Happy Birthday Angela

Love at first sight

Dong Hyun POV

"Hyung what should we get for Angela?" Jeong Min asked.

"Later you will see.Nw i want to go home and sleep, okay?" i replied.

"Yah what if we lose!" the shout in unison.

" Gwencana, i'm Angela oppa, of course i will know what she wants!" i said as i walk towards our dorm.

" Aish jinjja!" Hyun Seong sighed.

Kwang Min POV

" There's a guitar shop over there. Let's go in !" i exclaim.

There were alot of pretty and cute guitars and we could not make up our mind which is best for Angela. Than we decided on this one

perticular guitar. But when i saw the price, i thought i was gonna die.

"Yah, let's take another one which look like this but much more cheaper," Young Min suggested.

After of hour and hours of searching the right guitar we finally found one that was not too expensive and looked really cute so we decided to

buy it even though Angela birthday is 4 more days.

" I bet the oldies can't find present better than ours!" Minwoo said.

----At the dorm------

 Dong Hyun POV

I take out my laptop from my room and boght to the living room.

" Hyung are you ganno think what present to buy for Angela or play the laptop hyung?" Hyun Seong questioned.

" Yah! Can you wait? Anyway Angela LOVE Taylor Swift sooooooo since Taylor is coming to Korea, I thought of buying concert tickets  and

bring her to watch the concert. It will be the best day of her live!" i said proudly.

"Hyung! This is the first time i found you useful!" Jeong Min said.

" You jinjja!" i said.

Minwoo POV

I went inside the dorm and saw Dong hyun hyung talking to his other oldie member.

"Yah you two cover the guitar and put it under your bed. Make sure the hyungs doesn't see the guitar, arasso?" i ordered.

We went inside the dorm and try to distract the hyungs so they will not notice that thw twins are carrying a guitar.

"Hyung! Wassup?!" i said akwardly and they looked at me weirdly.

" Minwoo-ah, are you having fever?" Jeong Min hyung asked me.

Than i saw the twin went inside their room and gave me the signal that i can come to their room .

" Uhh, nothing i'm alright! Bye hyung!" i said and dashed to the twin room.

I can hear Hyun Seong hyung said," Bwohya, what's wrong with that kid?"

4 days have passed and Angela's birthday finally here

Angela POV

Hmm... today is my birthday but nobody have wished me happy birthday. I looked out at my window to see what was Minwoo oppa was

doing. Just what i thought, he is still sleeping. Well i don't blame him, it's only 8:30 am. I sighed and walk to the bathroom and took a relaxing

bath and change into my most oversize blue Hello Kitty shirt with my white short sweatshorts. I went down to the kitchen and have my

favourite cereal and


watched my favourite cartoons that i havent watched for years.

" Aish! How can Oppa forget my birthday?!" i shout really load to let my anger out.

I went up to my bedroomand started to jamming to songs. That's always made me feel better.

Minwoo POV

I wake up and opened my curtains to see what was Angela doing. I saw her dancing funny and singing. Oh Why are you soo cute Angela!

Her outfit made her even cuter. I have never seen Hello Kitty that cute before, especially that tthe t-shirt is on her. And her oversize shirt

cover her shorts hat i thought she wasn't wearing any shorts. Good Morning My Angel, i said but i know she could not listen. I went inside

the toilet and took a quick shower and change to my casual outfit and went down to the kitchen and eat the breakfast that the twin prepare.

They are seriously the best cooker ever.

" So hyung, we are going to pretend that we don't know it's Angela birthday and the twin will bring her to the park while we are trying to

decorate her dorm?" i questioned him. 

"Yup," Hyung replied.

Angela POV

I suddenly heard some knocking on the door.

"I'm comming!" i shout.

I opened the door and my face lit up when i saw the twin, "Oppa!" i scream and hugged them really tight.

"Angel-ah... i..ca..can't breathe," Young Min stutter.

" Oh, miahe oppa," i replied and let go the hugged

" Yah let's go to the park . We have no schedule and bored," Kwang Min said.

I nodded my head and went back to my room to change. I got oout and locked my arms with the twins.

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We spent hours and hours at the park Young Min kept playing games and when he wins he choose pikachu stuffs while Young Min chooses

the bear and gave it to me, but that doesn't make me feel any better. How can my own brother forget it's his sister's birthday.

We than bought ice-cream and walked to our dorm. Kwang Min realised that my face was gloomy and asked, " Angela, are you okay, you

didn't have fun with us?"

"Aniyo oppa, i have a lot of fun! But.... today is my birthday and nobody wishes me happy birthday." i said.

They give each other a i-don't-know-what-to-do-look. "Happy birthday!" the said in unison, i gave them a small smile.

When we arrived at my dorm, suddenly Kwang Min oppa covered my eyes, " Don't worry." he said

He then pushed me into my dorm and uncover my eye and i heard happy birthday and looked up and saw all of the 'boyfriend; member.

"OPPA!!!" i shouted and ran towards Dong Hyun Oppa and gave him a big hugged.

"Yah, what about us?" Jeong Min oppa asked.

I went and hugged every member. Minwoo seems to be shy so i had to force hug him.

'Kumawo oppa!"i said.

I cut the birthday cake which is adorable!


And after we have finished eating Young Min Oppa gave me a big box.

"Oppa what is this?"

"Your birthday present!" Oppa told me.

"Kumawo oppa!" i opened and scream really load that everybody covered their ears.

"Oppa jinjja? Aren't this guitar expensive? Oppa saranghae! Ahh, the guitar is soo cute! ' i said as i went and hugged the twin and Minwoo



Then Dong Hyun oppa gave me 1 medium box and an envolope," Kumawo oppa!"

I opened the medium box and it was filled with T-swift goodies.


Then i opened the envolope, i could not believe my eyes. Then i could feel tears started rollling down my cheecks." Yah are you okay?"

Jeong Min oppa asked me.

" Oppa..... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i shouted and danced and do cartwheel randomly. I can't believe he bought me T-swift concerts


" It obviously that we won, so you youngster will have to make us dinner for 1 week arasso?" Dong Hyun oppa told them.

"It's okay i will make the dinner since i LOVE both of the presents," i said

Oppa disagree but after i made a puppy face, he gave up. I can't believe they did this for me ^_^

This made me feel so special :D

--------------Author's note---------------------

I'm sleepy........ It's 2:13 am and i have been writting this since 11pm and sorry if there is a lot of typo cuz i'm tired. And sorry if here is too

much taylor swift, I LOVE her okay( not in a lesbian way) .AND yay for new subbies1 


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Update soon please. ^^
i love the chapter ^^ its so cute update soon unnie
chelsea1456 #3
i did my my com decided to shut down again! :( Oh well guess i need a laptop!
eMDee18 #4
omo my top 3 bias in one fic..so cool!!! update ^^
chelsea1456 #5
Thank q for all of the comments!
hellokity0116 #6
I wanna go to a haunted house with Boyfriend!!!!!!!!