Finally Meeting the 'boyfriends'!

Love at first sight

Opaa and i went back to his crappy car .I decided to called it crappy cuz suddenly the air-con broke down! Are you kidding me it summer !

"Hehehehe!" my brother fake a awkward laugh.

"Shut up ," i said and  open the car window.

Soon enough i began sleeping>

Dong Hyun POV

"Why is she so cute when she is sleeping?" i said to myself.

I hope the other guys won't mind her sleeping at our dorm 4 a few days.

Angela POV

"Angela, wake up we have arrived," he nudge me gently .This time i woke up easily.

We went in and to my suprise all of them were in the living room laughing and talking.But as soon as oppa and i step in they stop and stared at me. I can't help but blushed.

"Hyung, is this your girlfriend?" the blondie asked oppa

"Manager hyung clearly stated that we are not allowed to datee hyung!" another guy said but strangly his face was the same as the blondie.

I think ro myselfy are stupid or blind can't they see we lookded like siblings! Well actually we don't looked like one but who cares.

"Aniyo, you babo! She my younger sister. She just came back from American. And since she still have not found a house yet, i said she can stay here for a while,"

"What! Stay here !"they siad in unison.

I can't help but giggle. They are soo cute.

"Hello, my name is Angela! Pleasa take care of me!" i said.

They just stared at me. I was scared and hid behind oppa back.

"Yah why are you staring at her like that !" oppa scolded them.

Then finally 1 of them said something.

"Hello. My name is Kwangmin and this is my twin Youngmin!"the brown haired guy.

"Oh! No wonder you guys looked so alike!" i replied.

"But i am more handsome right?"Youngmin asked

I just giggle as Kwangmin started beating him plyfully.

"Hi. i'm Angela" i said and offered a hand

They looked confused.I told them that is how we greet each other at  America.

"Oh!" they said and both of them was about  to shake my hand but at the same time.So fighting occur!

" Silly guys "  i laugh.

Then i greet the other member. Then i saw this young man with a cute shy voice," Hi i'm Minwoo!"

Again i offered a hand but he was hesitat about shakin our hand.Than i just grab his hand and shake it. I can't helped but to notice that he was blushing.

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Update soon please. ^^
i love the chapter ^^ its so cute update soon unnie
chelsea1456 #3
i did my my com decided to shut down again! :( Oh well guess i need a laptop!
eMDee18 #4
omo my top 3 bias in one cool!!! update ^^
chelsea1456 #5
Thank q for all of the comments!
hellokity0116 #6
I wanna go to a haunted house with Boyfriend!!!!!!!!