
It's My Story, My Life [ONE-SHOT]

Suho had just gotten back from a hunt, and apparently the entire pack was in a rush because two humans had suddenly stumbled into their territory. It was a hectic place to be in, and when Suho entered Kris’s own room, he saw the leader pacing the room in a rage.

“Kris?” he whispered, and suddenly the alpha male stopped and turned to face the beta.

“Suho, where were you?” Although he sounded calm, Suho knew better, because he could practically feel the anger seeping off of him. And he had a feeling that he was about to get blamed for the whole situation.

“Out hunting, like I said.” Suho explained, but Kris’s eyes just turned darker.

“Where were you when all of this happened?” he asked, stalking forward. The younger shook his head.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise any of this was going to happen.” Maybe explaining himself made him sound rather rude.

Kris let out a low growl from his throat.

“And how are you going to fix it?” he asked, grabbing onto Suho’s shoulders as they finally closed in on each other. “How?!” The alpha shouted, slamming the beta against the wall behind him, his teeth baring.

Suho shut his eyes for a second, but Kris was still getting out of control.

When he opened his eyes, he could see Kris’s eyes turn from red to blatant blank, and before he knew it, the man who was pressed up against him was no longer human, and instead in his place was a large black dog, whose teeth was big and sharp and ready to bite. Suho’s eyes widened but before he could even leap to safety, the wolf lunged at him, his teeth baring into the beta’s torso and keeping a sharp lock on the skin. Suho let out a loud scream as the wolf flung him into the middle of the room, letting go so he flew. When he hit the ground, Suho let out a pained whine as he brought his hand to clutch onto the open and bleeding wound on his stomach.

Lifting up his shirt carefully, he saw a massive amount of blood seeping from his torso where the vicious bite marks where embedded.

Letting his head fall back against the floor, his mouth fell agape as the pain he was in was tormenting his every thought. His hands fell back to the floor, trembling slightly before he felt someone crouch down beside him.

“Suho, you’ll be fine.” Kris whispered, the other’s hair softly.

The beta didn’t want to hear that, he wanted hear a murmur of apologies, but he knew Kris better than that, and he knew he wasn’t going to get it.

Looking up at Kris, he could feel his own tears his eyes as the pain and torture was becoming too much to stay conscious with. Kris his hair again before sighing and standing up.

“Hurry up and clean up this mess Suho.” He ordered before leaving the room, and leaving his beta on the floor with a gushing wound.

Suho groaned and let out a cry as the wound just bled more, and he knew that if he wasn’t fixed soon, he’d die from obscene blood loss. Kris wouldn’t just leave him to die, would he? Shutting his eyes tightly, he slowly made the move to his feet, he could see the world around him swirl and move, he felt extremely dizzy. Just as he limped and staggered his way to the door, it was opened and he saw someone standing there, medical kit in hand.

“K-Kris?” he asked, unbelieving it. When the person came close enough for his eyes to fully see them, he frowned even more when he saw it was Yixing, the wolf that was in charge of healing, and not the alpha. Yixing gave him a sad smile before he closed the door behind him and looked at Suho.

His eyes bulged when he saw just how much blood the beta was losing.

“ Suho.” He murmured, before immediately throwing the kit to the bed and carefully picking up the beta bridal style, he felt the boy tremble in his hold, and he lay him on the bed as well. When he did, he took the edge of his t-shirt and held it up, grimacing at the sight he was met with. “Why do you let him do this to you?” he asked, but Suho just shook his head, this was most definitely not the time to describe his potentially fatal relationship with Kris.

Tilting away from Yixing, Suho looked out of the window and tried to ignore what was happening on his torso because it was dreadfully painful.

A while later, Yixing sighed as he put the kit down and stared at his hands which were covered in the older’s blood.

“Suho, that should hold for now, but you should rest a while longer.”

Suho looked over and then down at the stitches covering his stomach. No matter how much he really wanted to lie down still, he had to go and fix the situation like Kris had asked him to. If he didn’t, there was a possibility this could happen again.

Shaking his head, he painfully stood up and pulled his blood covered white t-shirt down, not caring how bad it looked. Yixing just stared at him with wide eyes, knowing that Kris had probably ordered him to do something, and Suho could never refuse. Even if it meant putting his life in danger.

“Thank you.” Suho whispered before he left the room and began walking down the corridor. He soon passed another wolf who went by the name ‘Lu Han’ and he put his hand on his shoulder, effectively stopping him so that he could at least have a little bit more information. “Lu Han.” His voice was trembling, but he kept a stern face that was void of emotion.

The other wolf turned around with a slight smile that disappeared when he noticed the other’s blood covered shirt.

“Suho! What happened?!” he shouted, and when he tried to lift the other’s shirt up, Suho stopped him and shook his head.

“Where are the humans?” he asked, and Lu Han looked at him with sad eyes, pitying him.

“Baekhyun has them.” Lu Han explained, trying to ignore how pale and sick the other looked. Suho nodded and quickly left, not wanting to stay beside someone longer than was necessary. Especially not like this, he didn’t want any of them to have a completely bad view of Kris, no matter what. The beta moved along to where Baekhyun was situated, and he reached there in record time. Opening the door, he saw the two humans were now sitting on a chair each, looking absolutely terrified of their surroundings. Baekhyun was guarding them silently.

“Baekhyun.” Suho said, and the other quickly straightened up at the beta’s voice. Then he obtained the same shocked expression as Lu Han.

“What happened?” he asked quietly, but one stern look from the other and he dropped the conversation and subject instantly. “I take it you are to deal with them?” he asked, and Suho nodded before he moved over to the two shaking humans who were probably a lot more shocked by the blood. He could always play it off as it wasn’t his if it ever came to it. Staring at them, he took a shaky deep breath before he played his best authoritive voice.

“Why are you here?” he asked, clenching his fists. The two humans glanced at each other before the younger one spoke.

“We-We were just hiking…” he whispered, the boy looked absolutely terrified and Suho felt sorry for him. “We didn’t mean… to intrude.” The boy explained, and Suho sighed, what was he supposed to do? They didn’t do any harm. He would ask Baekhyun for his opinion, but that would mean he wasn’t fit for being beta. And he didn’t want Kris to see him that way.

That would complicate things a lot more.

Sighing, he moved forward to the youngest and observed him silently, before moving and doing the same to the other one.

To be honest, killing them was out of the question, so there was only one thing left to do, considering they had definitely seen too much already. Looking at Baekhyun, he sighed and spoke very clearly.

“Do what you have to, to make them a part of the pack.” It was very rarely that someone was able to enter their pack, and the shock on Baekhyun’s face observed that fact. But he only nodded and Suho took that as a sign to leave. Baekhyun would be able to convert them, of course he’d need some help, but Suho’s job was done now. Leaving the room, he shut the door behind him and leaned against the wall, taking a few deep breaths.

He was in no way fine. The pain had started to rise and it was burning his insides. Shaking his head, he moved towards his own bedroom where he would stay for a few minutes before he went to see Kris and tell him what he had done to fix the situation. When he got there, he went to the middle of the room and lifted his shirt, wincing when he noticed that some of the stitches had come undone.

“Sh-…” he whispered, closing his eyes softly before he took a few calm breaths.

Before he could think of moving, he felt someone suddenly turn up behind him and kiss his neck softly.

Suho bit his lips, trying to think of Kris’s lips instead of the searing pain.

The alpha slowly let his teeth sink into Suho’s neck, the skin playfully before he let his tongue slide over it a little and he moved away, smirking at the purple mark that was now present on the other’s flawless skin. Placing his large hands on the other’s hips, he them slowly before he started to move round to his stomach. He was abruptly stopped when an ear-piercing skin left Suho’s mouth when he felt one of Kris’s fingernails move across the open wound, and he fell to his knees, taking in fresh air.

Kris looked confused before he moved around and looked at the beta on the floor.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, not really appreciating the sudden intrusion.

Suho was trembling like crazy, but when he looked up to the alpha, he smiled as best as he could and shook his head.

“S-Sorry! I just… I’m okay.” He smiled, but even Kris could notice that it didn’t reach his eyes, and by the way the boy’s usual bright face was now pale and cold, he knew he was being lied to. Giving out his hand, Suho reluctantly took it and was brought up to stand. Kris sighed as he noticed the amount of blood that was covering the beta’s shirt, and he caught onto the rim, lifting it up and noticing the problem.

“Didn’t Yixing fix this?” he asked, examining it carefully, noticing the wound was still open.

“H-He did, I just went to… fix things afterwards.” Suho explained, a little scared of the situation at hand.

“This is fatal Suho, don’t you realise?” he asked, and the continuous words that left his mouth made Suho so damn angry. It was the alpha’s fault it was fatal, but he knew that he couldn’t shout, because if he had an outburst, it might just get worst. Nodding his head slowly, Kris sighed before he shouted for Yixing to come. The other wolf quickly moved to the room, gasping when he saw the state of the beta wolf.

“Suho! I told you not to move.” He said, quickly opening the medical kit and beginning to work on him. Suho smiled sadly at him before he stood still so he didn’t get in the way of the others work. Kris was a couple of steps away from them both, just watching at the way Suho was keeping his expressions clean and painless. He was so strong.

Two months had passed, and the wound on Suho’s stomach had nearly all cleaned up – he was a very fast healer. There was no pain anymore, and he could sleep very comfortably now. That’s where he was at the moment – in bed under the covers and his eyes were closed comfortably as he silently listened to the sounds from the animals outside the window.

Just as he was about to drift into slumber, he heard the sound of his door opening, although he didn’t dare open his eyes, because by the scent alone: he knew who it was coming to join him on this particularly warm night.

Breathing softly, he felt Kris move into the bed behind him, letting one of his arms wrap around Suho’s waist and pull him backwards for more skin contact. When he felt Kris’s bare chest against his own , he couldn’t help but smile a little at the comforting touch. He could feel the other moving closer.

“Hey babe.” Kris whispered, kissing his ear softly.

Suho smiled, but did not reply. The other continued to softly kiss his ear before he began rubbing his stomach carefully, running his finger along the faint scars that he himself had left there. Kris smiled before he kissed the other’s neck again and let his own head fall back to the pillow, holding the boy close to his chest. The beta took a deep breath before he closed his eyes again and simply fell asleep.

Sehun and Tao had already been punished, he knew whatever Kai had done – although it was probably obvious but Suho didn’t want to think about it – they had learned their lesson which meant everything was right in their pack again. The beta was now lurking around the house, simply looking for something to do because he was truly bored.

And Kris was out on an important meeting with the other pack leaders – the alphas.

Suho wasn’t told what it was about exactly, and he didn’t feel the need to ask. The alpha had left them three days ago, and Suho had to admit that yes, he really missed Kris, he missed the other so much.

Sighing, he moved into the main room and simply sat on the couch, letting his head fall back and he closed his eyes, letting the surrounding air cool him down a little from the scorching heat. Just as he was about to fall into a light slumber, he heard someone enter the room. Opening his eyes immediately, he watched as Lay and Lu Han walked and sat down on the couch opposite him.

And they looked like they had something important to say to him.

“Yes?” he asked, smiling and sitting up straight to set an example.

Lu Han and Lay glanced at each other once more before the younger sighed and cleared his throat before continuing.

“Suho, we want to talk about the way Kris treats you.”

Suho’s face paled and his eyes darkened.

“Look, that’s really none of your business.” He said getting rather annoyed that the other’s would question the alpha at all. Gripping onto his own trousers, he was about to move when Lu Han interrupted him.

“Stop, just hear us out.” He said, trying to make the boy sit down. When Suho he did, he nodded and continued. “Look, I know you’re the beta, but you can’t keep up with this any longer.

Lay nodded in agreement. But Suho shook his head.

“He treats me fine, just like an alpha should treat his beta.”

“He nearly killed you two months ago!” Lay shouted, standing up to emphasise his point. “Kris doesn’t care about you, or your health.” He continued, and he could see how tense the beta had gotten. Sighing, he tried to calm himself down before he sat on the couch and continued with a slow and calming voice. “Suho, what if the next time he blames you for something you had nothing to do with, he kills you? What then?”

The beta just shook his head. He didn’t need to listen to any of this.

“Kris treats me just fine. You too should step away from our business unless you are asked.” Suho said, his tone authoritive like it should be.

Just as Lu Han was about to contribute to the deep conversation again, they heard a door being swung open hard, and someone tread through it. All three of their heads turned to the side to see who it was, but by the moment the person had stepped in, Suho could feel their presence.

It was Kris.

And he wasn’t in a very good mood at all.

Biting his lip softly, he immediately stood up and let his hands fall to his sides as he waited for the alpha to approach him. Lu Han and Lay stayed on the other couch to watch the situation unfold. When Kris came in, all of them let out a silent gasp each at what he looked like.

His blonde hair was tussled and a mess, he looked like he had been in a hell of a fight. The alpha’s pink lips were now plastered with a bloody red and his pale face was now covered with small bits of mud that made him look very dirty. Suho was sure that this wasn’t going to end well at all, especially if he was in that state, a state that he was sad to see the alpha in.

Kris had stopped mid walk, clenching his fists tightly he seemed to take a few deep breaths before staring right at Suho.

It was like he didn’t even realise the other two wolves where there.

Moving forward when he looked more confined, he stopped when he was immediately in front of the beta and his red eyes were a lot more defined with anger and other dark emotions.

Suho gulped silently before he decided to start the conversation that he was probably going to regret having.

“So… what happened at the m-meet?” he asked carefully, trying to not let the fear that was inevitably running through his blood into his expression on his face, he didn’t want Kris to think he was weak. The blonde still had a stern look on his face, but he didn’t speak.

Which was worse. The silence was suffocating.

Suho just gazed into the other’s eyes, knowing that if he moved, he would be in more danger of being hurt.

Kris suddenly grabbed onto his arms, clenching the muscles hard and Suho had to grind his teeth together to make sure that no pained sound left them. He could feel the muscles in both of his biceps start to ache, but the blonde was letting up no his strength. No even when there was an audible crack that echoed through the entire room.

But still, the beta did his best to not let out a sound.

Kris took his hands away, taking deep breaths after using the beta like a stress ball. But no, he wasn’t finished. He had a lot of anger to release especially after the meeting with the other alphas. Kris was the laughing stock of the crowd because of the various problems that had come to his own pack, especially the two new wolves. And the fact that his beta wasn’t there supporting him was also unappealing to the rest.

The alpha wolf let out a small growl before he brought one of his trembling hands up and wrapped his long, lean fingers around the beta’s neck, and finally words came pouring out of his mouth wearing the same venom his actions held.

“You weren’t with me. I was ridiculed.”

Suho’s eyes widened. He was never asked to go, he was never supposed to go.

“Every other alpha had their beta for support.”

Suho couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“And you…” Kris put his hand on the boy’s chest and slid it down before he gripped onto his shirt and tugged him forward. “Where here, slacking and lazing around.”

Suho kept his lips forming a tight line, he knew as well as anyone that there was nothing that could be said when Kris was in a mood like this. Besides, he had to make sure that none of the other wolves were hurt in the alphas rage. It was the beta’s duty to deal with it, and if this was the only way he could with a wolf like Kris, then this was what he was going to do. He closed his eyes just in time to feel four of the sharpest nails hit his face and mark his cheek and lips in one fast action.

Looking at the floor, he could feel the blood seeping off of him as Kris was breathing heavily.

“I need to lie down.” Kris muttered before he pushed passed the beta and left the room, leaving the other three wolves alone once again. Suho didn’t say a word and instead he lifted his face and simply stared.

This allowed Yixing to see the scar that was now parading the other’s face.

The four marks started from his left ear, and went diagonally to his right jawline, right over his lips. And it looked severely painful.

Without saying a word, he ran out of the room to grab his medical kit whilst Lu Han was still trying to get passed what had just happened. Yixing quickly returned and grabbed onto Suho’s wrist, sitting him down and immediately getting to work on the others face.

One thing was sure, this would certainly scar him for the rest of his life.

When the wolf was finished cleaning up Suho, he sighed and just stared at the amount of blood the other had lost. The other’s shoulder bone was cracked as well, but there was nothing to really do instead of just letting it heal up itself. Suho was now continuously staring at the floor, not realising that Lu Han was now knelt in front of him. All he could do was think about what just happened.

Lu Han got an idea.

A terrible one, but something that might just make him realise.

Standing up, he moved over to the table and picked up a handy mirror that was laying there before moving back to his previous position and shaking Suho.

“Look.” He said, but the other shook his head. “Look.” Lu Han repeated, shoving the mirror in front of his face and practically forcing Suho to look. And when he did, a small tear fell down his cheek immediately. He looked awful, this would never leave his face and he’d have the scars forever.

Now was the time he finally let all the emotions out that he had kept in for so long. The ear-piercing and heartfelt cry that left his mouth sent shivers down the other’s spine, because it was so full of hurt and pain it sounded unreal. Suho’s eyes were now watering like crazy and masses of tears were parading down his face, he didn’t care about how pathetic he look, his mouth agape with his lips trembling, because he had never felt so abandoned in his life.

Kris was the alpha, he should be the one to look after the entire pack, it should be him that took on the responsibility of things that happen and it shouldn’t be him that creates the problems.

Not like this.

An hour passed, and Suho was honestly all out of tears.

His head was now lying against the couch, and he was so exhausted that he was nearly passed out, but he was still conscious. Beside him, Lu Han and Lay were now already moving to leave him alone, sighing as they look upon his scarred face once again, but they just left.

But the beta wasn’t alone for long, and minutes after, he could smell the alpha’s scent fill the room once again and he felt his own body stiffen in a way that just completely irritated him. Yet, he thought it better if he pretended to be unconscious, just in case Kris came back to wreak some more havoc. He could feel the blonde take a seat on the couch adjacent to him and breathe deeply a few times.

The next thing the beta heard was Kris’s deep voice.

“Suho…” he didn’t say anything else at the moment before Suho felt his hand caress his face where the fresh scars lay. “I love you.”

Suho’s heart stopped beating as those three words left his mouth.

Kris loves him? His heart was fluttering like mad, and even the pain from his shoulder and face was leaving him only to be filled up with an intense warm feeling. Opening his eyes slightly, he noticed that Kris was a lot closer than he expected him to be, and that the blonde was smiling at him sweetly, his hand still caressing the scars. Suho could feel his lips started to tremble again, and tears were already running down his face.

Kris loves him.

“Don’t cry…” Kris whispered, before he moved forward and pressed his lips up against the other’s so tenderly and softly to make sure that he didn’t hurt the other any more than he already had – if that was possible.

Suho’s eyes fluttered shut and he melted into the kiss, no pain was anywhere in his body and only love.

When they separated, Kris took a hold of Suho’s body and carried him to the room, laying him on the bed and caressing his soft brown hair before letting his hand move down and softly rub his shoulder. It was as if he was trying to heal the cracked bone and the gesture was more than enough for Suho to forgive him.

Closing his eyes, he felt Kris kiss his scarred lips one more time before leaving, and he knew that although he would never gain an apology from the alpha – his pride stood in the way of that – he only needed the other’s love to put up with absolutely anything, because that love was returned.



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2439 streak #1
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