#3: Bogoshipda

Timeless Memories

#3: Bogoshipda

   Gyuri stood up as she saw the bus is coming. She relieved. There were only few people in the bus. Maybe because it’s already dawn and the office hour was ended long before. After she paid the fare, she took the second last sit near the window. She didn’t know why today she feels like want to take bus to go home. Usually she preferred the light rail transit as it is faster. It took about twenty minutes before she reached home. She’s wondering if she can sleep for a while in the bus. She’s quite tired today. Maybe the meeting for the Drama Club took more time then she expected.

  She sighed. She brought her attention outside the window. Looking at the fall leaves along the street brought a little smile on her lips. She likes autumn. She always likes autumn. As far as she knows, in India mythology, autumn is the favorite season of their Goddess Saraswati whom also known as the “Goddess of Autumn”. In Western cultures, epitome of autumn is usually pretty, well-fed females adorned with fruits, vegetables and grains that ripen in this season. Maybe that’s why some people said autumn is “love season”? As it is known as “the harvest season”? Is it really true? Will she be able to meet her prince charming in this beautiful season? More importantly, will she be able to meet someone she longed for 8years?

“Stronger than yesterday..Now it’s nothing but my way..”

The tone and vibrate from her phone awake her from her thought. She glanced at the caller name on the screen. “My cute Dong oppa”. She sighed. She battled with her mental whether to pick up the call or not. She’s not really in the mood to talk with anyone now. Before she’s able to make a decision, the ring stops.

“Stronger than yesterday..Now it’s nothing but my way..”

With heavy heart, she picked the phone.

“Hello, oppa.”

“Gyul, where are you?”

“I’m on the way home. Still in the bus.”

“Why so late? And why did you take bus? Don’t you normally use the train? It’s faster,” Shindong’s nagged makes she smiled. Shindong is the second closest friend of her after “him”. He really took care and worried for her especially after he left. Sometimes, she feels Shindong is like her mother who keeps nagging even for every little thing. Aigoo, did he thinks that I’m still elementary school student?

“I have club meeting just now, oppa. Just feel like taking the bus.”

“Next time take the train, arasso?”


“Have you ate?”



“Oppa, you’re not calling me just to asked me whether I’ve eat or not, right?”

“Erm, you’re on holidays tomorrow right?”


“Don’t make any plans. Reserve your weekend for me.”

“Well, I’m free this weekend. But, why, oppa?”

“Meet me at 10am tomorrow at our park, okay?”

“Okay. But why?”

“I’ll tell you once you’re there.”

“Oppa, you are not going to make me treat you at expensive restaurant right? Just because I can’t celebrate the birthday of yours this year?”

“Of course not. Don’t get the wrong idea of me. I’m innocent guy.”

“Yeah, right. You make me twice, Mr. Shin Donghee.”

“Aish, just come tomorrow, okay. I’ll be waiting. Annyeong.” Without letting her to reply back, Shindong abruptly hang off the phone. Aish, this oppa. She’s shaking her head with Shindong attitude. Sometimes, Shindong can be very tolerated but he can be forceful too.

  She wondered what his plan tomorrow. She really hopes he didn’t make a trick for her to treat him. She really broke this month. Slowly, she relaxed her head on the window glass. She really tired by now. She hopes to arrive home soon and jumped on her bed. She hugged her bag on her chest tighter as her eyes became heavier and the vision of her surroundings became blurred.


“Yah, oppa. Stop it. If you keep eating the strawberries, we’ll not have enough for the cake decoration,” Gyuri slapped Hyukjae hands to prevent him from taking the strawberries.

“But I want some,” Hyukjae pout made Gyuri sighed.

“I gave you before. So enough now.”

“No, its not enough.”

“Greedy oppa. Auntie just bought strawberries for you last week. Is it still not enough? Strawberries maniac!” Hyukjae didn’t pay attention to what Gyuri said, instead he’s keep trying to steal the strawberry in the bowl. Gyuri being alert to Hyukjae’s intention slapped his hands even harder. Hyukjae’s pouting.

“You love Shindong hyung more than me.”

“I love both of you equally. But its Shindong oppa’s birthday for god sake. Can you please tolerate just for this time? Aish~” Gyuri finished her last decoration for the cake as she put the last strawberry on it.

“Yes, finish!” But Hyukjae didn’t let her happiness last long as he poked at the icing on the cake and put it on her nose.

“Merong!” Then, he laughed and ran away as Gyuri chased him around the kitchen to get her revenge.


   The sudden brake of the bus awake her. She looked around. It’s still not her destination. The bus stopped at traffic light. She sighed. The dream about her 8years ago memories came back on her mind. It’s the last Shindong’s birthday that they celebrated together. She tried to forget the memories by looked outside the window. She sighed for the infinite time.

  The harmonies’ sunset scenery in Seoul somehow brought some sentimental feeling in her. She clenched her chest as the pain of missing someone crept to her heart. Oppa, you didn’t forget about me right? She bit her lips. You have concrete reasons for not contacted me right? She tried to suppress her tears from flowing down on her cheeks, trying to be stronger. But who is she kidding? I miss you. I miss you so much…oppa. At last, she surrender to her feelings. She's so tired pretending strong when actually she just a weak little girl who really miss her “oppa”. Just for this one time. Let me drown in my feeling just this time. I’ll promise I’ll be stronger after this. Just like I promise you, oppa.


  Gyuri looked her reflection on the mirror for the last time before she went out of her room. Grabbing her phone on the table near the bed, she’s ready to meet Shindong to follow whatever his plan is.

“Omma, I’m going. Bye.” Once she told her mother that, she immediately walked to the park that are about fifty meters from her house. She’s wondering why Shindong wants to meet her there when they can have a meeting in front of the door. They are just door to door neighbor anyway.

  From the street, she can clearly saw Shindong who’s sat on the bench with wooden table in front him. He’s waving to her. She smile but frowning at the same time when she realize there’s also someone else with him. She can’t see the face as he sat opposite Shindong.

“Oh, no! Is Shindong oppa wants to become a matchmaker again?” She closed her eyes to shows her frustration, but then, she’s being optimist. He’s not doing it again right? I threatened him before that I’m going to ignore him if he did it again.

   One thing that she didn’t really understand is why suddenly she became so nervous and her heart beating than usual. Just by looking at the Shindong’s friend’s back. She’s in her deep thinking without realizing she’s already arrived at the guys table. She stood beside Shindong’s friend without having the urge to look at him.

“Oppa, annyeong” She smiled insincerely and gave the what-you-are-up-to looks. Ironically, Shindong didn’t say anything, instead he showed his left hand to his friend as gave the meet-my-friend sign.

Gyuri turned her head to the mention friend. Once her eyes on his face, automatically her body turns to him too. She recognized that face. Although his features now mature more than 8years ago, his warm eyes still haven’t changed. The gaze that she misses so much.

“Oppa.” The first and only word she can utter. Whispering. She saw him stood up but didn’t make any move to near her.


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Chapter 6: Pls pls Update this fanfic...
Ipizzippy #2
Awww, I just read this. And now I see that you haven't updated in a while. TT_TT
I KNO THIS i remember watching this! Chocoball club was on oh my school and that scenerio was eunhyuk's first kiss
>o<" WEEEE! I SO LOVE LOVE YOUR STORY. Update soon please! ^o^/
angelical08 #5
update soon please!!!
sour_face02 #6
@sskahino @JiiLiian actually i'm quite confused whether its just choco club or chocoball club..hehe, so since both of u said 'chocoball' means it is chocoball club, neh~~n about Yong Junhyung too, thank u~~ ^^
JiiLiian #7
ChoCoball xDDD that this cute romantic story I liked very much wait for the next chapter! (: EunHyuk! *-*
Waah I miss this!!!<br />
And Choco Balls have appeared! XDD<br />
*I think it's Yong Junhyung not Jung Junhyung, but anyways...update soon, we need to wake our fellow HyukRians because the much anticipated HyukRi reunion/interaction we've been missing is just around the corner!! :DD [SuJu in SSTP]
i almost miss this chapter~ huuuhuhuhu<br />
a flshback~!!! u make me dying here...i want to know what happen to their meeting after a long time!!! >.< hahaha<br />
still, nice update~ :) hehehe update soon
1st row: sungmin(?), heechul, hongki<br />
middle: HyukRi~!!<br />
3rd row: Kyuhyun, shindong, donghae?<br />
<br />
am i right? hehehe<br />
why~?? need to read next chapter~ T T cliffhanger aigoo