

Exploring the time gaps between 1960's Himchan and Yongguk, who is more than two centuries into the future from him.














written as i was depressed because of hannibal/red dragon/hannigram/will graham or the fact that will graham DIES IN THE BOOK ((he gets disemboweled by hannibal ign hell I THOUGHT U SAID U WERE FRIENDS????? will my bab y)) (((((i've been listening to 80's music and eating the sadness away ever since)))))
so yes uwu there you go uwu 
also the foreword might sound depressing but it's not !!!!!!



                   When Yongguk awakens, he feels ragged ground below him -- as if he were on rock; cement.  His eyes fade the blur away and the view isn't like anything he's ever seen even as a spaceship captain. (And that's saying a lot!)  The world before him wasn't like the world he knew; there were streets bustling with people who wore the most colorful and eye-catching clothing, and buildings with signs of neon lights. He wonders if he was in a different planet -- and turns out he's right. This was Earth before it was destroyed.


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