Get Even

No More Perfume On...Who?;)

No More Perfume On you - Teen Top


It was a sunny spring day when 18-yr old JiHye and her friends decided to enjoy the fine weather and lounge under a huge oak tree in the school grounds. They just finished their exams and decided to relax by thinking of nothing else. JiHye had a book on her lap while her two friends, Gayoon and Naeun, were texting with their boyfriends.

            “hey JiHye, how are you and Chunji oppa?” Naeun asked looking up from her phone.

            “hm?” Jihye looked up from her book a bit dazed. “oh, we’re ok, I guess.”           

            “you guess? Is there something wrong?” Gayoon asked sitting up.

JiHye shrugged.

            “I don’t know, I feel like he’s a bit distant sometimes, like his mind is somewhere else.” JiHye looked down and continued reading.

            “yah, don’t you think he’s cheating or something?” Gayoon asked seriously.

            “cheat? Chunji oppa isn’t the type to cheat.” Naeun said.

            “Naeun-ah, just because you think your boyfriend is a saint doesn’t mean all guys are.” Gayoon said rolling her eyes.

As her friends were bickering JiHye couldn’t help but think if her boyfriend was indeed cheating on her. She noticed that aside from becoming distant he smiles while reading his messages and every time she asks eh says it’s nothing.

            “speak of the devil.” Gayoon muttered and leaned on the tree.

JiHye followed her friend’s gaze and saw her boyfriend and his friends walking towards them.

            “hey Ji!” Chunji greeted sitting beside his girlfriend and wrapping an arm around her shoulder, she automatically leaned against him and held his hanging hand.

By anyone who’d be looking their way, there couldn’t be a picture of a perfect happy couple.           

Gayoon saw this and glared before looking away. Her boyfriend saw this and sat beside her.

            “you ok?” he whispered.

            “you know I’m not, Ricky.”

He smiled and kissed her temple.

            “so what are you girls up to today?” L.Joe asked sitting beside Naeun.

            “nothing, I guess. How about you guys?” JiHye said glancing at Chunji.

            “no plans yet.” He shrugged looking at his phone. JiHye furrowed her brows and let go of Chunji’s hand.

            “I do, I’m going to SHINee’s concert later.” She squealed looking at JiHye and Gayoon.

            “what!?” they both yelled.

            “yup!” you know my oppa is working at SM right? well, he got me 2 tickets for my sister and me!”

            “wah, you’re so lucky!” the three of the girls started fangirling while the boys started groaning except Chunji who was too busy with his phone.

CAP nudged him.

            “yah, you’re making it too obvious. Your girlfriend is here, stop that if you don’t want her to know.” He warned. He didn’t approve of Chunji’s cheating but he didn’t want his friend to get in trouble too.

            “shut up, she might hear you.” Chunji hissed before JiHye leaned back.

The girls started talking about SHINee again before Naeun got distracted.

            “oh! Oppa.” She said seeing her boyfriend approach her.

            “Naeun-ah.” The man’s deep voice resonated and sat on her other side.

As he’s from another school him and the other boys haven’t really met before.

            “hi Yeol oppa!” JiHye and Gayoon greeted.

            “who’s that?” Ricky asked.

            “Chanyeol oppa, Naeun’s boyfriend.”

            “I haven’t seen him around here before.” He said furrowing his eyebrows.

            “he goes to SM high.” Gayoon answered.

            “by the way, guys, this is Chanyeol oppa, my boyfriend, he’s from SM High. Oppa, these are my friends, CAP, Niel, L.Joe, Changjo, Chunji, JiHye’s boyfriend and Ricky, Gayoon’s boyfriend.”

He shook hands with all the boys good-naturedly but Ricky avoided standing seeing Chanyeol was a giant.

            “yah, don’t you have something to tell me?” Chanyeol said furrowing his eyebrows. The other girls stared at the couple. His expression and voice made everything serious.


            “your sister texted me you know…about some concert.” He leaned his hand on the grass and stared at Naeun who shrank a bit from where she sat.

            “oh that, well, yeah, we’re going to SHINee’s concert later. Oppa got us ticket and you know how I love them right?” she started doing her aegyo but not too much, just the rounding of the eyes.

            “don’t you know our dance competition will be held later?”

Naeun’s eyes widened in shock.

            “omo! Oppa, I forgot!”

            “right, you forgot. Just because of SHINee’s concert you forgot about it.”

            “I’m sorry, oppa.”

            “so you’re coming to the school later, right?” he asked again.

Naeun bit her lip and looked at Jihye and Gayoon who were grimacing at her dilemma.

            “uhh…oppa, can’t you let me off just this once, please?” she pleaded putting her hands together and  pouted.

            “what? so you’re choosing SHINee over me?”

            “you know it’s always you that I’ll choose, but—“

            “just not now, is that it?”

            “I can’t believe they’re arguing over SHINee.” Sniggered Changjo from JiHye’s other side.

            “yah, won’t you not like it too if you girlfriend won’t show up at your performance to watch some idol group’s concert?” Niel said hitting the maknae on the back of his head.

            “aahhh…ahhh kajimaaa!” Chanyeol started doing aegyo himself to the shock of their audience even Chunji looked up from his phone.

Naeun bit her lip again and finally groaned and closed her eyes.

            “fine! I’m not going to the concert!” she moaned and Chanyeol punched the air in triumph.

            “assa! Now let’s go, the guys are waiting for me.” Chanyeol started shoving all of Naeun’s things into her bag and swung it over his shoulder and intertwined their hands.

            “fine, I’ll see you girls later?” she said with a defeated look.

They started to walk away before Chanyeol stopped and turned towards JiHye.

            “hey, JiHye, Kai sends his regards and wished if you can go to the performance later too!” he laughed before walking away.

JiHye blushed. The boys snapped their heads towards her.

            “who’s Kai!?” Chunji demanded.

Jihye raised her eyesbrows at him. He had not been paying attention to her at all and just talked to her now.

            “Chanyeol oppa’s friend.”

            “he’s their main dancer and his dancing is as y as Chanyeol oppa’s voice.” Gayoon said dreamily earning a resentful look from her boyfriend.


Gayoon and Jihye laughed.

            “what does he look like?” L.Joe asked curiously.

            “as masculine as Chunji is feminine.” Gayoon grinned everyone started howling in laughter.

Chunji just glared at the whole lot of them.

JiHye hugged his waist to pacify him and it did have a slight effect as he kissed the top of her head. But then she noticed something. Chunji’s shirt smelled of women’s perfume.

            “oppa, why do you smell of women’s perfume?” she asked. CAP heard and looked at them both. While the others were trolling Ricky at how Gayoon was infatuated with Kai.

            “oh that?” he laughed and fished something out of his bag. “here, for you.”

He handed her a box of some expensive perfume. She looked at it not knowing what to think; he knew she didn’t like using perfume often and the scent isn’t really her taste.

            “thanks.” She said half-heartedly. She caught CAP’s gaze who just smiled kindly at her.




JiHye went home feeling a bit dejected as her feeling that Chunji was cheating on her was growing by the day. She threw her bag on the floor and dropped on the couch staring at the box of perfume in her hands.

            “JiHye?” a man’s voice echoed in the empty house.

Upon recognizing the voice, JiHye sat straight up and smiled widely.

            “Siwon oppa?” she called and from the stairs she saw her big brother’s wide smile and arms spread out waiting for her to hug him. “OPPA!” she ran and hugged her brother tight.

            “how’s my little sister doing? You’re growing prettier by the day, I see.” He said ruffling her hair.

            “oppa, I missed you!.” She said her eyes teary.

            “hey don’t cry, oppa is back now. and you know why I’m away, it’s for my studies.”

            “yeah, but at least you’re finally back!” she said hugging him again.

            “c’mon let sit and catch up. I heard from mom that you finally got a boyfriend?” Siwon asked in a serious voice as they sat on the couch.

At the mention of her boyfriend, JiHye looked sad again.

            “what’s wrong?”

            “I think he’s cheating on me, oppa.” She said dejectedly. Siwon’s brows furrowed and knuckles clenched tight.

            “tell me everything.” He said through tight, clenched teeth. “no one cheats on a Choi and gets away with it.”

Jihye poured out everything on her brother, her suspicions about Chunji, how he’s been acting the past few weeks and how she thinks it’s someone older basing on the type of perfume he gave her.

            “how long have you been dating this Chunji guy again?” Siwon asked seriously as soon as she finished explaining.

            “almost 3 months now. He used to be the sweetest guy but he just changed so suddenly.”

Siwon looked at his sister and stared. He knows his sister is a very strong girl and wasn’t the type to mope around in defeat. No matter what the situation is she will always keep her head up and maintain her dignity.

            “hmmm…if he really is cheating and I suspect he is, he needs to be taught a lesson.” Siwon said in a vengeful tone. JiHye shook her head vigorously.

            “oppa, you can’t beat him up! You can’t hurt him!” she said in panic. Chunji is nothing but puny as compared to her big, hulking and muscular brother.

Siwon looked at his sister with an incredulous expression.

            “JiHye-ah, you forgot our motto…we don’t get mad, we--?”

            “get even.” JiHye smiled. Siwon chuckled and ruffled her hair.

            “leave this to oppa, I’ll handle this.” He put his hands together and cracked his fingers and neck. Jihye couldn’t say anything and just nodded.



the next weekend Chunji and his friends were lounging at a bar. All of them got in using fake ids of course and Chunji had his noona girlfriend, SiYeon, by his side. Of course she knew about Chunji’s girlfriend but didn’t mind at all. Having a younger boyfriend who would devote his attention to her was sufficient enough.

However, Chunji’s friends weren’t at all happy with this particular setup, JiHye is their friend too and couldn’t accept this noona as pretty as she was. They’d rather Chunji break up with JiHye formally than keep cheating on her like this.

            “how long do you think hyung can keep this up before JiHye finds out?” Changjo asked.

            “no idea, if I could I’d wring his neck for this.” L.Joe muttered chugging down his beer.

            “hey guys, JiHye is coming.” Chunji suddenly announced.

L.Joe spluttered half his beer back out hitting Ricky straight in the face.


            “yeah, I wanted to meet the school girl and why Chunji decided to cheat on her.” SiYeon said calmly swirling her glass of margarita.

Niel and Changjo glared at her while L.Joe and CAP were muttering curses from under their breaths.




JiHye told Siwon about Chunji’s invitation to the bar and told her not to reply but still go. JiHye had no idea what her big brother was coming but knowing her brother it’s going to be something to humiliate Chunji.

            “the plan will only push through if the girl he’s cheating you with is there. You will know what to do when you’re there. You’re a smart girl after all.” Siwon patted her made up hair.

            “of course, I took after oppa.” JiHye smiled as her brother ushered her to the car.

Siwon had asked his girlfriend Yoona to help doll up his sister to meet this cheating boyfriend of hers. And with a simple make and a pretty white dress, JiHye looked more sophisticated and y without even trying hard.

            “ready?” he asked as soon as they got arrived in front of the Bermuda Triangle.

            “not yet.” She took out the perfume he gave her and sprayed herself twice. Her nose scrunched up. “I really don’t like this scent.” She shoved it back in her bag as her brother ushered her out of the car.

            “ok, you can go straight in, I’ll follow later.”


            “just go, trust me.” he said with a push and a nod to the bouncer.

She sighed and walked in.

Music blasted through from all sides of the bar as soon as JiHye walked down the stairs. Not being used to the place she got disoriented a bit. As opposed to the blasting music the sight inside was quite decent. The people dancing were not what you’d expect like they’re having while dancing. It was just pure good fun.

JiHye started craning her head for Chunji and saw his friends on a booth so she figured he wasn’t that far. She started to walk towards L.Joe who waved his hand at her when he saw her when JiHye saw someone familiar sitting in the bar.

It was Chunji flirting with an obviously much older woman, definitely in her mid-20’s, JiHye observed. She wanted to get mad and approach them but her brother’s words echoed through her mind. ‘Don’t get mad; get even.’

She straightened up and flipped her hair and slowly walked towards the bar deciding to pass him and just walk to his friends when Chunji saw her.

He gave JiHye an arrogant wave of his hand and a patronizing smirk.

JiHye saw his friend glaring at him making her realize they didn’t like how their friend is acting; not one bit.

JiHye just looked at him like a normal acquaintance, then the older woman turned at her and smirked.

            “so she’s the school girl?” she grinned. “not as bad as I expected.”

Chunji just chuckled.

            “you came.” He said.

JiHye was about to reply when she saw someone very familiar waving suavely and walking slowly towards her. Then it clicked.

            “yes, I came.” She replied calmly and smiled. Chunji’s lips twitched. This wasn’t the reaction he was expecting.

            “want to hang out with us?” he said gaining his composure.

            “oh I would love to but I can’t.” Chunji’s friends stared at her blasé reaction.

            “why? I thought you got my message?”

            “message? Oh sorry, oppa I left my phone. I’m here to meet someone.”

            “WHAT!? who?!”

JiHye turned her head and saw the man standing right in front of her.

            “you’re finally here.” He said and kissed her temple. Chunji’s eyes went as wide as marbles and CAP and the other’s got their mouths hanging wide open.

            “sorry I’m late, oppa.” Jihye pouted slightly. He chuckled and puled her towards him.

            “it’s ok, as long as you’re here now.”

SiYeon choked when she saw who the guy was.

            “Yu…Yunho sunbae…” she stammered. Yunho ignored her but looked at Chunji.

            “friend of yours?”

            “yes, my classmate, Chunji.” She smiled.

            “bwo?! Classmate? I’m your boyfriend!” Chunji raised his voice indignantly.

            “as far as I can remember Chunji my boyfriend cheated on me. I don’t have a boyfriend.” JiHye flipped her hair and shrugged.

Yunho grinned.

            “ready to go?” he looked at Jihye then to Chunji. “nice meeting you…Chunji.” He smirked.

Jihye caught sight of Chunji’s friends howling with laughter on their booth as Yunho led her to theirs.

All her life JiHye knew Yunho. He was her brother’s bestfriend and was very much like an older brother to him. As overprotective as Siwon, Yunho would do anything for her and wont let people hurt her get away with it.

            “nice acting, lil sis.” He laughed patting her head.

            “not as good as you, oppa.” Jihye said laughing along.

A few minutes later Siwon arrived with Yoona and Jihye went on to tell them what happened. They would take it in turns to glance innocently around and set their eyes on Chunji who had already left his noona girlfriend and went on to sulk on his friends’ booth occasionally sending glares to Yunho’s direction.

Obviously he wanted to go and have her explain but seeing the size of her 2 male companions, he thought better of it and decided to drown his misery with beer. His friends taunted him about how JiHye had already replaced him with an older guy, a much taller and more handsome and macho guy at that.

Jihye caught L.Joe eyes, they both grinned at each other.

Jihye glanced at Chunji who was drowning himself with a bottle of beer then looked back at L.Joe…

And gave him a wink. ;)




ok so that bit with Chanyeol is from their Youghstreet callout..kekeke


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misskrts #1
Chapter 1: The story is very nice, that's what boys get when they're messing with us. Haha.
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 1: Omg, chunji the bad boy!! Im glad u make me happy ending ! Hahaha for me its happy
Chapter 1: Gaah!! You included the phone call! omg. The kajimaaa part. asdfghjkl. Hahahaha. and i really love this btw. i didnt like the ending of the mv either so.. this is perfect. lol.
mychokyumintchip #4
Chapter 1: Bwahahaha! That is why you don't just go around messing with girls, boys.

P.S. Chanyeol! Shchdhdmshdudh