
One year later

First of all, I'm sorry for keeping you hanging like that. I mean, I'm a reader too so I know how it feels like to get frustrated over a chapter that doesn't assure if the ending's gonna be like those in the fairytales or the kind that will drive you to the edge and make you cry. Also, I'm sorry because I know the moment this story appeared on your updated stories, I got your hopes up that this actually was updated for real. But I assure you that I got this all planned out and in my mind, I already got a rough draft of the rest of the story and I'm sure that if it's not going to exceed your expectation, it will disappoint you neither. 

Also if you have noticed, I've been out of AFF for quite long. Been busy with college stuffs, that's why.

But don't worry because I do not plan on abandoning this story. I'm just waiting for what I feel like is the right timing to start writing again. I hope and pray that that would be soon.

So for now, please hang on to this, okay? I'll return as a much better writer and give you a better chapter. And since I no longer update here as frequent as before, I'm leaving you with my facebook account which all of you could add freely.

Early warning though, 90% of my posts are written in my native language but you can always message to talk to me and I'd reply in English, of course. I'm from the Philippines so filipino readers, let's check each other out on facebook =)


That's all for now. God bless everyone.


- chinnieferbette



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The 1st chap is your pov and I decided to give 'you' a name. Moon Hee Gi, it is. The 2nd chapter will be up soon, I'll be working on it so hold 'ya feels :)


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Chapter 1: 😭😭 first chp already making me feels so many things and baek is gonna get married 🥺 they two still love each other hmm..🥺🥺
vecakookie #2
Aren't u going to continue this author-nim? Please?
Chapter 2: Wow it's been more than a year since your last update and this story just hanging up like this ㅠㅠ
But maybe we could think that this is the ending. But still, it's hurt oh my god. I feel like there is a car on my shoulder, like there is a burden in my heart if they're just end up like this. Cuz I still hope they will end up together again ㅠㅠ oh god my feels. How could you do that authornim ㅠㅠ
But okay, I forgot to tell you that I like the way you describe your story, every words that you write are beautiful and touch my feels. It's been a long time I don't read story that really catch my heart :) Hope you'll comeback soon!! everyone are waiting for you <3<3
Chapter 2: God...i just found ur fic and. i looked at the date u updated and then the title of this fic..and here i now. reading ur fic one year later. And it's like u didn't update since last year. OMG..where have u been authornim??
Chapter 2: God...i just found ur fic and. i looked at the date u updated and then the title of this fic..and here i now. reading ur fic one year later. And it's like u didn't update since last year. OMG..where have u been authornim??
evelyn0506 #6
Please update this fic.. I've read this over and over again and I'm still cryìng
Chapter 1: i think im torturing myself reading a super angsty fic like this. but its so beautiful and its prequel. gosh please update
_moleyravioli #8

Immamonster #9
I'm really, really anticipating for the upcoming chapters D:
nuneodevotion #10
This story is so deep! Waiting for the next updates to come! :)