Bag Of Money

Love Is Anonymous


Minhyuk came here talking about how he wanted to be Anonymous. I didn't really like him though. The way he treated Ava made me mad. When I heard that JR had accepted him I was more than angry. Everybody was sending Minhyuk out of the dorm when I grabbed JR and pulled him to the side.
"Are you serious?!" I whispered but still made sure he knew I was angry.
"What?" JR said like nothing was wrong.
"How could you accept him? Do you know how he treated Ava?" He chuckled a little bit. What was so funny?
"Ren stop thinking about what happened in the past. Ava is gone and we want revenge right?" He said getting serious.
"Yes... But-"
"No but's. Just do it I'm the leader. You follow the leader's rules!" He hissed between his teeth. Before walking away he glared at me. Minhyuk finally left and I went into Aron's room. He was still sleeping silently. I sat down on the bed and just stared at him. Why was JR suddenly so mad? While I was thinking, Aron was tossing and turning in bed. Then he slowly opened his eyes.
"Ren?" He said while trying to sit up. He couldn't sit up because of the pain that was overflowing his body. Or so I thought.
"Yes?" I responded.
"Where is everybody?" He said while massaging his forehead.
"In their rooms. You should go back to sleep." He slightly shook his head.
"Oh did you get Ava back?" I wanted to punch him but then I realized he was knocked out before 'it' happened. A tear fell down my eye and I just walked out of the room.
"Ren what happened?!" He tried to get me back in his room to tell him but I couldn't do it. I walked out of the dorm to get some fresh air. As I started walking around the streets every single girl looked like Ava. I tried so hard not to cry. Why her? Why couldn't LuHan stab someone else? She didn't deserve it. I walked to the park that both of us went to sat down on a bench. I thought about how I never got to see the sunset with her. Or how Ava would smile towards me and tell me she loved me. I couldn't hold my tears anymore and just let it out. The elders that walked by gave me looks. Suddenly this girl came up to me.
"Are you okay? Are you lost?" She said with worried eyes. I wiped my eyes so I could see her clearly. She looked like Ava. Maybe that was just my imagination. But her voice sounded like Ava's too.
"Ava?" I said.
"You know Ava?! Can you tell me where she is?! I've been texting and calling her!" The girl said with a slight smile.
"Who are you?" I asked. She sat down on the bench next to me. The mysterious girl handed me tissues.
"My name is Hana. I'm her twin sister." My eyes widened.
"Tw...You guys are twins?!" No wonder she looked and sounded the same.
"Yep. So do you know where she is?" I was still trying to grasp the fact that she had a twin. The worst part of it is that she never told me. I wonder why.
"Umm....She's dead." She gasped extremely loud. Then started crying. I started comforting her. No not because I liked her but because I would want someone to comfort me when I just found out that my twin sister was dead. Well half of it was because I did kind of liked her.
"How did she die?"  She asked.
"She got stabbed." She cried even louder. Soon she started calming down.
"I came all the way here to see her then find out she is dead. How lucky am I?" She said while wiping the last few tears out of her face. Then idea hit me straight in the face.
"Not lucky at all. Come on I want you to meet some of my friends." I said while getting up. She followed me. When we were walking around the night lights were around and she fantasized over them.
"Ooo this is so beautiful." I figured she wasn't from here.
"Where do you live?" She looked at me and smiled. It reminded me so much of Ava.
"Well I live in Busan with my parents but I study abroad now in America. I came here to visit Seoul after my parents said Ava left after I went abroad." Her voice. 
"Are you younger than Ava?" She nodded with no expression on her face.
"I am younger. I always thought that we were never twins. We were more like opposites." I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Opposites? How?" We were still slowly cruising the night time Seoul streets.
"I felt she was always better at things than I was and I was always the back up." She said with a frown.
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I'm used to it now." I felt bad for her after hearing that. Soon we finally reached the dorm. I couldn't wait to see their faces when I brought her in. We walked in the dorm and Baekho was on the couch. He looked over at us with no expression.
"What's up Ren and Ava....AVA?!" He ran to her and hugged her tightly. The others came in and saw Hana. I let them have their moment. Until the extremely smart Minhyun realized something.
"That's not Ava guys." I nodded and smiled.
"You're right! If you weren't so slow you would've realized that she does not have hair like me and has no tattoos on her wrist. But like I said earlier... You guys are slow." I said.
"Hey umm... Did you say she got a tattoo on her wrist?" Hana asked me.
"Yeah why?" I said normally.
"I have one on my wrist. It's a heart and it's green. Only because that's my favorite color." She said with a smile. My eyes widened then suddenly Baekho passed out. Everybody helped him up and carried him to his room so he can rest. We had to pass Aron's room to get to Baekho's room. Aron saw Hana and jumped out of bed to say hi.
"Ow! Hi Ava! Ouch! What are you doing?!" He said while limping towards us.
"Aron she's not Ava." His eyes widened.
"How come? She looks exactly like her." He said.
"My name is Hana and I'm Ava's twin sister." She said. JR and Minhyun dropped Baekho on the floor.
"Twin?!" Everybody yelled.
"Yessir. That can explain why I act and talk like her."  Everybody was looking at her intensely.
"Okay guys let's go to the dining room table after we pick up Baekho and take him to his room." I suggested. When Baekho was in his bed and we were in the dining room, we started talking.
"So your name is Hana and you are twins with Ava?" JR said trying  to clear everything.
"Yes. I am guessing that you are all friends of hers?" She said.
"We were friends. Are you from here?"JR said.
"No. I live in Busan with my parents but study abroad in America." Hana explained.
"Oh so what made you come here?" Minhyun asked.
"I wanted to visit my sister. Now I can't see her so I'll just go back." Hana said.
"No stay here for as long as you want." Aron said.
"Aren't you hurting Aron?" I asked. He chuckled.
"No. I just wanted to be cared for. Thanks though." He said. Everyone looked at him.
"You weren't hurt?!" JR said.
"No. You guys just carried me to the house for no reason. It was nice though." Aron leaned back in the chair.
"You were just in the room limping to Hana." I said confused.
"That was fake. You know Nikki was right, I should be an actor. I think I might try it." My back was hurting badly when we carried him all the way home.
"Well we should get some rest. It's been a long day. Hana you can sleep on the couch. I'll get some covers and pillows." I said getting up from the chair. She followed me into the living room.
"Thanks for letting me stay here." 
"Welcome." I said. I got the covers and pillows and gave them to Hana. I soon went to sleep in my bed.
Minhyuk POV
When I woke up I got dressed and started going to the Anonymous dorm. I heard the door bell ring, then I opened the door and there was a big duffle bag sitting on my porch. With a note on it. I picked it up and walked back inside the house, making sure the door is closed. I opened it and it was full with money. When I mean full I mean full. I read the note in disbelief.
Dear Minhyuk,
       Hey it's us! I know that you're mad at us and all but take this money. I hope we can soon be friends again. Sorry.
      Byun Baekhyun and the others
He thinks he can send a bunch of money to me and we can regain our friendship? I had a better idea. I took the extremely heavy bag of money and walked to the Anonymous dorm. When I got there I rung the door bell. It took a while but the blonde haired boy answered the door.
"Hello?" He said with a slight attitude.
"Umm can I talk to you guys?" He opened the door so I can step in. I looked in the living room and saw a body on the couch. I just shrugged it off until the person popped out of the cover.
"Minhyuk?!" I looked over and saw Hana. 
"Hana!" I dropped the bag and ran over to hug her. She released the hug and just grabbed my shoulders.
"How did you know that was Hana?" He asked me.
"I just knew. I told you I am friends with them."
"No you didn't. You said you were friends with Ava."
"Oh well I know her sister too. So how has it been Hana? I haven't seen you in years."
"It's been great! Until recently. How about you?" She said with a frown.
"Not so great. But I'm trying to move forward. It's nice seeing you after all the years. I didn't get a chance to go to Busan. Sadly. How are your parents?" I said as a black haired mushroom top boy came out of his room.
"Minhyuk? What are you doing here so early?" He looked sleepy.
"Ah! That's right. I came to tell you that you should move into a new house. For your safety. I got the money right here." I pointed to the bag. He looked at the bag and opened it. He looked up at me with big eyes.
"What did you do?! Rob a bank?!" He said. I never really knew how much was in the bag. He put the bag on the couch and started counting it. It took him a while but he finally finished.
"There is 15,795,235,977₩ in here. Where did you get this from?" He said.
"Don't get mad. But umm the Exotics gave it to me. This morning. They were asking me to be friends with them again so they just gave me this money and a note." He sighed heavily.
"There is nothing wrong with it right?" He asked.
"Not that I know of." He thought for a while.
"Alright let's go house shopping!" He went into the rooms to wake up the others. Hana just looked at me with big eyes.
"Minhyuk how do you know them?"
"They are my friends." The blonde haired one scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"I will never be your friend. Never in a trillion years!" Then he walked away.
Will Minhyuk and Hana ever know the Anonymous members name?
Will Hana become Anonymous?
Will they actually buy a house with the money?
Is JR and Ren going to start liking Hana?
Is Baekho ever going to wake up?
What will happen to the Exotics?
Will Anonymous get revenge?
Will Ava come back to life?
Will you ever find out the answers to these questions?!
It depends! MWAHAHAHAH *Cough Cough* Ha!
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Chapter 21: i can not believe you ended it like that... i'm seriously going to murdur someone... HOW COULD YOU?????
Chapter 21: Aaahhhhhh! Can't wait for thwe next chapter!
Chapter 6: iresistable lips I say that all the time and noone gets it
Chapter 21: You little brat! I can't believe you did this. Your making Ren a women hogger! He keeps liking another girl He gets over too fast!!! But i like the twin. Thats a awesome twist!
Chapter 20: Update please
Chapter 20: You little bum! Did you just do what I did to you? Oh; I can't stand you! Jk hurry and update Chen-chan ;}
Chapter 20: some of those are true you forced me to comment! jk. but really update! before i come and get you in your wierd little world!
Chapter 18: I like your story. Please update soon!
excuse me while I go pick a corner to cry in...