A Gangster's Paradise


B.A.P is one of the most feared gangs in Seoul, South Korea. They are also one of the most hated. Not necessarily because they're a terrible gang, but because everyone envies them. They have the money, the strength, and the power. But most importantly, the youngest has something that all of them protect with their lives...



But what happens when obstacles get in the way of their extravagant lifestyle? What happens when these obstacles start to threaten their loved ones? Will they be able to pull through and go back to their amazing life? Or will they have to lose everything to protect the ones they truly care about? 

Then again, it is a gangster's paradise.


Hello! I'm here with my first story here on AFF! I hope you guys enjoy it and subscribe and comment and upvote! Comments are especially appreciated and so is constructive criticism! I hope you enjoy! Kamsamnida!

P.S You see that absolutely AMAZING poster up there? That was made by this shop. :) Go request from them!!



tumblr_lzmdbpBLnq1qbg5hlo1_500.png You-Park Minah(17): Girlfriend of Zelo, the youngest member of the popular gang B.A.P. Kind and warm only to those who she knows. Looks nice and innocent on the outside but can and will beat up anyone in her way. A tough girl that mostly everyone is jealous of..but everyone has flaws, right?


c3zqeg Zelo-Choi Junhong(17): Nicknamed Zelo, he is shy and introspective. Youngest member of the gang B.A.P. Mostly a bad boy envied by gangs all over the city. Enjoys skateboarding, rapping, and dancing. Boyfriend of Minah.


Kpop-KO-Winner-BAP-Feature.jpg B.A.P: One of the most feared and envied gangs in all of Seoul. Made up of 6 members.

Jung Daehyun: Shy and tough

Bang Yongguk: Tough and *gruff

Kim Himchan: Cheerful and gentle.

Moon Jongup: Shy and quiet

Yoo Youngjae: Calm





Gruff: Abrupt in a speaking manner



Found it ._. LOL


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Chapter 9: is it over..?i hope it doesn't.it getting more interesting.update soon author-nim.:)
LeeMinJi #2
Chapter 7: This is ONE SHOT longer version! xD Update soon!