodie. If she wore the hoodie, she thought, he would think that he was all of a sudden her knight in shining armour. In a way, she supposed he was, but, she didn’t want him to think about it like that. She had to admit; Dongho was a real stud. The way he took control of the situation, when she could barely breath (or think), amazed her. She felt as if his natural instinct was to protect, but she didn’t want that. She wasn’t ready for it. She knew that if he was protective, that they, both, would become clingy. She knew that she would depend on him so much, that, when he left her on the ground crying, she wouldn’t be able to get back up. And when she finally got up, she would know that everything was a waste of time and a game to him. Don’t ask how, but she just knew. Mi Cha shook her head, trying to erase her thoughts. She sighed, took out her camera and began to take pictures.

     Dongho sighed, she could’ve been anywhere, and decided to give-up. He had last saw her 5 minutes ago, and he knew that within that time, she could’ve gotten anywhere in the park. He bent down to tie his shoe, and began to start to stretch. He thought about it. His situation. What would he have done if he did decide to talk to her. Would he make a fool of himself, or make her fall for him? Was he even ready for anything like that? He trusted Mi Cha more than he did himself. Dongho knew that she was an innocent person, and if he did end up finding her, and talking, and falling in love, he could break her heart. He hissed at himself, and shook his head, trying to think of something else. When his muscles were all warmed up, and he was plugged in, he began jogging at a steady pace. He took in his surroundings and tried to clear his mind. The fresh air felt so clean. He smiled as the morning air reddened his cheeks.

     Mi Cha focused the lens of her camera until the lighting was perfect, then, ‘CLICK’. She then turned around and focused her lens again. She had a clear view of a squirrel on a tree nibbling on some kind of nut. In the background, behind the squirrel, Mi Cha noticed a green smudge. At first, she thought it was something on her screen, but as she looked closer, the smudge also had a touch of pink and red. She eyed the picture, thinking what bird could’ve caused such a colour. Then, Mi Cha heard loud breathing. The sound was getting louder and louder by the second, and in the distance, she could see a figure in a green hoodie approach her.

     Immersed in his thoughts, Dongho was unconsciously jogging. He wasn’t really paying attention to where he was going, and he ended up jogging back to the southern entrance. He took a different path back to the entrance though. This path was closed in more by trees, and there were more animals too. It looked as if barely anyone knew about the path. The pavement looked new, unlike the other, which looked worn down. His breathing was getting heavier, but he didn’t mind. He enjoyed being outside taking in the cool air. For him, it was refreshing.

     Mi Cha froze. She didn’t know what to do. Shin Dongho was running towards her, and both were in the couple hoodies he had bought for them. She panicked and hid behind a hedge. Later, she regretted it because the ground wasn’t that comfy, and the hedge, was a hedge, not a pillow. She took a deep breath hoping that Dongho would just run past. But boy, she was wrong.

     Dongho was zoning out, up until he saw movement in the woods. He stopped jogging and stood still for a moment. His earphones were out, and he listened for anymore movement. For a couple seconds, everything was quite.

     Mi Cha kept trying to re-position herself, to make it more comfortable for her. But she stopped when she stopped hearing Dongho’s footsteps. She stayed still and kept quiet.

     Dongho eyed the area he had seen movement from. He hesitated, but he walked towards a hedge. Taking soft, quiet, delicate steps, he itched his way closer to the hedge.

     She held her breath as she could hear slight rustling moving towards her. The light shone in her eyes blinding her for a bit. Then the sun slipped away as a man slipped into her view.

       “Oh, ermmmm, hello?” Mi Cha said politely, bowing to the figure.

       “Hi. Ummmmmmm, miss. What are you doing here?”

       “Ahahahaha, here? In the park? Taking photos.”

       “No, I meant. On the ground, behind a hedge.”

       “I see. Down here? The lighting is nice.” She said with a nervous smile.

       “Oh, do you need help up?” He asked, reaching out his hand.

       “Thank-you.” She replied taking his hand.

     When the two were up, the walked onto the path. Mi Cha dusted her off, and got all nervous.

       “Do I know you by any chance?” He asked.

       “Ummmmm, I don’t know. Do we know each other?”

       “I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere. I mean, we are basically wearing the same sweater.”

       “Oh, what a coincidence. We happen to be wearing the same sweater today.” Mi Cha said with a shaky voice.

       “Are you Kyung Mi Cha?” Dongho asked uncertainly; she was acting as if she had never seen him before.

       “Ummmmmm, sir. Why do you ask?” She wondered.

       “She was someone I ran into one day. And I thought you might be her.” Dongho replied.

       “Oh, I understand. Just one day.”


       “You ran into this Mi Cha character once. I suppose, you’ve only seen her once, so you’re memory about her might not be the best it can be… Well, good luck finding her mister!” Mi Cha said, as she was turning around, “Thanks for helping me up!”

     Dongho stood behind her speechless. He had finally found her, but he let her slip away. The thing that amazed him was the fact that she acted like she didn’t know him.

     Mi Cha finally breathed when she couldn’t see Dongho. She walked away calmly, not checking to see if he was still behind her. This was her chance to escape, and she didn’t want to get caught. Then, out of the blue, her phone started to ring. Unconsciously she answered the phone.







The 2nd chapter is up! :)



Sorry if it's kinda boring. :/

I know this sounds weird. But I've been having

writer's block. I think it's a little weird because I'm not very good at writing,

so my work comes out even worse.

I wanted to post a chapter up soon

though, so I didn't have anyone waiting. :P



I promise that I'll work hard, and that the chapters become more interesting.


It might take a while though :/ but, hwaiting. ;)



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KandyLand #1
Chapter 3: Update please!
_MaRMy_ #2
Thanks! I dunno when I can post next... The wifi on my laptop is really messed... And I have the next chapter on it... But I can't load it...<br />
<br />
I'm at my grandparents hosue right now :P
AwesomestME #3
its okay! ^^<br />
i'll just re read the chapters until then XD<br />
_MaRMy_ #4
Hehehehe... Thanks :)<br />
<br />
Sorry I haven't been posting a lot... I've been having Final exams all this week... I have one more left in 5 hours... Then I'll probably be able to post a new chapter in 1 or 2 days :)
AwesomestME #5
your chapters are always interesting :)<br />
i love this story <3