Save Me

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Tao was the one who could defend himself without any problem. After all, he knew martial arts. So why did Kris always feel the need to protect his maknae?


Kris squeezed Tao's hand in a death grip. "I'm sorry," he said for what felt like the billionth time as Tao continued to cry. "I'll never let something like that happen to you again." Kris looked away, feeling too guilty to look at Tao, fearing his heart would break even more.

Tao didn't respond. He just squeezed Kris' hand in return, finding solace in the loving gesture.

So this is my first EXO story. It's a oneshot. I hope you will enjoy it! ^^


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Chapter 1: this was really well written, and brought memories of the complete member of exo-m :( I miss them :(
april23 #2
this was written really well, and i feel sorry for anyone having to go through something like this >< poor tao. hope he gets better.
Chapter 1: a er for angst fics
Chapter 1: This is actually my first oneshot, I subbed a while ago butonly just now got the chances to start reading it.
I'm already living th angst. Poor Tao.

I'll be sure to let you know what I think as I go along.
Thank you for the beautiful writing. :) (:
mikahina #5
Chapter 1: good, i love you so much author-nim!
Chapter 3: Thank you for the sequel!!!!!!! Omo this is a really good one-shot!
Chapter 3: Ugh. Wow. You ><

Again, bromance is my fave. Biased towards EXO-M, so that was good. TaoRis is one of the most popular ships out there, so I'm glad you wrote this so well.

Poor Tao... :(

Great job!
Chapter 1: I'm a er for angst fics and this was so heartbreaking. My baby panda :'(
Bliss_Destiny #9
Chapter 1: Efwnajsnkvfjsojdnkinsdsvnf