
Mismatched Dreams

“Class dismissed!” our teacher bellowed at us as the afternoon bell rung. When everyone was dashing to get out of room, I took my time to get my things arranged before walking out of the door.

“Sehun,” our teacher called. I looked up and saw that it was only me and him left inside.

“Yes sir?”

“Can I ask a favor from you?”

I walked near to his table and stood straight like a soldier less the salute stance.

He looked up at me.”You know Ms. Min Hye, right?”

I pushed my glasses to the top of the bridge of my nose and nodded. Min Hye, the school’s queenka. The talk of the town. One of the most prettiest but is on top of being the dumbest too. Girls I’m not associated with. I’m a nerd, we’re worlds apart.

“I want you to tutor her.”

I looked at Mr. Choi immediately. He took notice of my baffled expression but just chuckled it away. “I don’t know what you’re thinking right now but I just want you to help a classmate. If she doesn’t pull her grades up, she wouldn’t graduate this year.”

As expected.

“Don’t worry you’re not the only one in this school to be doing that. Tutor-a-friend is a campus-wide endeavor. And you’re assigned to her. So.. are you up for it?”

I just sighed, not biting the bait.

“This could give you a higher chance for that 1st honor I know you’ve been eyeing,” Mr. Choi said trying to impress me. Everyone eyes to be the Top student, I believe. I shrugged my shoulders.

I could tutor anyone but not Min Hye. I just don’t like her. Not because she dumped me or something. We haven’t even talked to each other since birth. Again, we’re worlds apart. I don’t want to deal with anything connected to queenkas or kingkas. I’m different. I want a peaceful life. Nerds are the bulieds while they’re the bullies.

But still..

“Think about it,” Mr. Choi said while shuffling the papers in his hands. He stood up then made his way out of the room.

Graduating as the toppest student from our batch could help me get through the Ivy School I want for college. If tutoring her is a way.. I may just agree with it. Harvard.. Oxford.. Standford.. Heidelberg.. Sofia and Seoul U..

I smiled at the thought of these schools before going out of the room too.



“Hey,” Min Hye called out. I looked up and saw her on the side leaning her back on the wall with her head hung low. I looked around and saw no one besides me. Is she talking to me?

She looked up and beamed at me. “Sehun, right?”

I nodded.

“Would you like to have some bubble tea with me? I know a place.”

Bubble tea. My weakness.

Still, I just stood there not knowing what to do. This is the first time a girl asked me out. She is asking me out, right? Why is she so friendly suddenly? This is the first time we talked. Does she know I’m going to be her tutor?

I suddenly felt warm on my forehead. I saw her palm on it. I flinched at the contact. “Are you sick?” she asked innocently. “Why aren’t you talking?” Her big doe eyes looking straight through me. I suddenly need air.


I shook my head on impulse.

She suddenly held my wrist and pulled me. “Let’s go then!”



“That’s why,” Min Hye said as she looked at her bubble tea drink ending her story. For half an hour she was talking about her plans for college. She wants to go to Kyunghee University, one of the most premier universities in Korea. For someone as dumb as her, I don’t mean to offend, I almost admire her. I was on the brink of liking her. At the edge. But the real reason is..

“L oppa is studying on Kyunghee. I want to study there too. You can help me, right? Please?” she begged me, her hands almost touching mine on the table. I pulled away before it could happen.

She knows I’m her assigned tutor and she is in front of me to ask me personally. Quite formal. I managed to smile. I was thinking about karma. Maybe if I help her, good things will happen to me. I could study on the university I want.

I don’t care what her reasons are, I’ll just help her. For good karma. “Okay, then.”

“Yes!” she pumped fist on the air. “Thanks Sehun! Thank you,” she smiled brightly.

Good karma I’m betting on you.



“What?! Sri Langka is not in Egypt! Egypt is not a continent at the first place!” I yelled at Min Hye.

“Yeah right. Sorry okay. Chill, Sehun,” she dismissed the argument easily.

I sighed. This is the 15th question we have for reviewing History and Geography and she hadn’t had any correct answer yet. Not even a single one.

I looked at our notes again then asked her, “United States of America and what country was in a Cold War during 1980s?”

“China!” she answered excitedly.

My mind is going to black out. How could someone be so dumb? Really?

“Could we study Math now? I need to ace Math,” she whined quite impatiently.

“You need to ace everything,” I reminded her as I sat straight leaning my arms on our dining table. Since we agreed that we’re going to be secret studymates, I agreed that we study at my house. The downside, my mom loves her. She’s the first girl I brought home, explains the fascination. She blends well with my mom. I hope she’s not faking her actions with my old folk. But I could sense her sincerity anyway.

“Do you want to study at my house on Saturday?” she asked suddenly. I just looked at her. “I want to have my home welcome you like yours to me.”

“No,” I coldly stated. I don’t want to study on anybody’s house. I’m not up for it. I’m a homebody. I’m comfortable on my own home.


I searched for my Math notebook and handed it to her. “Let’s start with linear equations.”

She nodded obediently.



“Class, on page 316 problem 18.. Who wants to answer?” Our chemistry teacher asked.

I quickly turned my book to page 316. Mixture problem just like what we had on Algebra. I was about to raise my hand when she called for Min Hye. I looked behind me. Did she do something wrong again?

“On the board Min Hye?” the teacher asked hesitantly. Min Hye nodded while beaming cheery. She is going to answer the problem? On the board?

Everyone’s mouth was open in shock. I smiled secretly when I looked back on my book.

Let’s see Min Hye.

 I solved the problem on my notebook as she solved on the board. After representing the unknowns of the problem, I came up with the solution then the answer afterwards.

x + 12% (25 kgs) = 20% (x + 25 kgs)

x = 2.5 kgs

I looked up at the board. She just finished like me. 2.5 kgs.

“Is she correct Sehun?” the teacher suddenly asked me.

I nodded in amazement. We have the same answer. Our teacher then praised her. She smiled at me brightly before going back to her seat. I smiled back in return. Secretly I’m proud of her. I am so proud of her.

“Way to go, Min Hye.” I heard a classmate of ours say to her.

“I could see that someone’s changing,” the professor said. She looked at me before nodding to Min Hye. “For the better.”



“So what university are you planning to enter?” she asked me as we nibble on the cookies my mom made while we study.

“Any Ivy School. I’m planning to apply for a scholarship.”

“Ivy what?” she stopped answering some chemistry problems then looked at me intently.

“Ivy schools.. Those like Harvard and Oxford.”


“Why?” Am I sensing some disappointment?

“Nothing,” she smiled at me then got back to her work. “I’m sure you’re going to pass their admission exams. You could do it. You’re Sehun.”

“Min Hye..”

She sighed. With the times I spent with her, I know her now more than ever.

She curls her fingers when she’s nervous.

She looks up then pouts when she’s in deep thought.

She’s allergic to berries.

She’s good with Math but at History.

She’s had 5 boyfriends only and..

She’s single.

But she likes this L oppa so much.

“I thought you’re going to Kyunghee U too,” she said biting her lower lip.

I smiled at her. Does she want me to go with her too? “I’m not going to be your tutor forever you know.”

She shrugged.

“Don’t worry, Kyunghee  is on my list too.” It has, just now.

She beamed brightly suddenly. It’s as if the sun is shining straight on my face I’m beginning to be afraid I’ll be blind. “Really?!”

I nodded. “Really.”



“What’s your dream Sehun?” she asked me while sipping her Bubble Tea she bought with me. We just both aced the Math exam and we thought to reward ourselves. With all the time she’s with me, I heard her friends ask her what she’s up to these days. Kyunghee U will always be her answer. I chuckled at the thought.

“Sehun to Earth,” she snapped her fingers before my face.

“Pardon?” I asked regaining back my senses.

“I was asking what’s your dream.”

“To be a great scientist.”


“Hey,” I then ruffled her hair. “I want to work on something like NASA. When I was a kid, I want to be an astronaut. Still boring?”

She shook her head then grinned. She took the glasses away from my face.

“Min Hye!” She then wore my big-rimmed glasses covering almost half of her face.

“Oof!” she took it away immediately. “You have a bad eyesight!”

“I know. That’s why I couldn’t be an astronaut anymore.”

“Don’t worry,” she patted my back after returning my glasses. “There are so much more attainable jobs you know,” she chuckled.

I just laughed at her. “How about you? What’s your dream?”

“To be L oppa’s wife.”

“You’re creepy,” I muttered.

She nodded absentmindedly. “I know.” We then just laughed away.

“I want to be a singer or something that could inspire people,” I heard her murmur.



“You’re not going to the prom?! But why? You don’t have a date? Do you want me to ask a friend of mine to go with you?” Min Hye threw many questions about my plans for the prom after we finished studying for our quizzes the next day.

“No, but thanks for the offer,” I simply replied.



“Why is my bestfriend not going to the prom?”

“I’m your bestfriend now?”

“Yeah sure. You could say that. Since I realized that some of my friends are just faking with me..”

“Being pretty & popular , huh?”

“Sadly,” she bowed her head then looked straight at me again. “You must go to the prom!”

I’m a nerd. Nerds don’t go to prom. They’ll just be wallflowers. Funny looking wallflowers. I don’t want to humiliate myself. I want to tell her that but I’m too reticent to say.

“Are you asking me for the prom?” I trying to change the direction of our talk.

“No way,” she crossed her arms. “L oppa’s going with me.”

Somehow, my heart clenched.




11 o’clock in the evening before the prom day, my phone rang. Min Hye who’s on the other line was crying & sobbing so I quickly sat up and listened to her intently but with drooping eyes.

“L oppa couldn’t go.” I could imagine her pouting right now.

“Why?” I asked ruffling my hair. She disturbed my sleep with this? Why didn’t she call her other friends? Oh right, cause I’m her new bestfriend.

“He has chicken pooooooooox~” she sniffed.

I don’t know what to say to her. I’m sleepy. I’m drifting to the clouds..

“Sehun are you there? Sleep later, okay?”

“Okay..” I mumbled.

“What am I going to do? I won’t go to the prom anymore!”

“You sure? Tomorrow’s going to be your last prom. What about the memories?” I asked while fighting the sleepiness so hard.

“I could not NOT go to the prom because of memories and you’re allowed to NOT go to the prom? Why’s that?”

I sighed, tiredness obvious on my voice. “I’m a nerd.”

“So? Are nerds prohibited to go to prom? And who told you you’re a nerd anyway? I’ll whack his face.”

“You lack sleep.”

“I’m drooling.”


“And you’re not,” she said.



“Could we just go to sleep now? Let’s talk tomorrow. I’ll treat you to a Bubble Tea and a heart-to-heart talk. Promise.”


“What?!” This girl is impossible.

“Let’s go to prom together!”

“Whatever. Good night.” The moment I hung up, I drifted off to sleep.



“SEHUUUUUUUUUUN!!!! OH SEHUUUUUUUN!!” Min Hye shook my whole body making my being wake up.

It’s 8 o’clock in the morning and she just barged into my room.

“Go away Min Hye!”

“No! I’m not going anywhere until you get off of that bed!” she rolled me on my bed making me fall on the floor.


“Hate me later. We’re going shopping!” she squealed.


“You promised me that you’re going with me to the prom.”

“Never!” I scanned my head for any memory of the promise she’s saying.

“Let’s go to the prom together!”

“… good night.”

Oh no. Did I really promise her such a thing?

“No nevers,” she then pushed me inside the bathroom of my room making me stumble along the way. “Get ready, I’ll wait for you downstairs.”



“Salon first!” she then pulled me inside the mall.

We had my hair straight and cut. Because I have a great frizzy hair, a whole salon team helped me.

“Wait!” Min Hye said then she took a picture of me. “If I’m going to miss the so-called nerdy Sehun, I’ll have a picture now.” She turned to the salon team and prompted them to start my makeover.

“You owe me a Bubble Tea later!”

“You’ll be the one who’ll owe me,” she stuck her tongue out to me.

I don’t know why I have to change myself just because of the most hyped prom.

It’s just for one night Sehun. You’ll get over it.



“S-Sehun?” Min Hye has opened when I approached her after the session I had in the salon.

I nodded promptly.

“No way,” she whisphered. “I always thought you’re good-looking but hell, what’s good-looking?”

She thought I’m good looking?

She pushed me in front of a mirror I’m dreaded to see.

Excitement. Anxiety. Horror. Mix them in one and that’s what I am feeling before I got to see my face.

A pale looking guy with glasses on with a good haircut stared back at me. Min Hye was beside me talking about something but I couldn’t hear her. I’m too mesmerized to see myself. I didn’t know I am this handsome. Call me narcistic but hell, like what Min Hye said, what is good looking?

I chuckled then blushed. I don’t know if men are allowed to blush but I know I am blushing as I saw tint of pink on my cheeks. I am handsome. I took off my glasses. I’m much more handsome. A great lot.

“Let’s go get you some contact lens?” Min Hye  suggested, snapping me back to reality.




“I hope you’re not disappointed that I’m your prom date,” I told her as I sipped the Bubble Tea I bought with her after all the shopping and makeover escapade we had. Realizing the effort she gave to have me like this, I treated her to a Bubble Tea that wont measure up with all that she’d done.

“No. Not at all,” she said. “I was wondering if I’ll be the one who’ll be the wallflower later. I’m sure with your looks now,” she had her hands cupped my cheeks.”..girls will fall in line just to dance with you.”

“Sorry to them. I’ll have my best friend with me.” I pulled her hands away. I can’t comprehend the sensation of her touch on my face.

“Yeah right.” We then laughed.

“You thought I’m good-looking?” I asked her as I remembered what she told me earlier in the salon. It elates me so much to know that when everyone, including myself, thought I’m a cousin of ugly duckling, she thought otherwise.

“Yes, I just don’t look at the physical appearance of people you know. I’m into their characters.”

“Really?” I’m quite taken aback with what she just said. She is really like that?

She nodded.

“Ok, whatever you say.” I simply said not wanting to push her to say more if she doesn’t want to. I guess I’ll lean on the side of knowing her slowly and surely instead of knowing her all at once. The small facts about her surprises me, she’s far from the girl I thought she was. I guess you have to know a person first before judging her. I thought she’s so dumb but after tutoring and studying with her, I found out that she’s pretty smart. Maybe much smarter than I. I thought that she’s so superficial too like other queenkas but I then realized that she has substance. Maybe she was just on the bad direction back then. I’m glad I’m one of those who helped change her for the better.

“I’ll go home now. I have to prep up too,” she chuckled.

“Ok, I’ll walk you home,” I offered.

“No thanks. You have to go home also. I wish I could see Ahjumma’s face when she sees you. But anyway, just pick me up at around 6:15 later, okay?”

I nodded.

She’s beginning to be the girl of my dreams.



(A/N: Just zoom in to Sehun kke.)


With an off-shoulder baby pink gown, Min Hye looked like an angel when she opened the door for me after three rings on the doorbell. She had her hair in a lovely updo bun and her makeup is stunning. My heart skipped a bit.

“Sehun..” she breathed slowly as she said my name. It’s as if we saw each other again for the first time. I gave her the bouquet of flowers I bought along the way while still taking in and absorbing her beauty.

“Hi,” I waved at her. “Are you ready?”

“Thanks for these,” she smelled the flowers. “Sure, I’ll just get my purse. Do you want to go inside?”

I nodded then proceeded to her flat. She went to her room as I sat on the couch. Nobody’s around. I merely forgot that she lives alone. Her father’s dead while her mom lives in Germany with her new husband. She lives alone. I can’t equate the sadness she may feel when she’s sitting here alone. I then remembered the time she asked me if we could study here. I was too selfish to think that maybe she wants some company.

She went outside her room then placed the flowers I gave her on the vase at the dining table after putting some water on it.

“Let’s go!” she beamed.



“Wait Sehun,” Min Hye stopped before we stepped inside the big doors of the school’s gymnasium. The school committee decorated the gym for this year’s prom. Black, red and pink are the color theme.

I looked back at her and saw that she’s digging something on her purse. “Gotcha!” she then approached me slowly and held something on my face. “Open your mouth.”

Without questions, I opened it. My heart was throbbing so hard when she had her face close to mine. I closed my eyes. I never felt so nervous and excited like this before.

I felt something on my lips afterwards.

I heard her chuckling then so I opened my eyes. I looked at her curiously with furrowed eyebrows. “What was that?”

She held up something. “Ah this? A lipbalm.”

I bit my lip in disappointment. Honestly, I’m hoping that she’d kiss me.

Babo Sehun.

“Don’t bite your lip. Press it. Like this” she instructed me while pressing her lips to show me.

Her lips are pink and plum. I wonder..

“So when you’re going to kiss someone tonight, you’ll have soft lips,” she giggled. “You could thank me later.”

Babo Min Hye. If I’m going to kiss someone tonight, that would be you.

I just nodded as I held her right arm then linked it to mine. “Let’s go!” I beamed, noting the feeling of our closeness to each other.



“Sehun, I think my shoes are broken.” After the dance, Min Hye and I sat on the farthest table from the crowd. Telling me that her shoes are broken, I knelt in front of her to check it since she cannot with her gown.

Earlier, just like what Min hye said, girls were flocking to me. Asking my name, telling me how good I look, inquiring my number and asking me to dance. I held on to Min Hye the whole night. She’s the reason why I’m here and I don’t want to leave her alone. I was firm with my decision. I don’t want her to be alone.

When guys asked her to dance, she’ll look at me first. I’ll then nod. When she dances with others, a pang in my chest will occur. Food will be my company then. I’ll eat. That would be the time I’ll hear things about me.

Most people didn’t recognize me.

“That guy Min Hye’s with is the nerd Sehun!”

“Jinja?! Omo. You’re lying!”

“Oh no I’m not!”

“I didn’t think he’s that hot!”

“He’s so handsomeeeeeeeeeee~”

“I know. Spell great genes.. S-E-H-U-N!”

“Sehun!” I turned around and saw Min Hye approaching me. I was chuckling giddily with the things I heard but when I saw Min Hye’s pained face, concern washed over me.

“Are you alright?” I asked her examining her entire being.

“No. That guy,” she pointed at a guy donning a silver tux with hair stuck with so much hairwax dancing with a girl in a dress exposing too much skin. “..accidentally stepped on my feet.”

“Accidentally?” I asked repeating her word.

She nodded. “Accidentally.”

As I was kneeling in front of her, I saw that the strap on her shoe was kaput.

“Hey, Min Hye..” As I was looking up at her, a blinding light was straightly focused on my face. Loud cheers were then what I heard next. What’s happening?

“Sehun! You’re the King of the Night!” Min Hye clapped at me. She then helped me stand up.

“What a surprising position there. The King of the Night kneeling in front of the Queen of the Night!” a voice boomed from everywhere I don’t know where it came from.

Everyone was clapping at us. For us.

I, Oh Sehun, our prom’s King of the Night?

I shook my head. Everyone must be kidding me.



“Omma! I’ll just buy tteokpokki outside!” I hollered to my mom who’s on the kitchen. I dashed out of our house immediately, cold afternoon air greeting me.

A week after our prom, my status quo in school changed. Thanks to Min Hye. From the greatest nerd to being the most sought-after guy. It was like I’m Cinderella with Min Hye as my fairy grandmother. People deal with me now differently. Back then I was ignored, now I am prioritized. With these changes, I still not making it go to my head. I’m still the same Sehun. The shy Sehun. I may not be nerd now physically but I still feel geeky inside.

A tent of tteokpoki store was ahead of me now. I rush there to have some immediately. I’m craving!

“Four orders of tteokpokki please, ahjumma.”

“For a pretty boy like you, I’ll make it 5. I’ll give you a free order,” the store’s ahjumma told me wistfully.

“Gomawo.” That was all I could say while computing the money I have saved for the free tteokpokki.

A woman beside me then chuckled. Clad in clothes that are screaming an ‘I-am-a-reporter’ attire, she turned to me. “Don’t be fooled by ahjumma. She has a buy-four-take-one-free promo.” She then showed me the empty plates she has. “See, I’ve already ordered two rounds.”

“Aigoo, you exposed me again Shin Hee,” the ahjumma laughed amusingly.

The so-called Shin Hee held her hands to me for a handshake. “I’m Shin Hee.. I’m a scout agent.”

With all respect, I shook her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“I’m from SM Entertainment. Here,” she handed me a calling card. “If you want to be an idol, just go to that place and tell my name. It’ll get you through.”

“Err.. thanks.”

I ran away immediately when ahjumma handed me my order and after paying her.

I don’t know if that Shin Hee is telling the truth about her being an agent but my mom once told me I should not talk to strangers. I was a kid back then. But for safety purposes, I’ll apply it now.

As I turned to a block I saw Min Hye walking. Slowly. Her head hung low and her shoulders droop and deflated. I don’t know what’s with her but I still want to surprise her so I hugged her from behind.

I, myself, was also shocked with what I did. But I have to man up with my actions so I called her name laughingly. “Min Hye~”

No response.

I cooed again. “Min Hye~”

Still dead as a zombie. I turned her around to face me and saw tears streaming down her face when I held her face up. I was shocked beyond measure. Shocked because I saw her crying and shocked because I felt pain in my chest with those tears of her.

“Min hye..”

She sobbed trying to contain her tears.

Without further ado I hugged her again.

Minutes later, she stopped crying. Still, I caressed her back. We hugged there in silence not minding the world.

She pulled away then looked at me. That’s when I realized my shirt’s wet with her tears.

“Sorry,” she tried to wipe my shirt but I grabbed her hand and held it tight.

“What happened?” I asked, concern thick in my voice.

“L Oppa.. He has a girlfriend.”



“And for the Best Student, Most Outstanding Student and this batch’s valedictorian.. Oh Sehun!” the principal called me. I walked to the stage with my mom on my side. Medals were handed to her, she looked at me proudly then put it on me with eyes b with tears. “I’m proud of you my son.”

I hugged her. This is a moment I will cherish forever.

“Thanks mom. I love you.”

She hugged back then we walked to the front stage and smiled for the cameras. I saw Min Hye snapping pictures of me and my mom.

“Oh, there’s Min Hye.!” My mom waived at her and posed at her direction. I followed suit.

“Chukahae,” Min Hye mouthed.

“Thanks,” I mouthed back.

She giggled.



“SEHUNIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” Min Hye wailed on the other line. I held the phone far way from my ear because of her screaming.





Ever since the day Min Hye cried, we focused ourselves on entering Seoul University. No more Kyunghee U for her. As for me, I was applying for scholarship on Oxford on the side.

Harvard’s admission due date was done as well as for Sofia U in Japan.

It’s either Seoul U or Oxford for me now. I’m leaning more on Seoul U. I hate to be homesick and maybe, Min Hye, she could be one of the reasons too.

“CHUKAHAE!!!!” I wailed at her also giddily.

“Gomawo Sehunnie. I wouldn’t have done it if not for you.”

“Are you tearing up?” I .


“So, are you going to treat me to Bubble Tea tomorrow then?” I’m planning to ask her tomorrow formally. To ask her if she could be my girlfriend for real. I am not dumb to let go of someone who’s astonishingly special. She finished high school on 5th place. Who would have thought?

“Why am I always the one treating you?” she clucked her tongue.

I chuckled as I look at the glimmering necklace with a heart pendant on my hand. “I treated you last week.”

“Fine. Tomorrow then. At two?”

“At two,” I smiled.



“I thought we’ll meet at two? It’s only eleven. Excited for lunch?” I asked Min Hye as I sat on the favorite seat we have at the Bubble Tea place we frequent.

She didn’t answer.

“Hey, are you hungry?”



She placed an envelope on the table. I took it and looked at what’s inside.


Plane tickets.

To Germany.

“My mom arrived this morning. She told me she wants me to go Germany and live with her.”

I was speechless.

“Hey Sehun?”

A great weight was then placed on my heart. I fight back the tears that I felt was threatening to fall when I tried to looked at her. I’m a man. But I’m a crybaby. That will always be a fact.

“Wh-when will.. When’s this?” I asked, my voice breaking along my heart.

“This afternoon. At two.”

I sighed. All I could do now is sigh. I can’t.. I can’t prevent her. Germany is a good place and if she stays here, she’ll be alone, like always. Even if she has me, her family is there. She needs them.

She held my hands. This time I didn’t pull it away.

“I don’t want to miss you..” she then sobbed.



Eight minutes before two in the afternoon, Min Hye stood beside me at the airport.

“Sehun~” she pouted.

I ruffled her hair then forced myself to chuckle. “Don’t worry. Facebook is there. Skype too!” My voice strained with too much fake giddiness.

“But no more Bubble Tea,” she pouted again. I can’t control myself this time so I just hugged her like what my heart is urging me to do.

I remember the necklace on my pocket so I pulled away from the hug. She looked at me curiously.

I showed her the necklace. She beamed like she always used to. My favorite accessory of hers will always be her smile. Her eyes glimmered like that of the heart pendant. I then locked it on her neck. Her fragrance filled my nose so much I thought I was going to cry. I don’t want to miss her too.

“But..” she trailed off.

“But what?” I asked gazing at her eyes.

“I don’t have anything for you.”

I chuckled. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Min hye!” her mom called her.

Their flight was then called on to board.

She looked up on me again. I gazed back at her. She tiptoed. I leaned on to her.

I then felt my lips on hers.






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Chapter 1: :"( it's... So... Beautiful!!*bursts into tears* LOL~ I love the way you wrote this and the characters~>____< update soon!!<3 I'm subscribed~>__<
Chapter 1: nice story by the way...
i love sehun's character here *Q*
can't wait for the next chapter..