Love tickles

A year of sparks


Love tickles
" hey stop it, it tickles" a small voice could be heard in the house. Jiyeon would always jump at the touch, it felt weird. Being tickled made her laugh. She was a shy girl who never really smiled unless she was tickled. The feeling was different this time though, it wasn't from her best friend IU or her mum. 
Mum and dad had divorced, even before she was born. She never met him, she wondered where he could be. Like he even knew her existence
" ummm, this is awkward" jiyeon looked away.
You couldn't really say they were friends. Ever since he embarrassed her in front of the whole class in second grade, they had become enemies. His and her mum were close friends, they would often see each other and that couldn't have been avoided it was almost as if it was fate.
After that they were silent.
"..." They would always keep silence, never bothered to talk to each other. His father and mother along with her mother had always tried to convince them to be " friendly" to each other.... That wasn't going so well.
" So...umm your room is .... Pretty?" Myungsoo tried to start a conversation. Its awkward talking to someone who you embarrassed while you were a kid. She was in no better position, sometimes she couldn't remember why she hated him. If it was like that, she saw no point it fixing it.
" thanks" she replied so soft you could barely hear her 
"Lets play a game" he said
" .... Its awkward...i dont----" jiyeon put it in the best way she could. She had not wanted to be near him, when she was around him she felt a funny feeling inside of her.
" oh" he frowned and continued before letting her finish her sentence " you still haven't forgiven me yet huh? Im sorry, i was young i didn't know a thing. Why must you hate me?" She knew there would come a time where someone asked why she hated him.
She had never prepared to answer this. What could she say, she had no reason. If she had no reason to hate him then why did she hate him? Was it really hate towards him?
" in second grade, i admit i did it on purpose. I...had " he blushed and stopped. 
" you had what? Something against me?" She questioned him curious to know why this had all started.
" a ...crush on you. I mean you were the most beautiful, smart girl. You were kind and every boy liked you" he confessed. His cheeks had  turned a bright shade , a combination of red and pink.
Now, the younger girl felt guilty because all these years she had " hated" him and hearing his confession made her feel worse.
" myungsoo, i dont hate you. Even though you pushed me and i fell into the bin, i had forgiven you years ago. Its just a misunderstanding. Since you avoided me i thought you didnt like me so i also avoided you. Im glad we are okay now." 
He smiled and hugged her happily.
" Do you still love me?" It was the question she really wanted to ask and managed to .
" little princess, you aren't in second grade but twelfth. I no longer like you" before he finished she gasped
" you mean you dont accept me" she sad sadly
" i do i do I do !!!!!!!!!i dont like you i love you" he whispers in her ears
Thats how there love started 
She now knew what she felt inside. Her heart felt it tickle, she felt weird but he was now a part of her.
 He was special to have a girl like her
And to realise how important he was in her life 
She knew she was just one of those lucky girls living on earth.
Day by day there love grew and soon there were baby monkeys fooling around. 
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stacyberd #1
Chapter 1: Sequel.i like it
Chapter 1: Woahhhh~~~
Its sooo good !!!
Chapter 1: Sequel please :)