I Knew It From The Very beginning

I Knew It From The Very Beginning




I Knew It From The Very Beginning




Pair: KyuSung

Warning(s): Typos, Plain, Worthless, Bad idea, , SHORT.

Genre: BoyxBoy, G, AU





Let's Read!







Maybe this is what would happen if you don't plan anything since the beginning. When you're already in the future, it feels like we want to repeat the past.

Despite all of that is not possible, the memories were still there; still imprinted in our brain memory. It Feels like everything is still going on recently.

We tried to forget, But in the end we realized.

If the memories easily disappear but our heart keeps still ; Then everything is useless.



Your name is Cho Kyuhyun, popular-handsome guy with genius brain but unfortunately too freezingly cold to be approached. You answered briefly, as necessary, and when you feel like it -like a man who ran out of words.


We're in the same class in 3rd grade of Highschool.


That's when I saw you were perfect in every way. Lessons, Sports, Music, - but as i said before, your secret fans choose to admire you from afar. Well, because they're afraid with your icy glare. That's funny, they think you hate them.


You just smiled and jokes with your four (BEST) friend. Although it was really really rare to see, i have to admit your smile is the most attractive smile i've ever seen.

 When you're with someone else, you put the same expression. Your Poker Face. Not changed at all.

How to put on that poker face everday?





That day, it was late afternoon. The sky start to become reddish-orange color, contrast with the blue. When I realized it was already dusk, I speed up my pace.

"Okay mum, i'll be up... ne? i'll hang up now, bye." I ended the phone call and rushed home with the shopping bags.

I turned my gaze on the soccer field which is now enlivened by the children. But honestly, that's not my gaze direction fell are.

My eyes fell on a handsome guy who seemed familiar. He tossing the ball from the edge of the field.

"Hyung! Tomorrow play again with us, ne?" exclaimed the children to the guy. The guy just nodded and turned, making our eyes met.


Isn't that Kyuhyun?


We're in long stare session but then you hastily looked away and start to walk away. I just stand there with my eyes follow your form, doing nothing.

Then i snapped out of it and decided to run after you.

"Kyuhyun-ssi!" I called, and I was finally able to keep up with you. You give me a short glance, before staring straight to the street as i wasn't there.

"You also pass this street? Me too!"

You're only give me a brief nod, barely noticeable. Your short answer make me disappointed, though i knew it from the beginning that trying to get close with you is maybe a bad idea.





It was a break, when i decided to just stick up with Ryeowook. Everytime we're together, we can surely spend hours for talking about random things.

But well, i never know this time could be this random.

"*cough*... what?"

"I-i said ... I like Kyuhyun," Ryeowook replied softly with a tinge of red in his cheeks.

If only I didn't choke then, i already by now!

Wookie give me a weird look before handed me a mineral water, which i drank happily.

"*cough* .. ehem.." Still feeling weird from the choking, I patted my chest while stare at Wookie in curiosity. "How can you like him?"

He smiled shyly, "Kyuhyun is cool,"

I just shook my head a little as a response, and my eyes automatically looking for you.

Ah, there you are.

Being assembled with your friends, occasionally smiling at their jokes.


My friend just said that he likes you.

And i felt like my heart was stabbed by something.

What exactly is this?

Can you help me figure it out?





The weather's very hot that day, the sun feels like just a few meters away from the earth.

I saw you cleaning the Sport Storeroom, which make me wonder, 'How can you keep your poker face up in the situation like this?'

I hid behind a tree as you get out from the storeroom, with sweat dripping from your forehead.

You slowly sat down on the grass, probably tired from the previous activity. With a bottle of fresh juice in my hand, i decided to approach you.

"Here," Though i was nervous, i don't even care.

I handed you a bottle of juice in front of your face. You observed a while then looked up and staring at me, who give you a small smile.

"No," You said and i frowned immediately.

"I'm willing to buy this drink you know,"


"Oh, come on!" i urged.

You sighed resignedly and took the drink from my hand. "Thank you,"

I nodded and smiled when you drink it.





Have you ever felt... when you set your foot in the crowd,your eyes fixated to one only person?

Because i felt it.

The more i set my eyes on you, i feel something.

The usual feeling when we fell for someone.


What's so special about Valentine?

We just want to get boxes of chocolate, right?

What about someone who doesn't have a girlfriend? or Boyfriend?

Therefore, I think Valentine doesn't really matter actually.

No, it's not because I'm jealous of the couples in this class, but I'm upset because today Wookie didn't go to school. Someone said he was sick.

Ah! Actually i want to spending time together  today.


"Ehem!" I snapped out of my thought and turned to see who it is.

Eunhyuk and Donghae. They're your besties that too hyperactive, i think.

Both of them stood in front of the class, as the other look at them in curiousity.

"We asked for a minute of your time!" Eunhyuk said then he patted Donghae's arm.

Donghae smiles at us, as if planning something marvelous.

"Because right now our teacher have unexpected bussiness, and this is the last hour, so i have an interesting game on this valentine day!"

The class seemed enthusiastic with Donghae's plan. While I decided to understand it first.

"So, whoever gets a lot of chocolate, may choose his partner for the day, exchange romantic words to each other, then we are allowed them to go home first ~"


Most of guys start to count their chocolates.

And i just sighed when i saw you leaned your back in the chair with closing eyes.

Looks like you aren't interested with this kind of things...


Eunhyuk started to look under your table, and he looked surprised. That boy rush out all the chocolate that stored there, makes you open your eyes and look at him.

You don't even panic at all, staring at them with your famous poker face while EunHae start to count your chocolates.

"Yup! we have a winner! Cho Kyuhyun!"

The girls squealing and clapping, while the boys look disappointed.

I myself smiled because of this, and deep in my heart i wish i was your partner.


"Well Kyuhyun, please choose your partner ..." Eunhyuk said with sing-song tone.


Class fell silent, the girls were busy expect a miracle so Kyuhyun chose them.

I looked down, wringing the edge of my uniform, waiting for Kyuhyun's answer.



"Yesung," he said.



I stop any of my movements, then looked up.

I heard it wrong, right?


My expression must've silly right now. Oh and i just realized the class still in silent mode . Between Confused and Disappointed. I think.

EunHae exchanged glances and then applauded.

You and I are seated on each seats, facing each other in front of the class. I don't dare to look up, i found that my lap is most interesting object now. But i guess, I'm sure my cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Okay, now you guys have to say romantic things to each other for your partner," Donghae said and smiled happily.

I raised my head slowly, looking straight at you.

Again, with your poker face you stare at me back, and take a pause before saying, "As written by Henry Van Duke; Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who are sad, too swift for those who rejoice, but for those who fall in love, time is immortal. "

Eunhae whistled, smiling like idiot.


I cleared my throat, remembering some romantic words from My Brother's old book that i usually read.

I dare to look at you. Because sooner, that's better.

"Sam Keen said, You come to love not to find a perfect person, but to see an imperfect person perfectly,"


And with that, our class began noisy.

Whether they aren't enjoyed the show, or they jealous with us. I don't know.


You're getting out of your chair and takeyour bag, I was doing the same thing and followed you to leave the classroom.

EunHae yelled from the classroom, "Have fun with your date!"

Two hours passed, we spent time walking in silence. Until finally the rain began to fall. We run and take shelter in an empty bus stops, our uniform slightly stained because of rain.

The air was cold piercing through my ribs, but my heart is still warm because you're here with me.




"Yesungie, Sungmin said he love me,"

"What?! Then what's your answer?" I pressed the phone tightly so that no one heard.

"I accepted him." Wookie said calmly.

"But you don't like him, do you?"

"I'll try. Anyway, i realized that i like Kyuhyun because of admiration."

When Wookie said that, i smiled happily.

I sighed, "Well that's up to you, I'm glad. Congratulations!"


"Well I'm hanging up now, okay?"

"Uh.. wait.. Yesung,"

I stared at the phone weirdly and then I pressed the phone to my ear again. "What is it?"

"I've heard what happened in Valentine's Day,"






We are busy with exams after that.

And the night after exams ended, we had a party. Karaoke, take photos of friends, release the forworn from exams.

Because it was already late, i decided to go home first. After saying goodbye (and Henry who gives me a photo with the memories of high school uniform) I walked out.

Although the street was dark but I still can look at my picture clearly.


But suddenly i have this uneasy feeling. The feeling more evident as i see three guys with gangster style walking toward me.

They grabbed my wrist and I let out a squeak. I was terrified.

"Hm, you are really a cute guy..." One of them pull my chin, making me hiss in pain.

"We are not going to bother you, but we need money," said the guy with piercings in his nose.

"I-i don't have..."  i said weakly.

They laughed and looked at each other, as if what i said is a lame joke.


And then they slapped me. Hard.

"Ssh .." I hissed for the second time. My lips feel sore, like it had been torn for a slap.

I fell down because they were pushed and kicked me like beasts.

When they kicked me again, my head felt very dizzy. My eyes are getting heavy.

Before I close my eyes, I saw the faint shadow of a guy who was fighting against them.





I opened my eyes, although it still feels heavy.

My hands the thing where I lean, and long enough to realize i was under the tree.

My hand holds my throbbing head , as i'm trying to find a more comfortable position.




I was shocked when you handed me a warm-and-fresh tea in front of my face.

"Drink. You need it." You monotonly said.

I cast a glance to the tea that's still in your hands, then reluctantly took it slowly. "Thank you Kyuhyun-ssi,"

You didn't say anything as i expected.

As i open the can, you lean on the tree too, but it's obvious you keep your distance with me.

I sip the tea until they run out, and you're still in there without saying anything.

"You also hurt. Your cheek bruised. Come to my house, i will take care of it." I offered.

You stood in front of me. Looking straight to my eyes, "No thanks. I'm going home now,"

When you turn around, my fingers pull your jacket to stop you, and it worked. "Do you mind if we going together?"

For a moment you just stand there, and i already freezing due the weather.

You glance at me who give you a pleading look, then let out a long sigh, "Okay,"

I smiled slightly and tried to stand up, still clutching my pained stomach. We walked together in silence as i take a short rest on the way.

We continue to walk till you have to split up because my house is a few blocks from your house.

You started walking away, and each step i was wondering.

Would we like this forever?

Couldn't be closer or at least you love me back?

I didn't expect too much. But it isn't love if there's no hope. Isn't that right?


"KYUHYUN-SSI!" I cried, make your step stop. But you aren't facing me.

"Thank you. For everything. Thank you for helping me earlier." Thank you for letting me love you, approach you, and know you.

You ... are my first love...


You just give me a small nod.

I smilled and walking away from you to my direction.


My mother screamed hysterically when she saw the mess of my appearance. Plus, my torn lips and the way i'm clutching my stomach.

I sat on the couch and rested my head in there, waiting for my mother who took the water to treat my wounds.

"Yesung-ah?" Heechul hyung's voice made ​​me open my eyes. I give a what-is-it-hyung look to him and instead of answering me he just peered toward the window.

"Is it the guy with bruised cheek who take you home?" I frowned. What does it mean? Kyuhyun?

But... we already walk in separated way just now.

"What.. what do you mean, hyung?"

He closed the curtains and then sit beside me, "I saw him, watched you until you get into the house, then went after the door closed,"

It's normal right if i'm happy now?





After that time goes by quickly.

Everyone is looking for what they are looking for the future. My friends are moving to seek a better life out there. They try, to learn something that they pursue.

EunHae decided to study at the same university in Seoul. Ryeowook accompany Sungmin move to Japan. Who would have though they become inseparable couple since then.

And Kyuhyun...

I heard he continued his studies abroad.

While I was still in Seoul with my family.




8 years passed, I became an editor of a fashion magazine.

In this age, my mom told me to get married. But she didn't know, my feeling for my first love is eternal.

But I realized, you are only one of my past. I had to keep going on real life.

Therefore, when My Father said there is a guy who want to purpose me, i said yes without know him first.





A week passed after the proposal, I was willing to meet my future husband.

And here I am.

Waiting, turning in all directions hoping to find my future husband.

And then my heart stop. Yes, I feel like stop breathing. But then it beating like crazy.

My eyes still glued to your figure, who seemed don't aware of my presence.


"Kyuhyun-ssi?"I doubtly called him.

You looked over towards my table in this restaurant and i saw your eyes immediately widened.

I scrambled up.

 Why do we get to meet here?

You still looking at me and otherwise. You don't change much. Your natural handsomness is blooming and you are more fashionable.

"Yesung-ssi ... How are you doing?" You asked with your poker face that brough me to high school memory.

"Fine." I smile, even though my heart was beating uncontrollably. "It's been long time,"

You nodded.


Because I hate the awkwardness, I hurriedly asked him to accompany me for a while. "Sit here for a while,"

And then it become more awkward for me, because i don't know what to say.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

I gulped. When you asked me, why I felt like i better burried to the bottom of the earth?


"Wa-waiting for my future husband." I said stumbling.

It was painful, when we talk about it in front of our loved ones. Because frankly, you're the one who i wished to be my future husband.

"What about you? Married?" Of course, stupid! What do you expect?

As i thought about it, i felt like crying. But i don't want him to see my watery eyes.


You keep quiet as i looked up to block my tears.

I close my eyes and trying hard not to cry.


"I already have a future wife,"


My world collapsed instantly, I felt deeply pain in my chest.

Why your short words seems very influential on me? How much do you have undermined Kim Yesung's heart? Entirely?

I looked up, trying to keep off spilling my tears.

I took a breath in, then out again.

And tried to smile at you even i actually in pain.

"Re-really? Congrats..." I don't care if you heard my cracking voice.

You just give me your brief smile, as if was mocking me.


"Do you want to see the photo?"


Finally. Tear escaped from my eyes.

Don't you know I've been hurt about this thing, why now you're even offering me to know her?


"I-I.." I tried to hide my tears with keeping my look down to my thighs.

You ignored me and immediately took the wallet out of your jeans pocket.

"Look ..." he said as he gave me his wallet. I quickly wiped my tears and took it with trembling hands.

My eyes fell on an old photo that being saved neatly there.


My eyes widened, immediately gasped and cried uncontrollably.



"How can you get my old highschool photo?"

"You dropped it when you were attacked by three guys, that night."

"Why don't you return it? Instead keeping it in your wallet?"

"Because I am your future husband."

"How did you know?"

"Because I purpose you,  silly."

"Yah! That's not funny,"

Kyuhyun hold his laughter, "... Because I knew it from the very beginning,"







A/N: Hi.

Umm, actually this is re-post. the original one is on Fanfiction.net with Indonesian.

i'm sorry for disappoint you because of this fic. 

btw english is not my first language so please forgive me due the error grammar , etc.



Okay. that's all. feel free to commenting~

love you~ :*



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Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Kyuhyun's cold poker face is life lol
Heechul x Yesung as brother is daebak!
Also that scene when Kyu was supposed to walk in a different route already to go home, but Heeni, saw him actually makig sure that Ye went home safe. Awwww <3
And the fact that Kyu was there to save Ye from those gangsters meaning he went out right after Ye went home from the party. Kyaaaaaaa!!!!
Sooooo sweeeeeeet
Chapter 1: Omo this is soooooo adorable and sweet! Daaamn
You knew it from the start? Now I want to read Kyu's perspective of this story.
Ughhhhhhh I cannot imagine how fluffy that is because while he is all stoic and deadpan outside, his mind and heart might have been otherwise!!!! Whew

Kyu's pov please??? Kekekekeke
Chapter 1: Well this was very cute~ I was going to cry if Kyuhyun was actually getting married to some other women. ;-;
But yay for happy endings! I've been reading too much angst lately that I just expect a sad ending, haha. xD
Great job on this. <3
Chapter 1: Just realized i haven't even read the Indonesian version of it yet :(
but i think that's a good point of it, it made me curious even more.. Honestly, i felt a little bit confusing at the beginning, there are few of the words that didn't match, saeng..
And about the grammar also, but i'm not really good enough on it too, so yeah it's unfair if i judged you :p
after all, good work of you..
Chapter 1: OMG THIS FIC AFFECT ME SO MUCH!!! :'( :'( :'(
Owwww you scared me with Wookie's confession, I REALLY thought it will end bad!!! And OMG Kyu surely loved Yesungie from the start but didn't show it a bit, maybe a little in the Valentin day!! THAT WAS EXTREMELY SWEET ADORABLE AND CUTE!! >.< and he also saved him from more harm! :o awwwww Why didn't u accept his invitation Yesungie!!! He was deadly worry about your injury and wanted to play the nurse on u so bad!! hihi awwwww everything is just so sweeeeeeeet, especially the proposal OHMYGOOOOOOD !!!!!! Kyunie is a perfect gentlemen and the perfect husband for my Yesungie! :D Haha and to think he was teasing him in the cafe, I REALLY cried, thought that Kyu really has a future wife!! '^^ He know Yeye was there for him but still asked!! ;)
awwwww I wish there is a sequel for this beautiful one shot!!! :D
Thank you so MUCH for the story dear, big thanks for the KyuSung moments, and the happy KyuSung ending!!!! :D (am really happy that Wookie ended up with Minnie, cause I so ship MinWook !! *.*)..
Best luck for next KyuSung happy fic !! lol ^^
Chapter 1: I was a bit confused in the beginning but I eventually understood that it was told from Jongwoon's viewpoint. ^^
I really liked this scene, when Yesung meets Kyuhyun again at the restaurant. The moment Yesung started crying, I was like "don't cry yet Yesung, just you look at the photo ! The photo !" X)

Thank you for this cute story !
KcuLL22 #8
Chapter 1: This is written in Indonesian before? Woah this is really amazing I'm in love and I wish this will have a sequel or some series pls T.T
Eggums #9
Chapter 1: This was very sweet! I adored it~
Well done!!